Passive Voice to Active Voice Set 4 Flashcards
Passive Voice : The book was recommended by the librarian
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The librarian recommended the book
Passive Voice : The project was planned by the team
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The team planned the project
Passive Voice : The report was presented by the employee
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The employee presented the report
Passive Voice : The book was written by the author
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The author wrote the book
Passive Voice : The report was written by the researcher
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The researcher wrote the report
Passive Voice : The novel was adapted by the screenwriter
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The screenwriter adapted the novel
Passive Voice : The novel was written by the author
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The author wrote the novel
Passive Voice : The speech was interrupted by the audience
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The audience interrupted the speech
Passive Voice : The report was submitted by the employee
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The employee submitted the report
Passive Voice : The program was broadcast by the network
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The network broadcast the program
Passive Voice : The mistake was rectified by the technician
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The technician rectified the mistake
Passive Voice : The mistake was avoided by the employee
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The employee avoided the mistake
Passive Voice : The mistake was excused by the manager
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The manager excused the mistake
Passive Voice : The proposal was accepted by the committee
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The committee accepted the proposal
Passive Voice : The product was advertised by the company
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The company advertised the product
Passive Voice : The task was accomplished by the worker
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The worker accomplished the task
Passive Voice : The movie was directed by the filmmaker
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The filmmaker directed the movie
Passive Voice : The problem was identified by the team
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The team identified the problem
Passive Voice : The project was completed by the team
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The team completed the project