Passive Voice to Active Voice Set 2 Flashcards
Passive Voice : The idea was discussed by the team
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The team discussed the idea
Passive Voice : The TV show was canceled by the network
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The network canceled the TV show
Passive Voice : The book was translated by the author
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The author translated the book
Passive Voice : The speech was interrupted by the heckler
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The heckler interrupted the speech
Passive Voice : The robbery was committed by the criminals
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The criminals committed the robbery
Passive Voice : The news was reported by the journalist
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The journalist reported the news
Passive Voice : The proposal was rejected by the board
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The board rejected the proposal
Passive Voice : The decision was opposed by the opposition
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The opposition opposed the decision
Passive Voice : The problem was solved by the mathematician
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The mathematician solved the problem
Passive Voice : The city was founded by the settlers
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The settlers founded the city
Passive Voice : The letter was lost by the post office
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The post office lost the letter
Passive Voice : The message was left by the friend
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The friend left the message
Passive Voice : The movie was produced by Warner Bros.
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : Warner Bros. produced the movie
Passive Voice : The play was written by Shakespeare
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : Shakespeare wrote the play
Passive Voice : The house was rented by the tenant
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The tenant rented the house
Passive Voice : The goal was scored by the striker
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The striker scored the goal
Passive Voice : The game was refereed by the official
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The official refereed the game
Passive Voice : The prize was won by the contestant
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The contestant won the prize
Passive Voice : The idea was inspired by the book
What is the active voice ?
Active Voice : The book inspired the idea