Passive verbs Flashcards
What are the endings for the present tense?
Or Ris Tur Mur Mini Ntur
(Present stem)
What are the endings for the future tense In the first and second declension?
Bor Beris Bitur Bimur Bimini Buntur
(Present stem)
What is the third and fourth declension endings for the future tense?
Ar Eris Etur Emur Emini Entur
(Present stem)
What are the endings for the imperfect tense?
Bar Baris Batur Bamur Bamini Bantur
(Present stem)
What are the endings for the perfect tense?
Amatus -a -um, monitus-a -um, tractus -a -um, auditus-a -um \+ Sum Es Est Sumus Estis Sunt
What’s the endings for the pluperfect tense?
Amatus -a -um, monitus-a -um, tractus -a -um, auditus-a -um \+ Eram Eras Erat Eramus Eratis Erant
What are the present infinitives for the first, second, third and fourth for declensions?
Amari, moneri, trahi, audiri
What’s the perfect infinitives for the first, second, third and fourth declensions?
Amatus -a -um, monitus-a -um, tractus -a -um, auditus-a -um
+ esse
What is the perfect participle?
Amatus -a -um, monitus-a -um, tractus -a -um, auditus-a -um
What are the endings for the imperfect subjunctive?
It is the infinitive plus: R Ris Tur Mur Mini Ntur
What are the endings for the pluperfect subjunctive?
Amatus -a -um, monitus-a -um, tractus -a -um, auditus-a -um \+ Essem Esses Esset Essemum Essetis Essent
How is the present tense translated?
I am (being) loved
How is the future tense translated?
I will be loved/I am going to be loved
How was the imperfect tense translated?
I was being loved/I used to be loved
How is the perfect tense translated?
I have been loved/I was loved