Active Verbs Flashcards
How did the first declension verbs decline
in the present tense?
Amo Amas Amat Amamus Amatis Amant
How did the second declension verbs decline in the present tense?
Moneo Mones Monet Monemus Monetis Monent
How do the third declension verbs decline in the present tense?
Traho Trahis Trahit Trahimus Trahitis Trahunt
How did the fourth declension verbs decline in the present tense?
Audio Audis Audit Audimus Auditis Audiunt
What are the present stems?
How did the first and second declension verbs decline in the future tense?
Amabo Amabis Amabit Amabimus Amabitis Amabunt
Monebo Monebis Monebit Monebimus Monebitis Monebunt
How did the third and fourth declension verbs decline in the future tense?
Traham Trahes Trahet Trahemus Trahetis Trahunt
Audiam Audies Audiet Audiemus Audietis Audient
What are the imperfect tense endings?
All verbs use the present stems.
Bam Bas Bat Bamus Batis Bant
What are the perfect stems?
What are the endings for the perfect tense?
All verbs use the perfect stem.
i isti it imus istis erunt
What are the endings for the pluperfect tense?
All verbs use the perfect stem.
Eram Eras Erat Eramus Eratis Erant
What is the imperative for the first, second, third and fourth detentions.
Amate, monite, trahite, audite
What are the present tense infinitives for the first, second, third and fourth declensions?
Amare, monere, trahere,
What are the future tense infinitives for the first, second, third and fourth declensions?
Amaturus -a -um + esse
Moniturus -a -um + esse
Tracturus -a -um + esse
Auditurus -a -um + esse
What are the perfect tense infinities for the first, second, third and fourth declensions?
How does the present participle decline?
Singular= Amans Amantem Amantis Amanti Amante/i
Plural= Amans Amantes Amantes Amantibus Amantibus
What is the future participle for the first, second, third and fourth declensions?
Amanturus -a -um
Moniturus -a -um
Tracturus -a -um
Auditurus -a -um
How is the present tense translated?
I love/I am loving
How was the future tense translated?
I will love/ I am going to love
How is the imperfect tense translated?
I was loving/I used to love
How is the perfect tense translated?
I have loved/I loved
How is the pluperfect tense translated?
I had loved
How is the imperative translated?
How is the present tense infinitive translated?
To love
How is the future tense infinitive translated?
To be about to love
How is the perfect tense infinitive translated?
To have loved
How is the present tense participle translated?
How is the future tense participle translated?
About to love/intending to love
What stem is used for the imperfect subjunctive?
The infinitive
What are the endings for the imperfect subjunctive?
M S T Mus Tis Nt
How is the pluperfect subjunctive formed?
Perfect stem + isse + m,t,s,mus,tis,nt