passive equity investing Flashcards
+ establishing a threshold level for the change in firm capitalization rank that must be met before move from one index to another index on a reconstitution index.
+ If in buffer zone -> not change
+ if ablove/under bufer zone -> change
EG: conpany rank 150 up then move to the next constitution date
+ Identify: the holdings of the fund may exceed the holdings of the index
+ move a half first on the reconstitution date,
+ the remain move at the next reconstituion date if the stock still meet criteria
exhaustive method
every stock in a defined universe. Eg: the CRSP U.S. Total Market Index
selective method
a subset of stocks within a universe
Eg: the S&P 500 Index or the Dow Jones Industrial Average [DJIA]
factor-based strategies
benchmark return is driven by factors, which are risk exposures can be identified and isolated
pooled investment
look like mutual fund and ETF
rebalance overlay
addresses a portfolio’s need to sell certain constituent securities and buy others
currency overlay
assists a portfolio manager in hedging the returns of securities that are held in a foreign currency back to the home country’s currency
program trading
strategy of buying or selling many stocks simultaneously
full replication
occurs when a manager holds all securities represented
by the index in weightings that closely match the actual index weightings
stratified sampling
index stocks are divided into strata (subsets) based on key risk characteristics.
Random samples of stocks within each strata are selected for inclusion in the portfolio.
The weight of the stocks selected for each strata are such that the portfolio risk factor exposures match those of the index portfolio
+ khi số lượng cp lớn, ko full replicate
+ Các cp kém thanh khoán
Ưu: đỡ tốn kém
+ Sai số mô phỏng lớn
blended approach
with some index have many heterogenous stock, should use blended approach, include:
+ full replication for large liquid index
+ stratified / optimization for the stock thinly traded.
cash drag
uninvested cash in portfolio
optimization method
+ use multi factor model to match the risk exposure of index and individual securities: market cap, beta, industry, interest rate
+ Use when minimize tracking risk but full replication face high transaction cost
basis risk
Basis risk results from using a hedging instrument that is imperfectly matched to the investment being hedged.
Basis risk can arise when the underlying securities pay dividends, while the futures contract tracks only the price of the underlying index.
security lending
related to proxy right
Characteristic of equity index used as a benchmark
(1) rules based
(2) transparent, and
(3) investable
Rules-based when building
(1) including and excluding stocks in the portfolio,
(2) the weighting scheme
(3) the rebalancing frequency
the characteristics:
+ consistence,
+ objective,
+ collectable
4 Methods of index-weighting
(1) market-cap weighting
(2) price weighting
(3) equal weighting
(4) fundamental weighting
Herfindahl - Hishman Index (HHI)
HHI = Total (weighted)^2
Note: only include securities, not include cash
(đã hỏi trong đề mock test)
effective number of stocks
effective number of stocks = 1/HHI
3 types of passive factor-based strategies
(1) Return-oriented strategies
(2) Risk-oriented strategies
(3) Diversification-oriented strategies
Return-oriented strategies
focus on:
+ dividend yield,
+ momentum, and
+ fundamentally weighted
Risk-oriented strategies
focus on:
+ volatility weighting
+ simple to understand
+ provide risk reduction
+ based on past return data
+ not reflect future conditions & outcomes