Parturition Flashcards
Process by which conceptus is expelled from the uterus
- Fetus dictates when it comes out, not the mother
- Conceptus consists of: foetus, placenta & foetal membranes
- Parturition requires: simultaneous cervical remodelling & Co-ordinated myometrial contractions
Stages of Labour
- 1st stage: Regular uterine contractions, cervical mucous plug removed, cervical shortens & dilates- can be particularly long in human/ bitch
- Latent phase: cervix slowly dilates to 3cm (human)
- Active phase: rapid dilation of cervix
- 2nd stage: complete delivery of foetus, rupture of membranes & abdominal contractions
- 3rd stage: placental expulsion
Myometrial Contractions
Myometrium consists of smooth muscle fibres, nerves, blood & lymph
In pregnancy, oestrogens induce muscle cell hypertrophy (50 to 500μm) ↑ force of contraction
Muscle cells behave as a syncytium being electrically coupled via gap junctions–> simultaneous activation of all the SM cells –> coordinated uterine contraction
How the Myometrium contracts
- Progesterone hyperpolarises the myometrial membrane–> harder to reach threshold potential (-50 mV)
- Spontaneous depolarizing pacemaker potentials occur-If magnitude of these potentials > critical threshold–> burst of APs is superimposed on the pacemaker potentials–> ↑ in intracellular Ca+2 occurs which binds to regulatory sites on actin & myosin allowing expression of ATPase activity–> contraction
Direct Regulation of Myometrial Contraction
- Oxytocin – Lowers the excitation threshold of muscle cells
- Prostaglandins – Stimulates liberation of Ca+2 from intracellular stores
Contraction- Frequency
- At onset of labour large contractions occur which progressively ↑ in frequency & amplitude
- Pressure ↑ from 10mmHg between contractions to 50-100mmHg
- Contractions –> retraction of the lower uterine segment & cervix upwards –>Creating a birth canal
- Myometrial cells undergo brachystasis (contract & shorten, but don’t regain original relaxed length)
- Uterine muscles retract, uterine wall thickens & uterine volume ↓–> forces the fetus out
- Uterus divided into 2 segments: Upper segment (contractions), Lower segment (passive, no contractions)
- Retraction ring= Junction between 2 segments- palpation provides ongoing index of labour progression
Cervical Remodelling
- Cervix has high CT content: Collagen fibre bundles & proteoglycan matrix
- CT resists stretch, allows distension of body of uterus whilst maintaining cervix in a closed state
- Collagen is made up of helical strands of amino acids bound together to form fibrils
- For delivery, cervical remodelling is needed, divided into 4 distinct, but overlapping phases:
- Softening–> Ripening –>Dilation–> Postpartum repair
Cervical Softening
- The process of softening starts during the first trimester (a measurable decrease in tissue compliance)
- Softening involves a gradual change in the intercellular matrix – NOT very well understood!
- Reduction of collagen fibres
- Structural changes to collagen: ↑GAG as pregnancy proceeds –> ↓aggregation of collagen fibres
- keratin sulphate (which does not bind collagen) increases the most
- dermatan sulphate (which binds very tightly to collagen) ↓
Cervical Ripening
- For the fetus to move out of the uterus, the softened cervix must “ripen“ & subsequently “dilate”
- Cervical ripening occurs rapidly in the days before birth = maximal loss of tissue compliance & integrity
- It seems “like” a pro-inflammatory reaction:
- ↑ vascularization, Influx of monocytes, ↑ level of IL6 & IL8
- A GAG, high molecular weight forms of hyaluronan (HA) ↑ during ripening & as dilation gets underway, the low molecular weight forms of HA ↑ due to an ↑ in hyaluronidase
Cervical Dilation
- Involves ↑ in: viscoelastibility, tissue distensibility, hydration, disorganization of the collagen matrix & levels of matrix metaloproteinases
Hormonal Control of Cervical remodelling
- Prostaglandins are thought to regulate cervical softening – mechanism= unknown
- The cervix produces: prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), prostacyclin (PGI2). prostaglandin F2α(PGF2α)
- Production of prostaglandin increases at term and during parturition
- Application of PGE2 & PGF2α to the vagina or cervix induces cervical compliance
- PGs might facilitate cervical compliance by:
- Inducing collagen breakdown
- Altering GAG/proteoglycan composition
- Inducing leucocytic migration by causing release of IL8
- Nitric Oxide- another possible agent that induces cervical ripening as inhibition of iNOS prevents ripening & NO induces release of PGs
- Relaxin- essential for cervical softening in the sow- not absolutely essential in other species (tends to be PGs)
- CL= Major source of relaxin (↑ risk of premature delivery in women with multiple CL after superovulation)
Regulation of Prostaglandins
- Uterus important site of prostaglandin synthesis, ↑ synthesis is required for parturition
- Oestrogen induces liberation of PLA2 from lysosomes (labilises lysosomal membranes) & ↑ number of endometrial oxytocin receptors (contractions cannot occur without these)
- Progesterone inhibits release of PLA2 (stabilises lysosomal membranes)
- ↑ oestrogen/progesterone ratio–> ↑ prostaglandin production
Regulation of Oxytocin
- “Ferguson reflex“- neuroendocrine reflex –>self-sustaining cycle of uterine contractions:
- Fetus causes pressure on the internal end of the cervix –>signals PVN & SON of the hypothalamus–>oxytocin released from P.pituitary stimulates uterine contractions, which in turn ↑ pressure on the cervix–> oxytocin release (positive feedback loop)
- Oxytocin acts to: ↑ myometrial contraction (+ve feedback loop) & ↑ prostaglandin release
Onset of Parturition
Removal of progesterone–> ↑ in oestrogen: progesterone ratio–> parturition