Parturition Flashcards



What are cardivascular changes from utero to extra-utero for the neonate? What are some complications that can occur?

Describe the physiological challenges a newborn animal faces as it transitions from life in the uterus to extra-uterine
life. Describe how these challenges are accommodated by organ system changes and how the organ systems need to
interact to result in a healthy newborn.


The closure of fetal shunts is driven my respiration. neonates need intravascular pressure (blood volume) to drive shunt closure and blood flow changes.

Neonates are born with a certain degree of hypoxia. Prolonged delivery can exacerbate this and cause respiratory and lactic acdiosis (neonatal asphyxia)

Increased hypoxia can cause hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) which could make it hard for neonate to adapt and nurse

review: oxygenated blood enters the umbilical cord, bypasses the liver through the ductous venosus to the inferior vena cava and then the right atrium.

fetal pulmonary vascular resistance is high and systemic vascular resistance is low - this changes after birth.

blood from the right atrium enters through the one way flap of the foramen ovale in the left atrium. blood in the pulmonary artery passes through the ductous arteriosus in the aorta.

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