Parturient Surgery & Coexisting Disease - Quiz 3 Flashcards
What are indications for a C-Section?
Failure to Progress
Fetal Distress
Previous C/S
Mom’s or Baby’s Condition making Vaginal Delivery Unsafe
What is Local Infiltration?
Surgeon places Local
Rare and in Extreme Cases
Midline Incision w/ No Uteral Exteriorization
Supplements Regional
What is the most common type of Anesthesia for C-Sections?
Safer than General
Epidural Cath already in
Less Baby Depression
Mom can witness birth
What are indications for General Anesthesia for a C-Section?
Severe Fetal Distress
No time for block
Epidural Catheter Nonfunction
Inadequate Regional
Patient Refusal of Block
While under General, what should be avoided in the Parturient?
How does General Anesthesia affect the baby’s Apgar?
Lower @ 1 Minute
Same @ 5 Minutes
What should be done for a Parturient who has a difficult airway?
Early Induction of Epidural Analgesia
Consider Awake Fiberoptic Intubation
What are some Aspiration Prophylaxis meds?
- Antacid - Sodium Citrate - Lasts 15 min & give to all
- Ranitidine (Zantac) - H2 blocker
- Reglan - decrease gastric volume, antiemetic, & inhibited by opioids
- NPO x 6 hrs
Since parturients have Increased O2 consumption & Decreased FRC, what is critically important before Induction?
Preoxygenate & Denitrogenate w/ 100% O2 x 3 minutes
What is the Induction dose for Propofol?
2 - 2.8 mg/kg
Crosses placenta
Which Induction agent is useful for a Hemorrhaging Parturient?
Ketamine 1 - 1.5 mg/kg
Causes HTN & Dysphoria
Which inductions meds are NOT normally used for induction in the Parturient?
Versed - more neonatal depression than other meds
Etomidate - Adrenal supression of baby
N2O - Interferes w/ B12 Metabolism
Why are all NMBs safe for the Parturient?
Hydrophillic charged = little placental transfer
Atypical Pseudocholinesterse = paralyzed baby
How is Anesthesia maintained During & After delivery under General?
- Before Delivery:
- 50% N20 + 2/3 MAC before delivery
- 1.2 MAC + 2-3 mcg/kg Fentanyl
- After Delivery
- N2O + 0.5 MAC + Versed
How does General vs. Regional affect Neonatal Depression?
No difference
Only the time from Uterine Incision to Delivery matters d/t Uterine Artery Spasm
What are the Advantages of Epidurals for C-Sections?
Tailored Dose
Prolong block for longer procedures
Post-Op Pain Control
Hemodynamic Stability
What are Disadvantages to Epidurals for C-Sections?
Block not as good as Spinal
Still may need General for Surgery
What is the highest cause of death associated w/ Regionals for C-Sections?
LA Toxicity, then High Spinals
What are the CV effects of a High Block?
Sympathectomy of Lower Extremity & Splanchnic Beds
↓Venous Return
What are the Pulmonary Effects of Epidurals?
Inspiration: None
Expiration: Low Pressures & Flows = Feeling of Dyspnea
Reassure Patient
What is the Ideal Height of an Epidural Block for a C-Section?
T4 - T8
How should pain be managed w/ an Epidural before a C-Section Incision?
Fentanyl 100 - 150 mcg
How should breakthrough pain be managed during a C-Section?
5cc Local Bolus
Ketamine 10mg
Local Infiltrate by Surgeon
Convert to GA
Why are Spinals sometimes used over Epidurals for C-Sections?
Dense block w/ single shot
Defined Endpoint: CSF Flow = Good
No Risk for Intravascular Injection
Easy & No Catheter
What are Disadvantages of Spinals vs. Epidurals for C-Sections?
Finite - cant give more
PDPH risk
Total Spine Risk
Maternal Hypotension
Laboring women have less hypotension w/ Spinals than Non-Laboring women: True or False?
How effective is Prehydration in the Parturient w/ preventing Hypotension?
Not effective - does not stay intravascular long + ANP increase causes diuresis
What is the drug of choice in treating Hypotension in the Parturient?
Also Ephedrine, but increases risk of fetal acidosis
What are some considerations w/ using Tetracaine?
Slow Onset
Long Duration
What are some considerations w/ using Lidocaine?
Short Acting
Neuro Symptoms
What are some considerations w/ using Bupivacaine?
Best Choice
Fast Onset
Intermediate Duration
How much Pitocin should be given after C-Section Delivery?
20 units of Pitocin in 1L Bag
30 units of Pitocin in 500cc Bag
What are the risks to the fetus during Non-OB surgeries in the Parturient?
Effect of Disease
Fetal Development d/t Anesthetic Agents
Uterine Blood Flow
Preterm Labor
How does Pregnancy affect Anesthesia?
↑Sensitivities to Neuraxial Agents
↓Plasma Cholinesterase
↓Protein Binding
Which drug was shown to have teratogenic effects in rats?
Other gases not teratogenic in humans
When is it safe for patients to have elective surgery after giving birth?
6 weeks after delivery
Hyperthyroidism causes the Myocardium to be sensitive to __________
Hyperthyroidism causes the Myocardium to be sensitive to catecholamines
What are the Anesthetic considerations for caring for a Parturient w/ Hyperthyroidism?
May be on Propranolol which exacerbates Hypotension from Subarachnoid Block
Titrate pressors carefully - more sensitive
What can Pheochromocytoma look like particularly in the Parturient?
Epidural Preferred
DONT Beta-Block before Alpha Blocking first
How does pregnancy affect Bronchial Asthma?
May improve d/t Bronchodilation
Give Methylxanthines, Steroids, B-Adrenergics
Prefer Epidural > Spinal > GA
What drugs should be avoided in Parturients w/ Bronchial Asthma?
General Anesthesia
H2 Blockers - Rinitidine, Cimetidine
What Induction meds should be used for parturients w/ Bronchial Asthma?
Atropine or Robinul
Paraplegic Parturients have Autonomic Hyperreflexia & Preterm Labor Risk, what are the symptoms?
Triggered by Skin Stimulation & Bladder/Uterus Distension
Pilomotor Erection
Severe HTN
How is Autonomic Hyperreflexia prevented in the Paraplegic Parturient?
Early Epidural Analgesia preferred over SAB
Avoid Sux d/t Hyperkalemia Risk
What are the two presenting patterns of Multiple Sclerosis?
Exacerbating Remitting - abrupt attacks resolving over months
Chronic Progressive
What are symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis?
Loss of CNS Myelin
Impaired Vision
Bladder/Bowel Dysfunction
Labile Emotions
How is Multiple Sclerosis treated?
No Cure
How does pregnancy affect Multiple Sclerosis?
Slight Relapse Risk d/t stress, exhaustion, infection, and fever
No negative effects overall
What are concerns regarding Neuraxial blocks w/ Multiple Sclerosis?
Toxicity d/t Demyelinated Spinal Cord
Dont use > 0.25% Bupivacaine
What should be avoided in parturients w/ Multiple Sclerosis?
Avoid Sux - muscles already weak
Maintain normal temps
What is the main concern w/ Parturients who have Brain Tumors?
Brain Herniation & Death
Avoid Dural Puncture
Consider IV pain control, Lumbar & Pudendal Blocks, or GETA
What is Pseudotumor cerebri?
Benign Intracranial Hypertension unrelated to a mass
OK for Epidural/Spinal
What special considerations should you take for Parturients w/ Epilepsy?
None - Proceed as normal
What is the pathophysiology of Myasthenia Gravis?
Progressive muscle weakness
ACTH receptor destruction
Effects Women 3x > Men
Treat w/ Neostigmine or Edrophonium
How does pregnancy affect Myasthenia Gravis?
Cholinergic Crisis - may need more Neostigmine
What meds are Contraindicated for Parturients w/ Myasthenia Gravis?
Some ABX’s
Mag Sulfate
Beta-Adrenergerics - Ritodrine, Terbutaline
How does Myathenia Gravis affect Anesthetic Management?
1/2 MAC
1/2 Intubation Doses
More sensitive to NMBs, Opioids, & Locals
What are symptoms of a Cholinergic crisis related to Myathenia Gravis?
Profound Muscle Weakness
Resp. Failure
Loss of Bowel/Bladder Function
What is used to treat a Cholinergic Crisis?
IV & IM Atropine
What is Sickle Cell Disease?
Recessive Gene Blood Disorder
RBCs are abnormal, rigid, sickle shaped - pain, viscosity, auto-amputation
Shortened Life Span
Which form of Sickle Cell Disease causes the most problems for Parturients?
Homozygous/Rare Sickle Cell (HgbSS/HgbSC) - severe anemia & preeclampsia
Heterozygous (HgbAS) - no problems
What factors may cause a Sickle Cell Crisis?
What is the most common type of VonWillebrand Disease (vWF)?
Type 1 - Treat w/ DDAVP
DONT use DDAVP w/ Type 3 - worsens bleed
Relative contraidication to Neuraxial blocks
What is Factor V Leiden?
Factor V CANNOT be inactivated by Protein C = Hypercoagulability
How are parturients w/ Factor V Leiden managed?
- Early pregnancy Lovenox, then Heparin
- Prophylactic Heparin - Hold 12 hrs before block
- Therapuetic Heparin - Hold 24 hrs before block
- Evaluate Anti-Xa
What do Protein C & Protein S do?
Work w/ Factors Va & VIIIa to inhibit clot formation
What might Phospholipid & Cardiolipid Antibodies suggest?
What causes Diffuse Inflammation in Lungs, Pericardium, Pleura, Sclera, and Subcutaneous nodular lesions?
Rheumatoid Arthritis
What are Anesthetic problems related to Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Difficult airway d/t ↓Neck Mobility & Hardened Arytenoids
Difficult Epidural/Spinal needle placement
Restrictive Lung Disease
What are the CV issues regarding Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Atypical Angina
What is Lupus?
Multisystem Inflammatory Disease d/t Auto-Antibodies against cell membrane
Effects Black, Asian, and Native American Women in childbearing years
What are problems with Maternal Opioid Addiction?
Difficult IV Access
Mom & Baby Withdrawal Symptoms
↑O2 Consumption
↑Preterm Labor & Low Birth Weight
↑Maternal Hypovolemia & Adrenal Insufficiency
What are the risks invovled w/ Maternal Alcohol Addiction?
Clotting Abnormalities
↑Gastric Volume & Acidity
What are problems w/ Maternal Amphetamine Addiction?
↑MAC & Gas = Uterine Atony
Catecholamine Depletion
What does cocaine do to the parturient & baby?
Vasoconstricts - ↓UBF
HTN & Tachycardia
↑Congenital Abnormalities
Growth Retardation
Low Birth Weight
How does Cocaine affect Local Anesthetics?
↓Plasma Cholinesterase - prolongs NMB & LA
How does HIV affect Pregnancy?
No Effect, but can cause paralysis, ataxia, encephalitis, and coma
How can HIV cause a difficult airway?
Pharyngeal Lymphatic Hypertrophy
In parturients w/ Cardiac Disease, what can reverse a L -> R shunt & Cyanosis?
Hypotension - be careful w/ SAB’s w/ these patients