parts of speech Flashcards
concrete noun
a name of thing that can be detected by the senses (sight, touch, taste etc)
Abstract noun
It can be a quality (cleverness, height) or a state of emotion (poverty, happiness) or an action (laughter, flight) you cannot see or touch it
Proper nouns
name of particular things, identifying specific places (Auckland, India), people and brand names beginning with a capital letter
Common nouns
Are those that are give a name common to a number of things (man, country)
Collective noun
which stand for a number of objects but are singular themselves (a flock of sheep)
Demonstrative pronoun
this, that, these, those
Relative pronoun
who, whom, which, that
Interrogative pronoun
Who? which? that?
My, mine, your, yours, his, hers, its, our, ours, their
Indefinite (or distributive) pronoun
Anybody, everyone, each, both, either, neither, none, one, somebody
Myself, yourself, himself, herself ,itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
The noun you are replacing with a pronoun
Definite - the
Indefinite - a,an
Auxiliary verbs
Show tense may, might, shall, will
I have seen the light
Finite verb
a verb that has a subject and has a specific tense
the dog barked