Partnerships Flashcards
What is a partnership? How is a Partnership formed? What type of partnership is formed when the basic requirements are met?
A partnership is (1) an association of two or more persons (2) to carry on as co-owners (3) a business for profit. This is a General Partnership.
- This is regardless of whether the parties intend to form a partnership.
What factors go into whether an association rises to the level of a partnership?
- PROFIT sharing (by far the most important!)
- Right to participate in CONTROL of the business (even if never exercised)
- Loss sharing
What presumption applies when business associates are sharing profits? What circumstances do away with this presumption?
When people in business together are sharing profits, there is a LEGAL PRESUMPTION that they are partners.
- Getting profits in payment of a loan or rent does not create this presumption.
What presumption applies when business associates share revenues?
The sharing of gross revenues (revenue - expenses = profits) does not create any legal presumptions (unlike sharing profits).
What is a Partnership by Estoppel?
If a partnership was, in fact, not formed, partnership liability can be imposed to protect third parties.
- Do they hold themselves out to the world as if they are partners?
- It’s on a creditor-to-creditor basis–depends on who actually relied on the representations.
Is a partnership a legal entity distinct from its owners?
Yes. It’s considered different from the owners/partners.
How is a general partnership managed?
Unless otherwise agreed, all partners have equal rights as to the management of the business. They have equal votes.
- Ordinary business decisions require a majority vote.
- Matters outside of the ordinary course of business (extraordinary business decisions) require a unanimous vote.
What are partners’ default rights to salary? Why are these their rights?
No default salary because they’re getting profit distributions.
- Most partnership agreements change this.
How are profits shared among partners (default)? What about losses?
Unless otherwise agreed, profits are shared equally.
Unless otherwise agreed, losses are shared in the same manner as profits.
What liability does a partnership have for third party torts caused by a partner or employee?
A partnership is liable for third party torts when a partner or employee acting in the ordinary course of business of the partnership or authority of the partnership commits a tort.
When is a partnership liable for contracts?
A partnership is liable for contracts entered into on its behalf by partners with actual or apparent authority.
How can actual authority be created under a partnership?
- Partnership agreement
- Requisite vote of the partners
- Filing Statement of Partnership Authority with the Secretary of State and county (in the case of real property). This document files publicly limited partner’s authority to transfer real property.
— NOTE: Third parties are benefited by filed grants of authority and are not burdened by filed restrictions of authority unless it’s for real property.
How is apparent authority created under a partnership?
- A partner is automatically an agent under agency law and has apparent authority unless the third party has actual notice otherwise (when the contract is in the ordinary course of business); NOTE: this cannot be changed by agreement!
What liability is there for partners in a general partnership?
Each partner in a general partnership is jointly and severally liable for partnership obligations (tort and contract).
- The plaintiff must first exhaust partnership interests before coming after the partners’ personal assets (the partners are essentially guarantors).
How can new partners be admitted into a partnership?
As a default rule, new partners can be admitted via a UNANIMOUS vote.
To whom do partners in a general partnership owe fiduciary duties?
To the partnership AND to the other partners.
What duties do partners in a general partnership owe?
- Duty of loyalty
- Duty of care
- Duty of disclosure
What is the statutory Duty of Loyalty owed by partners in a general partnership?
This duty requires each partner (1) to account to the partnership for any BENEFIT derived by the partner in conducting the partnership business, using the partnership’s property, or appropriating a partnership opportunity; (2) to refrain from dealing with the partnership in the conduct of its business as (or on behalf of) a party having an interest ADVERSE to the partnership; and (3) to refrain from COMPETING with the partnership in the conduct of its business.
- Generally, must treat everyone with fairness!
What is the statutory Duty of Care owed by partners in a general partnership?
The duty of care requires each partner to refrain from engaging in GROSSLY NEGLIGENT or reckless conduct, intentional misconduct, or a knowing violation of law.
What is the statutory Duty of Disclosure owed by partners in a general partnership?
A partner also has a duty to provide complete and accurate information concerning the partnership. The duty of disclosure is a statutory duty rather than a fiduciary one (although some judicial opinions treat it as fiduciary in nature). R.U.P.A. provides that each partner and the partnership shall furnish to a partner (1) WITHOUT DEMAND, any information concerning the partnership’s business and affairs reasonably required for the proper exercise of the partner’s rights and duties; and (2) ON DEMAND, any other information concerning the partnership’s business and affairs (except to the extent the demand or the information demanded is unreasonable or otherwise improper under the circumstances).
What rights do partnerships and partners have in partnership property?
The partnerships rights in partnership property are totally unrestricted.
A partner is not a co-owner of partnership property and has no interest in partnership property which can be transferred (the partnership is an entity; the partnership itself, not the partners, owns its property.) A partner can simply use partnership property for partnership purposes.
What is a Partnership Interest?
A partner’s ownership stake in the partnership. This is the partner’s/owner’s personal property.
- Analogous to stock.
What rights accompany a partnership interest?
- Financial rights: right to receive profit distributions
- Management rights: right to participate in management, receive information, etc. (everything else!)
What rights may and may not a partner transfer (default)?
Unless otherwise agreed, a partner CANNOT unilaterally transfer his management rights. They cannot create a new partner.
Unless otherwise agreed, a partner CAN unilaterally transfer his financial rights (distributions from the partnership. The transferor is still the partner, not the transferee.
What is Dissociation in Partnerships? What is Dissociation by Express Will?
A partner’s withdrawal from a partnership.
- EX: Dissociation by Express Will: Giving notice of an intention to withdraw (partner voluntarily leaves).
What is Wrongful Dissociation? What liability applies?
A partner will be deemed to have wrongfully dissociated if the dissociation is in breach of an express term in the partnership agreement. A dissociation is also wrongful in a term partnership if the partner withdraws, is expelled, or becomes bankrupt before the end of the term. A partner who wrongfully dissociates is liable to the partnership for any damages caused by the dissociation.
What is an At-Will Partnership?
An “at-will partnership” is one where the partners have not agreed to remain partners until the expiration of a definite term or the completion of a particular undertaking.
- This is the default form of partnership.
- Most partnerships are this type.
What is a Term Partnership?
A “term partnership” is a partnership where the partners have agreed, explicitly or implicitly, to remain partners for a definite term or until the completion of a particular undertaking.
What are the consequences of Dissociation?
FOR PARTNERSHIP: When a partner dissociates from a partnership, one of two statutory avenues is implicated: (1) the partnership is dissolved and that its business must be wound up. This means that the partnership business will be liquidated; OR (2) the partnership continues in existence with the dissociated partner becoming entitled to a buyout of their partnership interest.
FOR PARTNER: Upon a partner’s dissociation, their right to participate in management ceases. The partnership must purchase (buy out) their interest at either liquidation or going-concern value, and must indemnify them against known pre-dissociation liabilities, as well as against post-dissociation liabilities not incurred by the dissociating partner’s acts.
What terms apply to a partner who has dissociated wrongfully from the partnership?
A partner who wrongfully dissociates before the expiration of a partnership term or completion of a particular undertaking is not entitled to payment of the buyout price until the term expires or the undertaking is completed, unless they can establish that earlier payment will not cause undue hardship to the partnership business. Interest must be paid on the buyout price from the date of dissociation to the date of payment.
Can a dissociating partner force a term partnership to dissolve?
In a term partnership, if one partner dissociates wrongfully, or if a dissociation occurs because of a partner’s death or bankruptcy, dissolution and winding up of the partnership are required only if, within 90 days after the dissociation, at least one-half of the remaining partners agree to wind up the partnership.
Can a dissociating partner force an at-will partnership to dissolve?
Yes. When an at-will partner voluntarily leaves (Dissociation by Express Will), the dissociating partner can force the partnership to dissolve.
When a partner dissociates from a partnership, what liabilities is he still subject to? How can he protect against these liabilities?
Liabilities incurred prior to the dissociation and ones incurred within two years after the dissociation.
- Can protect from this by notifying creditors directly of the dissociation or by filing a notice of the dissociation with the Secretary of State (and this take effect after 90 days from the filing).
Does a dissociated partner have authority to bind the partnership?
Yes, for a period not exceeding two years after the dissociation from the partnership.
What is the priority of distribution of partnership assets when winding up?
(1) Creditors (outside and inside, which are partners); (2) reimburse partners for capital contributions; and (3) Partners based on profit sharing.
Does a partnership continue after dissolution?
Yes, the partnership continues to exist after dissolution until the partnership is wound up.
What result in liability when a partner wrongfully dissociates from a partnership?
They will be liable for the damages they caused as a result.
- At-will partnerships may have no damages involved.
What is a Limited Partnership? How is this formed?
A partnership with at least one general partner and one limited partner. Must file a Certificate of Limited Partnership with the state (a filing that must be made to form a limited partnership).
- These are a good form for businesses that need funding (protects the people providing funding).
What are general partners in Limited Partnerships? What to rights do they have? What is necessary for business activities?
The general partners are the managers of the LP. Each one has equal rights. A vote among the general partners is generally necessary for business activities.
What are limited partners in Limited Partnerships? What voting rights do they have?
The limited partners have no management rights. They provide the money for operations.
- Only voting for extraordinary events (not general business activities).
What is the default rule for profit payment in Limited Partnerships?
Limited partnership profits are paid out based on capital contribution.
What is the default rule for liabilities in Limited Partnerships?
General partners have the same liability as with general partnerships (they’re jointly and severally liable personal guarantors after the business assets are exhausted).
The limited partners are not personally liable for the LP’s obligations solely by being a limited partner.
What fiduciary duties do limited partners in an LP have?
What fiduciary duties do general partners in an LP have?
The same duties as those in a general partnership (duties of loyalty, care, etc.)
What is a Limited Liability Partnership?
A general partnership where all of the partners have limited liability.
What is a Limited Liability Limited Partnership?
A limited partnership in which everyone has limited liability.
How is an LLP or LLC formed?
File a document with the state. include name of partnership, partners, etc.
What is a Limited Liability Company? What are the owners called?
A hybrid of corporation and partnership where owners have limited liability and partnership tax treatment.
The owners are called members.
What is the default of who manages an LLC?
As a default, the LLC is managed by all of its members.
What are the primary types of LLC management structures?
- Member-managed LLC: LLC where the members handle the management of the LLC themselves.
- Manager-Managed LLC: LLC where managers, who may or may not be members, handle management.
What rights may an LLC member transfer?
As with partnerships, an LLC member can transfer financial rights–not management rights (pick your partner rule).
When is an LLC dissolved?
- Event which the operating agreement says causes dissolution
- Consent of all the members
- 90 consecutive days where there are no members
- Judicial dissolution (applied for by member)