Partnership Flashcards
Formed as soon as 2 or more persons associate to carry on as co-owners a biz for profit, regardless of whether pty’s subjectively intend to form a p/s
Once formed, considered to be a legal entity distinct from partners
Factors implying an agmt
Sharing of profits
Intent of the pty’s
Sharing of profits
Presumed to be a partner unless profits were rec’d in payment of a debt, as wages/other compensation, as rent, or as interest on a loan
Can rebut w/ ∑ suggesting lack of co-ownership, such as no rt to control or no sharing of losses, something that owners would typically share
Not req by p/s law, but may be req by SOF
P/S by estoppel
If no p/s was formed in fact, pty’s may still be liable as if they were partners to protect reas reliance by 3rd pty’s
P/S agmt
Not req
Watch out for bc p/s law allows partners to K around almost all statutory provisions
UOA, all partners have equal rt’s in the mgmt of the biz and equal votes
Decisions re matters w/in the ordinary course of the biz req maj vote of the partners
Matters outside the ordinary course of the biz req consent of all partners
Sharing profits and losses
UOA, profits are shared equally among partners (by #)
UOA, losses are shared in same manner as profits
Tort liability
P/S is liable for loss or injury caused to a person as a result of the tortious conduct of a partner acting in the ordinary course of the p/s biz or with auth of the p/s
K liability
Actual auth
Apparent auth
Actual auth
Can be created by
- p/s agmt or by requisite vote of partners (maj vote for ordinary course of biz matters) or
- p/s filing stmt of p/s auth w/ Sec of St
Apparent auth
P/S stat states that a partner has apparent auth to bind p/s to transaxn’s w/in the ordinary course of the biz, unless partner had no auth to act for p/s in the particular matter and the 3rd pty is aware that partner lacks actual auth
Exists if p/s holds a partner out as possessing certain auth, thereby inducing others to reas believe that auth exists
Liability of partners
Each partner is jointly and severally liable for all p/s obligations, whether arising in tort or K
π must exhaust p/s resources before seeking to collect from an individual partner’s assets
Where 1 partner pays a p/s obligation, he’s entitled to indemnification from p/s
Partners can’t limit 3rd pty rt’s w/o 3rd pty’s consent - limiting liability to 3rd pty’s
A newly admitted partner isn’t personally liable for p/s obligations that arose before his admission
Duty of loyalty
Duty of care
Duty of disclosure
Duty of loyalty
Good faith and fair dealing
- acct to p/s any benefit derived by partner in conducting p/s biz, using p/s’s prop or appropriating p/s opportunity
- refrain from dealing w/ p/s in the conduct of its biz as, or on behalf of, a pty having an interest adverse to the p/s
- refrain from competing w/ p/s in conduct of its biz