Particles and Waves Flashcards
Bohr model of the atom – Ionisation level
The energy level an electron is in when it has zero potential energy and can escape from the atom.
Fraunhofer lines
Absorption lines in the spectrum of sunlight. These give evidence for the composition of the suns outer atmosphere
Absolute refractive index
The ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to to the speed of light in a medium
Power per unit area I=P/A
These are the force mediating particles. Photons (electromagnetic force), W and Z bosons (weak nuclear force), gluons (strong nuclear force) & Higgs boson
Snell’s Law
n = sinθ1/sinθ2 = λ1/λ2 = v1/v2
Emission spectrum
Range of frequencies emitted when electrons fall to lower energy levels. Each element has a unique emission spectrum.
Point source of light
A source of light coming from a single point and giving off light in all directions e.g. small light bulb or a distant star.
I = k/d2 for a point source. I1 d1^2= I2 d2^2
Absorption spectrum
Range of frequencies absorbed when electrons rise to higher energy levels. Each element has a unique absorption spectrum.
This is evidence for the wave model of light
Hadrons consisting of 3 quarks
Orders of magnitude
1x103 is 3 orders of magnitude smaller than 2.4x106
Photoelectric effect
This is evidence for the particle model of light. Photons of a sufficient energy can eject electrons from the surface of a material (photoemission).
What does E = mc2 represent?
In nuclear fission and fusion reactions mass is lost. This lost mass is converted into energy
Hadrons consisting of quark - anti-quark pairs
Nuclear Fusion reactors
Require charged particles at very high temperature (plasma) which have to be contained by magnetic fields
Coherent Waves
Waves that have the same frequency and constant phase difference
These are the matter particles. Consisting of quarks (Six types: up, down, charm, strange, top, bottom) and leptons (electron, muon and tau, together with their neutrinos).
Define electric field
A region where a charged particle experiences a force
Threshold Frequency
Minimum frequency of a photon required for photon emission
Beta decay
This was the first evidence for the neutrino
Define voltage (potential difference)
Work don per coulomb of charge
Composite particle consisting of quarks.
Relationship between refractive index and critical angle
sin θc = 1 / n
Work Function
Minimum energy of photon required for photon emission
Right hand rule for finding the direction of the force on charged particles moving in a magnetic field.
First finger = Direction of magnetic field (N to S)
Middle finger = direction of electron current.
Thumb = direction of the force on the particle.
Refractive index and frequency relationship
Refractive index of a medium increases as the frequency of incident radiation increases.
Constructive Interference
Occurs when 2 waves with a phase difference of an integer multiple of wavelengths meet and combine. Path difference =m λ
Critical Angle
The angle of incidence when the angle of refraction is equal to 90 degrees.
Electron kinetic energy=energy of photon - work function
Electric field patterns for single point charges.
A positive charged has lines uniformly coming out from a single point with arrows pointing out the way, negative charge lines should be uniformly surrounding the charge with arrows pointing in the way
Total internal reflection
This occurs whenever the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle.
Destructive Interference
Occurs when 2 waves with a phase difference of an integer multiple of 1/2 wavelengths meet and combine. Path difference = (m+1/2) λ
Diffraction grating formula
m λ = d sin θ
m = order of maximum λ = wavelength of source d = distance between slits θ = angle from the central (zero order) maximum
Electric field patterns for pairs of point charges.
If both charges are negative all field lines surrounding will push each other away,
If one negative one positive the field lines go from negative to positive
Electric field pattern between two charged parallel plates.
Negative charges attract the positives so field lines go towards them
Bohr model of the atom - Ground State
The lowest energy level and electron can be in. This corresponds to the level closest to the nucleus.