Particles and quantum ⚛ Flashcards
Charge = 1.6 x 10^-19
Relative charge = +1
Mass = 1.67 x 10^-27
Relative mass = 1
Specific charge = 9.58 x 10^7
Charge = 0
Relative charge = 0
Mass = 1.67 x 10^-27
Relative mass = 1
Specific charge = 1.76 x 10^11
Charge = -1.6 x 10^-19
Relative charge = -1
Mass = 9.11 x 10^-31
Relative mass = 0.0005
Specific charge = 1.76 x 10^11
Strong nuclear force
Attractive up to separations of 3fm
Repulsive below 0.5fm
Unstable nuclei
Too many protons, neutrons or both
So SNF can’t keep them stable so the nuclei decay in order to become stable
Alpha decay
Occurs in large nuclei
Too many protons and neutrons
• Protons decreases by 2
• Nucleon number decreases by 4
Beta minus decay
Too many neutrons
• Proton number decreases by 1
• Nucleon number stays the same
Same rest energy and mass but opposite in all other properties
How electromagnetic waves travel in packets
Transfer energy and have no mass
Photon energy
Directly proportional to the frequency of electromagnetic radiation
E = hf = hc/lamda
(h = planck constant 6.63 x 10^-34 Js)
Where particle and antiparticle collide and their masses are converted to energy
The combined energy and ke is released as 2 photons moving in opposite directions to conserve momentum
Pair production
Where a photon is converted into an equal amount of matter and antimatter
Can only occur when a photon has energy is greater then the total rest energy of both particles
any excess energy is converted into ke of the particles
Strong interaction
Exchange particle : Gluon
Range : 3 x 10^-15
Acts on : Hadrons
Weak interaction
Exchange particle : W boson (-&+)
Range : 10^18
Acts on : all particles
Electromagnetic interaction
Exchange particle : Virtual photon
Range : Infinite
Acts on : Charged particles
Gravity interaction
Exchange particle : Graviton (dw)
Range : Infinite
Acts on : Particles with mass
Weak nuclear force interactions
Beta decay, electron capture and electron-proton collisions
Electron capture
p + e^- —–> n + ve