Particle Swarm Optimisation Flashcards
What is Particle swarm optimisation
behaviour of flocks or swarms
What does PSO do?
Performs optimization
Its population based with multipoint search
It is a metaheuristc
Each candidate solution is a particle
What does each particle have:
fitness value
Where to particles move and what is the movement based on?
They move through search space
and the movement is based on particle position and velocity and
local + global best positions
PSO Alg:
init all xi,vi and pbesti values
while(termination criteria is not met){
for i <- 1, N {
calculate F(xi)
if(F(xi) < F(pbesti) then pbesti = xi
if F(xi) < F(g best) then g best = xi
update all vi and xi using exuation 1 and 2
What are the update equations?
1 : vi(t+1) = w*vi(t) + l1 * r1[pbesti(t) -xi(t)] + l2 * r2[g best -xi(t)]
2: xi(t+1) = xi(t) + vi(t+1)
What are the PSO Parameters?
Swarm size (number of particles)
Vmax (max velocity permitted (explore and exploit)
inertia weight w
learning factors l1 and l2
termination criteria