Genetic Alg Flashcards
Genetic Alg flow:
Initial population
Calc fitness
while termination cond not met{
select fitter individuals
evaluate fitness of all individuals
generate new population
return best individual
Different types of selection:
Tournament selection (best of n)
Why is tournament selection size population dependent?
If the tournament size = population, only best will be selected = converge = less exploring new areas
If tournament size = 1 = random selection
What is a good crossover prob?
0.6-0.9 (promotes exploration of the search space)
Different types of crossovers?
1 point 2 point uniform crossover
between what and what should a crossover point be selected?
Good mutation prob range?
Why do we need crossover + mutation?
if there are only 00000 in both parents there is no chance to get a 1 from just cross over hence mutation
Why do we need mutation?
To get out of a local optima.
What are the GA parameters?
Population size
selection type
crossover type/rate
mutation type/rate
stopping criteria (Num generations/runs or convergence
Which part of the GA are low level heuristics?
Mutation + selection
High level heuristics in GA?
Which heuristic performs exploration?
Mutation + random selection (even though random to a lesser extent)
Which heuristic performs exploitation?
Crossover and fitness-Proportionate selection
Different methods of selection:
Fitness proportionate
Elitist selection