Particle Physics Flashcards
What force holds electrons in orbit?
Electrostatic force.
How is an ion created?
If a particle loses or gains electrons.
What determines whether an atom is of the same element as another?
If they have the same amount of protons.
Diff. number of neutrons, same amount of protons..
What does the mass no. show?
Amount of protons and neutrons/ amount of nucleons (A).
What does the atomic number show?
Number of protons (bottom left number).
Specific charge:
charge per unit mass.
What is the point of the strong nuclear force?
Overcomes electrostatic force and holds protons together by overcoming force of repulsion within the nucleus.
3 notes on SNF:
- range of 3-4fm for attraction.
- same effect between 2 protons as it does between 2 neutrons or a proton and a neutron.
- Attractive down until 0.5fm when it becomes repulsive to prevent collisions between neutrons and protons.
Describe alpha particle structure:
2 protons 2 neutrons.
Describe beta particle:
fast moving electrons, caused atomic number to increase by 1 as neutron changes to a proton as a result.
x –> Y + beta particle + anti-neutrino. (proton to neutron creates new element Y)
Describe gamma waves:
No mass or charge and is usually emitted from high energy atoms after a beta or alpha emission.
What speed do all EM waves travel at?
3 * 10^8
Describe nature of EM waves:
Emitted from a charged particle when it loses energy. An electric wave and magnetic wave that move in phase and oscillate at 90 degrees to each other.
What 2 circumstances are EM waves emitted?
1) Fast moving electron is stopped.
2) Electron moves from higher to lower energy level.
Define photon:
A packet of EM waves - E= hf.
Give equation for power of a beam:
P = nhf where n is the number of photons passing a fixed point per second.
What happens during a PET scan?
Positron emitting isotope is injected into the patient and when some reaches the brain it emits positrons that annihilate electrons and release gamma photons which are detected by computers.
-2 photons released to conserve momentum.
Describe antiparticles:
-same mass, opposite charge.
-if it meets its corresponding particle it annihilates and the mass is converted into energy as photons.
Describe pair production:
A photon with enough energy passing by a nucleus or electron suddenly changes into a particle antiparticle pair.
Define electron volt:
Energy transferred when an electron is moved through a potential difference of 1 volt.
Equation relating rest energy of particle to photon produced in annihilation and pair production?
hf = rest energy.
2hf = 2*rest energy.
hf= 2 rest energy
the minimum energy must meet this requirement as if it is not at least the rest energy a photon cannot be created / cannot turn into particle antiparticle pair.
What can be used to detect path of alpha and beta particles?
Cloud chamber - very cold and saturated. Particles leave visible trail of droplets.
Exchange particle for electromagnetic force?
Virtual photons -virtual because we can’t detect them directly. symbol is lambda.
This only acts on charged particles.
Why is weak nuclear force ‘weak’?
Must be weaker than SNF otherwise it would affect stable nuclei.
What is the exchange particle of the WNF? How are they different to photons?
W boson - have a non-zero rest mass, very short range of about 0.001 fm, can have a charge.
Describe Beta plus decay:
proton changes to a neutron and a beta plus particle and neutrino is released.
Describe electron capture:
Proton in a proton rich nucleus changes to a neutron as a result of weak interaction with inner -shell electron.
The electron changes to a neutron.
Why was neutrino believed to have existed?
To conserve energy in beta decay.
How are particles and antiparticles created in the atmosphere and in artificial environments?
Cosmic rays (protons or nuclei) collide with gas atoms in the atmosphere and create particle antiparticle pairs.
Collide head on with protons in particle accelerators.
Describe muon, pion and kaon.
Muon - 200 times heavier than electron (basically a heavy electron)
Pion - rest mass greater than muon but less than proton.
Kaon - Rest mass greater than pion but still less than proton.
What is the difference between Hadrons and Leptons?
Hadrons can interact via strong interaction whereas Leptons do not use the strong interaction.
Hadrons tend to decay through the weak interaction apart from the proton as it is stable.
What is the similarities and difference between Baryons and Mesons?
Baryons eventually all decay into protons.
Mesons do not include protons in their decay.
They both interact through strong interaction and are both composed of quarks and antiquarks.
What do leptons and antileptons produce when they interact?
Difference between muon neutrino and electron neutrino?
Muon neutrinos are produced from muon decay - when they interact with baryons they produce only muons.
Electron neutrinos create electrons in baryon interactions.
2 Lepton rules:
1) When a neutrino interacts with a hadron, it produces a charged lepton
2)In muon decay, it changes into a muon neutrino and an electron is created to conserve charge.
What do strange particles decay through?
Weak force. They are created in twos. Strangeness can be changed by plus or minus 1.
Although, strangeness is only conserved in the strong interaction.
Describe quarks for mesons and baryons:
Mesons are quark antiquark pair.
Baryons are three quarks or three antiquarks - sigma particle is only strange baryon.
What happens to the quarks in beta minus decay?
An down quark changes to an up quark to create a proton from a neutron.