Part2 Flashcards
Purpose/function of the church
A. Unity and growth
B. Witness and proclaim the gospel
C. Service and sharing
How is the church compared to a physical body
Christ is the head and we are the other parts, all unique snd important
What are bishops
Over seer or Shepard
Responsibilities of the deacons / elders
- Teaching new converts
- Evangelizing non Christians
- Helping the poor and the homeless
The church is divided into two parts
- Clergy
2. Laity
“The called ones”- church leaders ( bishops, elders,and deacons)
“Common people” regular ones
Why didn’t the Christians have a church?
They believe Christ would come in there life time
Where did the Christians meet
The met in private homes
During persecution where did the Christians meet at
Underground catacombs
Earliest Christian symbol
Ichthus mean
Acronym for Jesus Christ, son of God, and savior.. Also Greek for fish
Worship services the people took active part in
- Read scripture aloud all together
- Singing - psalms
- Short sermon
- Prayer that may last for a hour
Early Christians ceremonies
- Laying of the hands- ordination
- Baptism- adults only at 1st by immersion
- Communion- last super
- Marriage
Influence of the change to Saturday to Sunday
- Breaking of Jerusalem
- Sunday began to be kept as a supplement to the sabbath
- Increase of gentile converts ( which brought pagan ideas)
What emperor made the first Sunday law
Church means
Called out