Part1 Flashcards
Among the following, who was not a proponent of
Bhakti cult
Tukaram, Tyagaraja and Vallabhacharya belonged to
medieval Bhakti movement while Nagarjuna was the founder
of ‘Nihilism’ in the third centuries B
Mughal painting reached its zenith under
When was the 3rd Battle of Panipat fought?
14 January, 176
Which Hindu State has been mentioned by Babur in
his Babur Nama
A. Tarikh-e-hind 1. Ibn Battuta
B. Tarikh-i-Delhi 2. Minhaj
C. Rihla 3. Al-Biruni
D. Tabqat-i-Nasiri 4. Khusrau
(a) 1 3 2 4
(b) 2 1 4 3
(c) 3 4 1 2
(d) 4 2 3 1
The correctly matched list is as follows :
Tarikh-i-Hind Al-Biruni
Tarikh-i-Delhi Khusrau
Rihla Ibn Battuta
Tabqat-i-Nasiri Minhaj-i-Siraj
Nastaliq was
Nastaliq was a Persian script used in medieval India during
the Mughal period. The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb was an
expert in writing Nastaliq script
Which one of the following Sultans of Delhi introduced
measures for improving the quality of fruits?
b) Firuz Tughluq
Who among the following was the governor of Deccan
for the major part of Shah Jahan’s Reign
- Aurangzeb defeated Jaswant Singh, the King of
Jodhpur in the battle of Dharmat in 1658. Dharmat
situated in which state?
Madhya Prades
Jahangir Mahal is located
Jahangir Palace is
one of the top examples of Mughal architecture with intricate
Hindu and Islamic motifs. The architecture of Jahangir palace
is inspired by the palace of Man Singh of Gwalior.
Agra Fort is the earliest example of
Akbari style
Akbar had built
more than 500 buildings in the fort by r
The poet heart King, who wrote praising verses for
Lord Krishna under the name of Nagri Das was –
Nagri Das (Servant of Radha) was the nickname of Raja
Sawant Singh (17th-18th century) of Kishangarh state, Ajmer.
He wrote many verses in praise of Lord Krishna. The rulers
of Kishangarh patronized the Nimbarka sec
famous poet Amir Khusrau lived at the cour
Alauddin Khalji
- Arrange the following events of Akbar’s regime in their
chronological order : - Abolition of Jizya
- Construction of Ibadat Khana
- Singing of Mahzar
- Foundation of Din-i-Ilahi
Select the correct answer from the codes given below :
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4 (b) 2, 3, 4, 1
(c) 1, 3, 2, 4 (d) 3, 4, 1, 2
U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A. (P
Akbar abolished Jizya in 1564. The construction of Ibadat
Khana occurred in 1575 whose main purpose was to facilitate
philosophical and theological discussions. The declaration of
Mahzarnama was held in 1579 which was prepared by Shaikh
Mubarak, the father of Abul Fazl. Akbar founded Din-i-Illahi
in 1582 for religious harmony.
Every year a fair is held at the tomb of famous Sufi
saint Haji Waris Ali Shah a
Every year a fair is held at the tomb of famous Sufi saint Haji
Waris Ali Shah at Deva Sharif which is situated 12 kms. away
from Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh
which battle did Maharana Sanga defeat Ibrahim
The battle of Khatoli was fought between Maharana Sanga
and Ibrahim Lodi in 1518. Ibrahim Lodi was defeated badly
by Maharana Sanga
Which of the following was the head of the army in
Mughal period ?
During the Mughal period, the head of the military was called
Mir Bakshi, who was appointed from the leading nobles of
the court. Mir Bakshi was in charge of intelligence gathering
and also made recommendations to the emperor for military
appointments and promotions.
Which one of the following, wrote the famous works
‘Ram Chandrika’ and ‘Rasik-Priya’ ?
Ramchandrika’ and ‘Rasik-Priya’ was written by Keshavdas
(1555-1617). He was a Sanskrit scholar and Hindi poet, best
known for his ‘Rasik Priya’ a pioneering work of the Ritikaal
of Hindi literature
The transfer of capital from Delhi to Daulatabad was
ordered by
Sultan Muhammad-Bin-Tughluq
Which one of the following foreign travellers
elaborately discussed about diamonds and diamond
mines of India?
Jean-Baptiste Tavernier (1605-1689) was a 17th century
French gem merchant and traveller. He elaborately discussed
about diamonds and diamond mines of India.
The word ‘Hindu’ as a reference to the people of Hind (India) was fi rst used by
The Arabs
First successful Muslim attack on India occurred in the yea
712 A.D
Muhammad - Bin - Qasim conquered Sindh in
712 A.
Out of the given invaders namely : The Ghaznavids, The Ghurids, the Arabs, who were the fi rst Muslim invader
Out of the given invader namely : Qutbuddin Aybak, Muhammad Ghazni, Muhammad-BinQasim and Muhammad Ghori who was the fi rst Muslim invader in Indi
Muhammad Bin Qasim
Muhammad-Bin-Qasim was a
The founder of Ghaznavid dynasty wa
Prime Minister recently inaugurated the new Circuit House near Somnath temple at Veraval. Following statements are correct regarding Somnath temple
Somnath temple is one of the Jyotirlinga shrines- A description of Somnath temple was given by Al-Biruni- Pran Pratishtha of Somnath temple (installation of the present day temple) was done by President Dr. Rajendra Prasad
¾ The court historian of Mahmud of Ghazni was
The Chandela king who faced Mahmud Ghaznavi -
The Chandela king who faced Mahmud Ghaznavi -
The ruler who reconstructed Somnath Temple after the invasion of Mahmud Ghaznavi
The author of Shah-nama, Firdausi was associated
With the Court of Mahmud Ghazanavi
The famous historian who visited India with Mahmud of Ghazni was
Al-Beruni came to India i
11th Century A.D.
The fi rst Muslim who studied Puranas waas
The ruler who issued silver coins with Sanskrit legend on one side
Mahmud Ghazni
The ruler from Central Asia who conquered North India in 1192 is
Shihabuddin Muhammad Gho
Muhammad Ghori was defeated for the fi rst time by
Muhammad Ghori defeated Jayachandra in
Battle of Chandawar (1194 A.D.
Bakhtiyar Khalji who conquered Bengal and Bihar was
The slave of Muhammad Ghor
‘Nalanda Vihar’ was destroyed by
Bakhtiyar Khalj
Real founder of Turk rule in Bihar was
Ibn Bakhtiyar Khilj
The true statement regarding Turkish invasion of India is
Turkish invasion of India was successful because there was no political unity in North India.
The inscription that reveals information about silk weavers guil
Dashpur Inscription
Panahi’ and ‘Upanah’ were mentioned in the ¾ medieval time in context of
The founder of slave dynasty wa
Qutbuddin Aybak
The Sultan of Delhi Sultanate (Although has not adopted of Title of Sultan) who is known as ‘Lakh Baksh
Qutbuddin Aybak
he contribution to the construction of famous ‘Qutb-Minar’ was given b
Qutbuddin Aybak, Iltutmish, Firuz Shah Thughluq
The Qutub Minar was completed by
Qutbuddin Aybak had built ‘Adhai Din ka Jhonpara’. It is situated in
Ajmer (Rajasthan
The capital of Qutbuddin Aybak wa
The ruler who established Delhi as the capital of Sultanate
The fi rst sultan of Delhi who introduced regular coins and declared Delhi the capital of his empir
The fi rst Muslim ruler of Delhi wa
The Muslim ruler among Balban, Razia, Iltutmish and Nasir-ud-Din, whose empire was regarded as a part of Dar-ul-Islam was
A slave of slave’ wa
Among Tajuddin Yeldoz, Nasiruddin Kubacha, Ali Mardan and Malik Altunia, the person who was not the rival of Iltutmish
Malik Altunia
Mongol invader Genghis Khan came through the North-West Frontier of India
During the reign of Iltutmish
The original name of Changez (Genghis) Khan was
Temuchin (Temujin
The nobles behind the dethroning of Raziya Begum were
The full name of Sultan of Delhi, Balban was
Ghiyasuddin Balban
The Sultan of Delhi who is said to have followed the policy of ‘blood and iron
The fi rst Muslim ruler who formulated the theory of kingship ‘similar to the theory’ of divine right of the kings
The true statements regarding Balban are:-
Balban made his government fi rm, stable and centralized all authority in his hands. - He wanted to protect North-West frontier against Mongol invasions
After consolidating his power, Balban assumed the grand title of
- Zil-e-Ilahi
In India the famous Persian Festival ‘Navroz’ was introduced by
Helper of a caliph
Diwani-Arz in Delhi Sultanate
The Mughal Text ‘Masir-A- Alamgiri’ was written b
Saqi Mustad Kha
Tughril Khan raised a standard of revolt during the reign of
The sultan who wanted to launch a new religion but Ulemas opposed the move -
Alauddin Khal
The sultan of Delhi who assumed the title of Alexander the Second
Alauddin Khalji
The dynasty of Delhi sultanate which ruled for the shortest period
The famous army-commander of Alauddin Khalji who died fi ghting against Mongols
Zafar khan
Padmini is associated with Ala-ud-Din’s conquest of Chittor. Her husband’s name
Rana Ratan Sing
He was known as Hazar-Dinari
Malik Kafur
The purpose of Alauddin’s Deccan expeditions wa
Financial Ventures
Chronological order of conquest of Alauddin Khilji (among Ranthambore, Gujarat, Warangal and Chittor)
Gujarat (1299 A.D., Ranthambaor, (1301 A.D.), Chittor (1303 A.D.) and Warangal (1310 A.D.)
The ruler of Devagiri at the time of Alauddin Khalji’s invasion was
Ramachandra Dev
Ratan singh
Raja Ramchandra
Karn Dev
The army that was defeated by the army of Kakatiya rulers in 1303 at Warangal was associated with
Alauddin Khalj
Khalisa land developed on a large scale during the regime of sultan
Alauddin Khalji
The Sultan who is said to have raised the land revenue to one-half of the produce wa
Alauddin Khalji, Muhammad-Bin-Tughluq
The Sultan who is said to have raised the land revenue to one-half of the produce was
Alauddin Khalji, Muhammad-Bin-Tughluq
The sultan who introduced “Market Reforms” was
Alauddin Khalj
The attempt of Alauddin Khalji to control the market prices wa
Highly successful
The true statements connected with Alauddin Khalji ar
He collected revenue by measuring the cultivated land.- He abolished the powers of provincial Governors.
The king of the medieval India who began the ‘Public Distribution System’
Alauddin Khalji
Ramchandra dev /Shankar Dev
Veer Ballal
Veer Pandaya
The ruler of Delhi Sultanate who declared himself as ‘Khalifa’
Mubarak Khalj
Price control was introduced in Delhi by
Alauddin Khalji
The sultan of Delhi who was the fi rst to charge ‘Ghari or House Tax
Alauddin Khalji
Chehra system was introduced
Alauddin Khalji
Chehra system was related to
Identity card system for every soldier
The Dagh system to brand horses selected for war, was started
Alauddin Khal
Ravi River
Boundary btw mongal and delhi sultante during the period of aluddin khilji
Out of the given Sultans namely: Iltutmish Nasiruddin Mahmud, Balban, and Alauddin Khalji who appointed a special army to protect the boundaries of the empir
Alauddin Khalji
The General of Alauddin Khalji who ultimately became the fi rst Sutlan of Tughluq dynasty
Ghazi Malik (Ghiyasuddin Tuqhluq
The General of Alauddin Khalji who ultimately became the fi rst Sutlan of Tughluq dynasty
Ghazi Malik (Ghiyasuddin Tuqhluq
Tughluq Dynasty
Out of the given dynasties namely : Khalji Dynasty Lodi Dynasty, Slave Dynasty, Tughluq Dynasty which ruled the country for the longest period
Tughluq Dynasty
The most learned ruler of the Delhi sultanate who was well versed in various branches of learning including Astronomy, Mathematics and Medicin
The sultan who introduced the new Department ‘Diwan-i-Aamir Kohi’
The sultan of Delhi who had established a separate Agriculture department and had planned the ‘rotation of crops
Muhammad-Bin-Tughluq had transferred his capital from Delhi to
For the fi rst time the token currency was introduced in India b
Ibn-Battuta, the Moorish traveller, visited India during the reign o
The person who has given a detailed description of the postal system prevailing during the Sultanate period, is
The fi rst Sultan of Delhi who participated in the public celebration of Hol
The king, was freed from his people and they from their king. On whose death Badayuni commented
The Sultan of Delhi who established an ‘Employment Exchange’ to help the unemployed
Firuz Shah Tughluq
The Sultan of Delhi who was very concerned about charity and alms and established a department called ‘Diwan-i-Khairat’ for it, was
Firuz Shah Tughlu
The sultan who had most number of slaves in his court
Firuz Tughluq
Public Works established by
Firuz Shah Tughluq
The Sultan of Delhi who is reputed to have built the biggest network of canals in India w
Firuz Shah Tughluq
With reference to digging canals for enriching agriculture, the credit of being the fi rst ruler of 14th century is given to
Ghiyasuddin Tughluq
Haqq i shrab or irrigation tax
Firuz tughlaq
Sultan of delhi who levid jaziya on brahmin
Firuz tughlaq
Sultan of delhi intro the quality of fruit
The Sultan of Delhi who established a ‘Translation Department’ to help both community understand each other’s ideas better, was
Firuz Shah Tughluq
The fi rst Indian ruler who organised Haj Pilgrimage from the State Exchequer was
Firuz Shah Tughlu
Dar-ul-Shafa’ established by Firuz Tughluq wa
A free hospit
The last ruler of the Tughluq dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate wa
Nasiruddin Mahmud
Timur Lung attacked India in the year -
1398 A.
Timur Lung attacked India in the year
1398 A.D
Timur invaded India during the reign of
Nasiruddin Mahmud
The dynasty that rule over India after the invasion of Timur was
Sayyid Dynasty
Out of the given rulers namely : Alauddin Khalji, Muhammad-Bin-Tughluq, Firuz Tughluq, Iltutmish, under whom Ain-ul-Mulk Multani did not serve
Out of the given Sultanate rulers namely: Khalji,Tughluq, Sayyid and Lodi, which was of Afghan origin
The correct chrologocial order of the Afghan rulers to the throne of Delhi is
Bahlul Khan Lodi (1451-1489 A.D.)- Sikandar Lodi (1489-1517 A.D.)- Ibrahim Lodi (1517-152
Maharana Sanga defeated Ibrahim Lodi
In the Battle of Khatoli (1518 A.D.)
The medieval Sultan who has the credit of founding the city of Agra and making it the capital of the Sultanate
Sikandar Lodi
The ruler who composed poems with the penname ‘Gulrukri
Sikandar Lodi
The Sultan who is known for having abolished the tax on grain
Sikandar Lodi
The correct chronological order of dynasties ruling over Delhi is
Slave Dynasty, Khalji Dynasty, Tughluq Dynasty, Sayyid Dynasty, Lodi Dynasty
Out of the given rulers namely : Balban, Iltutmish, Qutbuddin Aybak, Ibrahim Lodi who was not from the slave dynasty
Ibrahim Lodi
Out of the given rulers namely : Balban, Iltutmish, Qutbuddin Aybak, Ibrahim Lodi who was not from the slave dynasty
Ibrahim Lodi