part two Flashcards


Describe a photo that makes you happy
you should say:
what the photo is like
when and where you took this photo
how often you look at this picture
and explain why this photo makes you happy


The photo that i want to talk about is a photo shot by my friends during a birthday party of my friends. In this photo, we had very beautiful smiles. I took this photo about a few months ago at a fancy restaurant in Vancouver where people need to make a reservation for enter. I find myself looking this photo quite frequently, especially during moments when i need a mood life or a reminder of happy life. It’s saved on my phone, so it is very easy to access. I’d say say i will revisit it at least once a month, but sometimes more often, especially when i feel a lot stress.
This photo makes me happy due to several reasons. Firstly, it captures a perfect moment of pure joy and smiley faces with my cloth friends. I think the happy faces can be infectious. It can always give me a smile in my face, no matter how my days is going. second, it is a prove of my friendship. It reminds me the strong bonds we shared. Sometimes, we are busy on different things in life, such as work, studying, and families, but the phones can helps me remember the relationship between us. In conclusion, this photo makes me happy is because that it captures a good time in my life and everyone was happy in that photo. Most importantly, it is a prove of my friendship.

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describe a person you know how likes to cook for others
you should say:
who the person is
what he/she like to cook
how this person learned to cook
And explain why this person like to cook for others


the person i would like to talk about is my landlady. She’s not just a landlady, she like to cook for me and her family. She is a warm and generous person. During covid, it is hard for me to transport around the city since there was a time of quarantine.
My landlady doesnt want me to take the risk of taking public transport, she likes to cook for me. She is an absolutely good cook in a variety dishes, but she really good at Chinese food. I really like her beef bun which make me mouthwatering. She like to cook for others to express her love to her family and other. Everyday, she will go to supermarket everyday to prepare meal for her family. She said she wants to make sure that her family eat fresh and health food in order to make her family healthier. I can feel the bond between her and her family. She has put all her passion and love into her family.
In summery, my landlady is a person who enjoy cooking for others. She makes me feel her passion and love for others.

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describe an interesting person you never met but you would like to know more about him/her
you should say:
who the person is
how you knew him/her
why you think he/her is interesting
and explain how you feel about this person


The interesting person i’d like to talk about is Steve Jobs. If i had the chance, i’d like to know more about this person. Steve Jobs was the founding father of Apple. I’ve always heard this name when i was young, but i dont really know his life experience until i watched an interview from Steve Jobs when i was in university. I think he is really interesting because he made choice of quitting the university, even though he was attending the one of the finest universities in the world. So I started to get curious about what makes him to decide to quite university. After that i found out that it was because Steve Job stuck in question that most people has. The problem is that he had no idea what’s he is going to do in his life. And he cant see how college could help him to solve this problem, so he decide to quit college and drop himself into the world he really interested in. The point that make me feel he is an interesting person is that for people like Steve jobs, he had same questions as ordinary people but he did not do choose an ordinary path like mass majority people. I feel like when most people making decisions, it’s very likely that people will choose an ordinary path. However, sometimes people forget, the ordinary path is not the

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