Part A3 ACTEX Qs Flashcards
From the Landmark case of Whiten v. Pilot, describe five considerations of proportionality that the jury should review when determining the punitive damage award.
- should be proportionate to the blameworthiness of the defendants conduct
- should be proportionate to the degree of vulnerability of the plaintiff
- should be proportionate to the need for deterrence
- should be proportionate to the harm or potential harm directed specifically at the plaintiff.
- proportionate after taking into account other penalties
- the award should be proportionate to the advantage wrongfully gained by the defendant from the misconduct.
Discuss one potential issue related to the duty to defend and relate it to a given court decision in Canada.
Landmark Legal:
- Sansalone v. Wawanesa: court does not require an insurer to defend in cases involving intentional sexual acts since such incidents are excluded in the policy.
- Nichols v. American Home Assurance: court rules that the duty to defend does not apply to claims for damages related to fraudulent acts or omissions as such are beyond the scope of the policy.
- Alie v. Bertrand and Frere Construction Co: Insurers that issue excess and umbrella policies that follow the form of the underlying policy and those that let the excess insurer participate in the defines of a claim are seen as having a duty to defend and pay for defence costs.
Describe the reason for implementing the Minor Injury Regulation in Alberta.
To reduce insurance premiums in response to what was perceived as an insurance crisis. Maintaing affordable mandatory automobile insurance was a pressing and substantial objective. (Morrow v. Zhang)
Briefly describe why the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench in 2008 deemed the Minor Injury Regulation discriminatory.
It held the evidence strongly suggested that minor injury victims, particularly those suffering from whiplash, are subjected to stereotyping and prejudice as that are often viewed as malingerers.
Describe three insurance related activities for which UBIP should not be used, at least at this time.
Decline, cancel or refuse to renew
Confirm rating criteria currently used (ex. Garage location, distance driven, pleasure vs. Commute)
Claims related purposes at this time
Describe two points related to UBIP and compliance with unfair and deceptive acts or practices regulation
An insurer must offer UBIP in all territories it does business
If one affiliate with a group has UBIP, that UBIP must be offered to all consumers in the group via the affiliate.
What is OSFIs primary goal in supervising financial institutions?
Safeguard depositors and policyholders from loss.
OSFI supervisory framework
According to OSFI supervisory framework, what is inherent risk?
The probability of a material loss due to exposure to, and uncertainty arising from current and potential future events.
What are OSFIs six categories of inherent risk?
Credit risk Market risk Insurance risk Operational risk Regulatory compliance risk Strategic risk
OSFI supervisory framework
OSFI assesses the quality of risk management at two levels of control. What are these two levels? Briefly describe.
Operational management: for a given significant activity is primarily responsible for the controls used to manage all of the activity’s inherent risks on a day to day basis. Operational management ensures that there is clear understanding by FRFI line staff of the risks the activity faces and must manage, and that the policies, processes, and staff are sufficient and effective in managing these risks.
Oversight Functions: are responsible for providing independent, ENterprise wide oversight of operational management. There are seven oversight functions that may exist in an FRFI.
List the 7 oversight functions that may exist in an FRFI
Financial Compliance Actuarial Risk management Internal Audit Senior management Board
Define net risk according to OSFI
Inherent risk after mitigation by quality risk management.
OSFI s core supervisory process is a three step iterative process. Briefly describe each step.
- Planning Supervisory work
- Executing supervisory work and updating the risk profile
- Reporting and Intervention
What are the four overall ratings that can be given to an oversight function?
Strong, acceptable, needs improvement, weak
The supervisory process examines three different financial areas/measurements for all FRFIs and evaluates them. What are these three areas?
Describe three levels that OSFI monitors to determine emerging issues for an FRFI.
What is the primary means of communication between OSFI’s RM and an FRFI?
The supervisory letter
What are the five intervention ratings in OSFI supervisory framework
0: normal
1: early warning
2: risk to financial viability or solvency
3: future financial viability in serious doubt
4: non-viable/insolvency imminent
In a series of decisions rendered in 1978, commonly referred to as the Trilogy, the Supreme court of Canada established a cap on non-pecuniary damages.
Describe three justifications presented by the Court for establishing the cap.
- The claim of a severely injured person for damages for non-pecuniary loss is virtually limitless. The fact that there is no objective yardstick for measuring such loss leaves this area open to inconsistent and widely extravagant awards.
- Damages for non-pecuniary losses are not really ‘compensatory’ as no money can provide true restitution. Accordingly, such damages should be viewed as simply providing additional money to make life more endurable
- Under the law, the plaintiff will be fully compensated for future loss of income and future care costs which are arguably more important for ensuring that the injured person is well cared for in the future
- Exorbitant awards for general damages can lead to an excessive social burden
In a series of decisions rendered in 1978, commonly referred to as the Trilogy, the Supreme court of Canada established a cap on non-pecuniary damages.
Describe how the cap affects the level of equity in compensation between people with temporary or less severe injuries and those with permanent and more sever injuries.
Relative to actual losses, the liability process tends to overcompensate people with temporary or less sever injuries and under compensate those with permanent and more sever injuries.
Describe two exceptions in which Trilogy decisions were ruled not to apply, and why
Damages for sexual abuse, & defamation.
The cases and damages were deemed exceptional and unlikely to impact insurance prices, thus not a social burden.
Identify the 3 purposes of punitive damages