Part 8 Flashcards
Even with the most robust security tools in place, it is important to ____ your systems.
Monitor ____
All security products are ____ and can ____ or be ____.
manmade, fail, compromised
As with any other aspect of technology, one should ____on simply one product or tool.
never rely
Enabling ____ on your systems is one way to put your organization in a position to identify problem areas.
The problem is, ____
what should be logged?
Logging mechanisms and the ability to track ____ are critical.
user activities
The presence of logs in all environments allows thorough tracking and analysis if something does go wrong. Determining the cause of a compromise is very difficult without ____:
system activity logs
Invalid ____ access attempts
Record at least the following \_\_\_\_ for all system components for each event: ● User identification ● Type of event ● Date and time ● Success or failure indication ● Origination of event
audit trail entries
____ or name of affected data, system component, or resource
____ for all system components at least daily. ______ must include those servers that perform security functions like intrusion detection system (IDS) and authentication, authorization, and accounting protocol (AAA) servers (for example, RADIUS).
Note: Log harvesting, parsing, and alerting tools may
be used to achieve compliance.
Review logs
Fortunately, there are tools that will collect and ____ log files from a variety of sources. All these tools have the ability to notify individuals of a particular event.
Hire a ____ to Audit Security
Third Party
Regardless of how talented your staff is, there is always the possibility that they ___ something or inad- vertently misconfigured a device or setting.
For this reason it is very important to bring in an extra set of “eyes, ears, and hands” to ____ your organization’s security posture.
Though some IT professionals will become paranoid having a third party review their work, intelligent staff members will recognize that a security review by outsiders can be a great ____.
learning opportunity
The advantage of having a ___review your systems is that the outsiders have experience reviewing a wide range of systems, applications, and devices in a variety of industries.
third party
They will know what works well and what might work but cause problems in the future. They are also more likely to be up to speed on new ____ and the latest product updates. Why? Because this is all they do.
What is heartbleed
They are not encumbered by administrative duties, inter- nal politics, and help desk requests. They will be more ____ than in-house staff, and they will be in a position to make recommendations after their analysis.
The —- analysis should involve a two-pronged approach: They should identify how the network appears to attackers and how secure the system is, should attack- ers make it past the perimeter defenses.
Don’t Forget the ____
Many organizations spend a great deal of time and money addressing ____ and overlook some fundamental security mechanisms, as described here.
perimeter defenses
Change ____
Default Account Passwords
Nearly all network devices come ___ with a password/username combination.
If these ____ are not changed upon configu- ration, it becomes a trivial matter for an attacker to get into these systems.
default passwords
Use ___ Passwords
Close Unnecessary ____
____ on a computer are logical access points for com- munication over a network.
The well-known port numbers are 0 through ____.
● Port 21: ●bPort 23: ● Port 25: ● Port 53: ● Port 80: ● Port 110:
Port 21: FTP ● Port 23: Telnet ● Port 25: SMTP ● Port 53: DNS ● Port 80: HTTP ● Port 110: POP
The built-in command-line tool ____ will allow you to identify open ports and process IDs by using the following switches:
-a Displays all connections and listening ports
-n Displays addresses and port numbers in numerical
-o Displays the owning process ID associated with each
(Note: In Unix, netstat is also available but utilizes the following switches: -atvp.)
Other tools that can prove helpful are ActivePorts,47 a graphical user interface (GUI) tool that allows you to export the results in delimited format, and Fport,48 a popula
Nearly all operating systems have a mechanism for auto- matically checking for ____. This notification system should be turned on.
Use Administrator Accounts for ____
Administrative Tasks
This means that the malicious software can run with ____, which can create serious problems. Administrators should log into their systems using a standard user account to prevent malicious software from gaining control of their computers.
administrator privi- leges
Restrict ___
Physical Access
Critical systems should be kept in ___
secure areas.
A ___ is one that provides the ability to control access to only those who need access to the systems as part of their job responsibilities.
secure area