Part 2 Flashcards
Many business professionals want ____ to data from anywhere they work, on a variety of ____
access, devices
Data ____ from Anywhere
To be ____, employees now request ____ to data and contact information on their laptops, desktops, home computers, and ____ devices
Therefore, IT departments must now provide the ability to ____ data with numerous ____
sync, devices
And if the IT department can’t or won’t provide this ____, employees now have the power to ____
capability, take matters into their own hands.
______ can be accessed from both the home and office or anywhere there is an Internet connection.
online storage sites
Though it might be possible to block access to some of these sites, it is ____
not possible to block access to them all.
This ability to easily transfer data ____makes securing an organization’s data that much more difficult.
outside the control of a company
Security Isn’t About _____
Hardware and Software
Many businesses believe that if they purchase enough ____, they can create a ____
equipment, secure infrastructure.
Firewalls, intrusion detection systems, antivirus programs, and two-factor authentication products are just some of the tools available to assist in protecting a network and its data. It is important to keep in mind that_____
no product or combination of products will create a secure organiza- tion by itself.
Security is a ____; there is no tool that you can “____.”
process, set and forget
All security products are only ____
as secure as the people who configure and maintain them.
The employees tasked with maintaining the security devices should be provided with enough time, ____, and equip- ment to properly support the products.
The Bad Guys Are Very ____
At one time the computer hacker was portrayed as a lone teenager with poor social skills who would break into systems, often for ____
nothing more than bragging rights.
As ecommerce has evolved, however, so has ____
the profile of the hacker.
Organized hacker groups have been formed to operate as ____.
_____ companies that work much like real-world companies are starting to appear and are steadily growing, thanks to the profits they turn.
Now that organizations are being attacked by highly motivated and skilled groups of hackers, _____
creating a secure infrastructure is mandatory.
Management Sees Security as a ____
Drain on the Bottom Line
For most organizations, the cost of creating a strong security posture is seen as a ____, similar to pur- chasing insurance.
necessary evil
Organizations don’t want to spend the money on it,but the risks of not making the purchase ____.
outweigh the costs
The problem is exacerbated by the fact that IT professionals ____
speak a different language than management.
IT professionals are generally focused on ____, period. Management is focused on ____.
technology, revenue
Concepts such as profitability, asset depreciation, return on investment, realization, and total cost of ownership are the mainstays of management. These are ____ to most IT professionals.
alien concepts
Realistically speaking, though it would be helpful if management would take steps to learn some fundamentals of information technology, IT professionals should _____
take the initiative and learn some fundamental business concepts.
Learning these concepts is beneficial to the organization because the technical infrastructure can be implemented in a ____ manner, and they are beneficial from a ____ perspective for IT professionals.
cost-effective, career development
Strong security can be used to gain a ____ in the marketplace.
competitive advantage
Having secured systems that are accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week means that an organization can reach and communicate with its clients and prospective clients more ____.
An organization that becomes recognized as a good custodian of client records and information can incorporate its security record as part of its ____.
This is no different than a car company being recognized for its safety record. In discussions of cars and safety, for example, ____ is always the first manufacturer mentioned
The goal of any discussion with management is to convince them that in the highly technical and interconnected world we live in, ____
having a secure network and infrastructure is a “nonnegotiable requirement of doing business.