Part 7 Flashcards
Cointegration meaning
Cointegration means that two or more time series are non stationary but a linear combination of them is stationary (has constant mean, variance and co variance). So equilibrium relationship remains constant over time
Engle-Granger Approach drawbacks
- Unit root and cointegration tests have low power in finite samples. May not detect cointergration
- Variables treated asymmetrically: one specified as the dependent and the
other as independent variables. Can imply causality that exists which affects cointergration equations
Ljung box tests - calculate T stat
T (T+2) x …
Ljung box tests - if t stat more than critical value (x^2 ones)
If the test statistic is greater than the critical value in the Ljung-Box test, then we reject the null hypothesis that the first three autocorrelation coefficients are jointly equal to zero, indicating that there is significant autocorrelation.
Ljung box tests - if t stat less than critical value (x^2 ones)
we fail to reject null hypothesis that the first … autocorrelation co-efficients jointly are not significantly different from zero. So jointly insignificant
Testing autocorrelations whether significant - how did you tell - outside what parameter (5% level)
If lags are greater than (-0.196…0.196), they are signifcant
Testing stationarity quadratic
solve in book