Part @ Flashcards
The ingredients of a helping relationship:
Helpees: history of experience and their current ability to “process”-both cognitively and affectively
Helpers: bring to helping their own experiences and their “processing” skills-both cognitively and affective
The Essence of Helping: Together: interact to facilitate their mutual “processing”-exploring, understanding, acting
Pg. 27
The Helpee’s Contribution- Intrapersonal Processing
People become overwhelmed by the flood of info in their lives, feeling overwhelmed is the very reason they seek help.
Within helping, helpees “process” info. that they are unable to “process” outside of helping.
Helpee “processing” is a
personal or intrapersonal process
Intrapersonal processing involves a basic set of skills:
exploring human experience, understanding human goals, acting upon programs to achieve the goals
Intrapersonal processing phases:
The source of every growing person’s improving repertoire of responses:
feedback achieved from their environment, recycles the stages or phases of exploring, understanding, and acting
Helping is a change in our conditioned
“mindset”: from the terror of dependency to the truth of interdependency; from victimization to actualization; from survival to growth; from helpee to helper
Attending Personally Skills:
Squaring, Leaning, Eye Contact
Attending Physical Skills:
Squarely, Look at the person (Don’t stare), remove personal distractors, remove environmental distractors, maintain appropriate proxemics, posture (leaning), look genuinely interested
Observing Skills:
helper’s ability to see and understand the nonverbal behavior of the helpee
Physical Energy Level
Emotional Feeling State
Intellectual Readiness
Observing Skills: Appearance
posture, body build, grooming
People with high energy levels can experience
the fullness of life
Richest source of information about energy level
is communicated by the alertness of the helpee’s posture
Helpers looks for same cues in helpee’s posture
helpee stands, sits erect, lens forward, eyes focused
Energy level is
the amount of physical effort put into purposeful tasks
Energy level may also be expressed
in body build; grooming; nonverbal expressions
Inference Physical Energy: Helper
observe grooming, body build, posture
Inference emotional Feeling State: Helper
observe body movement, posture, facial expressions
The richest source of data concerning helpee’s feelings
Facial expression
Inference means
conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning
A deep furrowed brow, a frown, a slouch posture can indicate
“down feeling”: Inference emotional feeling
A broad smile, raised eyebrows, eye contact can indicate
“up feeling’: Inference emotional feeling