Part 5/7/8 Guidelines Flashcards
In obstetrics the 1st character always is ____
In obstetrics the 2nd character always is ____
There are ____ root operations in the Obstetrics section
There are ____ root operations in the placement section
The transplant of an organ or tissue from one individual to another of the same species with a different genotype
Tissue transplanted from one part of the body to another in the same individual; donor and recipient are the same person
A graft that is provided by oneself
_________ of a procedure specified in the root operation definition and explanation are not coded separately.
Example: Resection of a joint as part of a joint replacement procedure is included in the root operation definition of Replacement and is not coded separately
_______ _______ necessary to reach the operative site and close the operative site, including anastomosis of a tubular body part, are also not coded separately.
Example: In a resection of a sigmoid colon with anastomosis of descending colon to rectum, the anastomosis is not coded separately
Procedural steps
During the same operative episode, multiple procedures are coded if:
The same root operation is performed on ______ ______ ______ as defined by distinct values of the body part character.
Example: Diagnostic excision of liver and pancreas are coded separately.
Different body parts
The ____ ____ _____ is repeated in multiple body parts, and those body parts are separate and distinct body parts classified to a single ICD-10-PCS body part value.
Example: Excision of the sartorius muscle and excision of the gracilis muscle are both included in the upper leg muscle body part value, and multiple procedures are coded.
Same root operation
Multiple _____ _____ with distinct objectives are performed on the same body part.
Example: Destruction of sigmoid lesion and bypass of sigmoid colon are coded separately.
Root operations
The intended root operation is attempted using _____ approach, but is converted to a different approach.
Example: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy converted to an open cholecystectomy is coded as percutaneous endoscopic Inspection and open Resection.
If the intended procedure is _________, code the procedure to the root operation performed. If a procedure is __________ before any other root operation is performed, code the root operation Inspection of the body part or anatomical region inspected.
Example: A planned aortic valve replacement procedure is discontinued after the initial thoracotomy and before any incision is made in the heart muscle, when the patient becomes hemodynamically unstable. This procedure is coded as an open Inspection of the mediastinum.
Biopsy procedures are coded using the root operations Excision, Extraction, or Drainage and the qualifier _______. The qualifier _______ is used only for biopsies.
Fine needle aspiration biopsy of lung is coded to the root operation Drainage with the qualifier Diagnostic.
Biopsy of bone marrow is coded to the root operation Extraction with the qualifier Diagnostic.
Lymph node sampling for biopsy is coded to the root operation Excision with the qualifier Diagnostic.
If a diagnostic Excision, Extraction, or Drainage procedure (biopsy) is followed by a more definitive procedure, such as Destruction, Excision or Resection at the same procedure site, both the biopsy and the more ____________ are coded.
Example: Biopsy of breast followed by partial mastectomy at the same procedure site, both the biopsy and the partial mastectomy procedure are coded.
Definitive treatment
If the root operations Excision, Repair or Inspection are performed on overlapping layers of the musculoskeletal system, the body part specifying the _________ is coded.
Example: Excisional debridement that includes skin and subcutaneous tissue and muscle is coded to the muscle body part.
Deepest layer