Part 4: Shoulder Region Flashcards
Name the 6 muscles that attach scapular to humerus
Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, subscapularis, teres major, teres minor, deltoid
Supraspinatus origin, insertion and action and nerve supply
Arises from med 3/4 of supraspinous fossa and upper surface of spine. Attaches to sup facet of greater tuberosity of humerus and capsule of shlder joint. Action: abducts and stabilses joint. Suprascapular N (C5,6) from upper trunk
Infraspinatus origin, insertion, action and nerve supply
Medial 3/4 of inspinatous fossa and fibrous intermuscular septa. Inserts middle facet of gtr tuberosity of humerus and capsule.
Action: Lat rotation and stabilses
Supplied by suprascapular N (C5,6) from upper trunk
Teres minor origin, insertion, action and nerve supply
O: Middle 3rd lat border of scapular above teres maj.
I: Inf facet of gtr tuberosity of humerus and capsule
A: Lat rotates and stablises. Weak adductor.
N: Axillary N (C5,6) posterior cord
Deltoid origin, insertion, action and nerve supply
O: Lat 3rd clavicle, acromion and spine of scapular to deltoid tubercle.
I: Middle of lat surface of humerus (deltoid tuberosity)
A: Abducts, ant fibres flex and med rotate, post fibres extend and lat rotate
N: Axillary N (C5,6) from posterior cord
Describe the scapular anastomosis
Transverse cervical art from subclav has a deep descending branch (dorsal scapular) runs down vert border. Suprascapular (from subclav) runs through supraspinous fossa around the spine into infraspinous fossa. Subscapular supplies subscap fossa and gives off circumflex A which supplies infraspinous fossa. All vessels anastomose.
Describe the shoulder capsule
Attached to scapular, margins of labrum and head of humerus. Thick and strong but lax. Thickened at humerus by muscle tendons
Transverse humeral ligament
At the upper end of the intertubercular groove the capsule bridges the gap. This is known as the transverse humeral ligament
Coracohumeral ligament
Strong. Under surface of corocoid to grt tuberosity.
Coracoacromial ligament
Strong flat triangular band. Increases the surface by which the head of the humerus is supported (prevents superior dislocation). Separated from RCby bursa
Glenohumeral ligaments
Slight thickenings of capsule above and below subscap bursa opening
Bursa of shoulder joint
Subacromial: Beneath coracoacromial ligament, Not connected with capsule.
Subscapularis bursa - allows movement of subscap. Connects with joint
Rotator cuff role in stability
Shoulder is shallow joint. Stability achieved by muscles and tendons pulling humerus tight against glenoid fossa. RC fuses with capsule and prevents lax capsule/synovial membrane being nipped in joint.
Which arm muscles aid shoulder stability?
Long head of biceps - sinks through capsule. Strong support over head of humerus.
Long head of Triceps is important in abduction as it lies directly behind humerus in this position - gives posterior support
Describe movements of shoulder joint
Abduction - to 90’, then to 120’ with lat rotation - remainder is scapula.
Flexion is free
about 90’ of lateral rotation available and 70’ of medial rotation