Part 4: Field Survey Flashcards
Subpart 1 Rule 16: Horizontal datum: orientation?
[16] Horizontal datum: orientation
(1) Every bearing in a cadastral survey that defines or marks a new primary parcel boundary point must be oriented in terms of an official projection applicable to the area (see Schedule 3).
(2) However, subclause (1) does not apply if the survey does not make a new field measurement.
(3) every bearing in a cadastral survey must be expressed in terms of the same horizontal projection.
Subpart 1 Rule 17: Horizontal datum: connection?
[17] Horizontal datum: connection
(1) A new boundary point, a new boundary mark, and an old boundary mark on a primary parcel being created must be connected by 1 or more vectors to—
(a) a cadastral survey network mark (see Schedule 4) within 1000m, where one exists; or
(b) any cadastral survey network mark, where one does not exist within 1000m.
(2) The vectors required by subclause (1) must be adopted or measured.
Subpart 1 Rule 18: Vertical datum?
[18] Vertical datum
(1) All reduced levels in a survey must be expressed in terms of a single official vertical datum (see Schedule 5).
(2) If 1 or more vertical control marks (see Schedule 6) exist within 1000m of any new height-limited boundary point that is defined by a reduced level, at least 1 of those vertical control marks must be included in the survey.
(3) If no vertical control mark exists within 1000m of any boundary point referred to in subclause (2), a vertical control mark at any distance must be included in the survey.
Subpart 2 Rule 19: Accuracy of non-boundary marks?
[19] Accuracy of non-boundary marks
(1) The horizontal accuracy between any 2 new or old non-boundary marks must not exceed—
0.025 + (dist x 0.00005) m to a maximum of 0.20m
where dist is the horizontal distance between the marks in metres.
(2) The vertical accuracy between any 2 new or old non-boundary marks must not exceed—
0.030 + (dist x 0.0001) m to a maximum of 0.20m
where dist is the slope distance between the marks in metres.
Subpart 2 Rule 20: Accuracy of connection to control network?
[20] Accuracy of connection to control network
(1) The horizontal accuracy between any adopted cadastral survey network mark and a new or an old non-boundary mark must not exceed—
0.025 + (dist x 0.00015) m to a maximum of 0.20m
where dist is the horizontal distance between the marks in metres.
(2) The vertical accuracy between any vertical control mark and a new height-limited boundary point must not exceed—
0.030 + (dist x 0.0001) m to a maximum of 0.20m
where dist is the slope distance between the marks in metres.
Subpart 2 Rule 21: Accuracy of boundary referencing?
[21] Accuracy of boundary referencing
The accuracy between a boundary point required by these rules to be referenced and all old and new non-boundary marks within the distances specified in rule 32, 51(2), or 61(4) must not exceed the tolerance specified for the relevant class in table 1.
Table 1: Accuracy tolerances for boundary referencing
Class of boundary point: A Horizontal tolerance: 0.03m Vertical tolerance: 0.04m
Class of boundary point: B Horizontal tolerance: 0.20m Vertical tolerance: 0.20m
Class of boundary point: C Horizontal tolerance: 0.60m Vertical tolerance: 0.60m
Class of boundary point: D Horizontal tolerance: N/A Vertical tolerance: N/A
Subpart 2 Rule 22: Use of Class A?
[22] Use of Class A
(1) Class A accuracies must be used for a boundary and its associated boundary points that are—
(a) in or adjoining an urban area; or
(b) intended as a result of a survey to be in an urban area.
(2) Class A accuracies must be used for the boundary and the associated boundary points of any parcel that is not in an urban area, but is used, or is intended as a result of a survey to be used intensively, for commercial, industrial, or residential purposes.
(3) Class A accuracies may be used in any other circumstances instead of Class B or Class C accuracies.
Subpart 2 Rule 23: Use of Class B?
[23] Use of Class B
Class B accuracies must be used for a boundary and its associated boundary points unless—
(a) rule 22 requires class A to be used; or
(b) class C or class D accuracies are used in accordance with rule 24 or 25.
Subpart 2 Rule 24: Use of Class C?
[24] Use of Class C
Class C accuracies may be used for an existing primary parcel boundary and its associated boundary points that are adopted if—
(a) the boundary is part of a primary parcel that is—
(i) over 20 ha and comprises more than 80% of the existing primary parcel being extinguished; or
(ii) over 100 ha; and
(b) either—
(i) its boundary points do not meet the class B accuracy tolerances in rule 27; or
(ii) the parcel is part of a title that is to remain limited as to parcels or remain a Hawke’s Bay interim title.
Subpart 2 Rule 25: Use of Class D?
[25] Use of Class D
Class D must be used for a boundary and its associated boundary points that have been accepted under rule 15.
Subpart 2 Rule 26: Class to be used where different connected boundaries have different classes?
[26] Class to be used where connected boundaries have different classes
The accuracy class that applies to a boundary point must be the most accurate class of boundaries connected to that point.
Subpart 2 Rule 27: Accuracy of boundary points?
[27] Accuracy of boundary points
(1) The horizontal and vertical accuracy between any boundary point and any other boundary point on a parcel under survey must not exceed the tolerance specified for the relevant class in table 2.
Table 2: Accuracy tolerances for boundary points
Boundary Class: A Tolerance: 0.06 + (dist x 0.00015) m
Boundary Class: B Tolerance: 0.30 + (dist x 0.0006) m
Boundary Class: C Tolerance: 1.00 + (dist x 0.003) m
Boundary Class: D Tolerance: Not specified
(2) If 2 boundary points have different accuracy classes, the less accurate tolerance applies between those 2 points.
(3) The accuracy standards in subclause (1) also apply when reinstating a boundary.
(4) The accuracy standards in subclause (1) also apply between the boundary points of a non-primary parcel and the boundary points of its underlying parcel if that underlying parcel is not being created by the survey.
Subpart 2 Rule 28: Accuracy must be sufficient to avoid overlap?
[28] Accuracy must be sufficient to avoid overlap
The relationship between a new boundary and any other boundary, including a boundary that is accepted or adopted, must be determined to a sufficient level of accuracy to address the risk of incompatible rights overlapping.
Subpart 2 Rule 29: Accuracy of water, water centre-line, and irregular boundaries?
[29] Accuracy of water, water centre-line, and irregular boundaries
(1) Accuracy classes do not apply to a water boundary, a water centre-line boundary, or an irregular boundary.
(2) The position of a water boundary, a water centre-line boundary, or an irregular boundary, including an adopted boundary, must be determined to a sufficient level of accuracy to take into account—
(a) the risk of overlap or ambiguity in boundaries, including a water boundary on the other side of the water body; and
(b) any statutory requirement applying to the width or size of the related water bodies; and
(c) the potential for the margin of the water body to move and for the water-related boundary to move or become permanent as a result of that movement; and
(d) the nature of the physical feature that defines the water body margin; and
the value of the land and the intensity of the land use.
(3) However, subclause (2) does not apply to accepted water boundaries, accepted water centre-line boundaries, or accepted irregular boundaries.
Subpart 2 Rule 30: Accuracy of intersection of right-line boundary with water, water centre-line, or irregular boundary?
[30] Accuracy of intersection of right-line boundary with water, water centre-line, or irregular boundary
If a right line boundary intersects a water boundary, a water centre-line boundary, or an irregular boundary,—
(a) the bearing must be defined to class A, B, or C accuracies (as appropriate); and
(b) the distance must match the accuracy of the water boundary, water centre-line boundary, or irregular boundary as determined under rule 29(2) and must be class D.