Part 4 Flashcards
What is the Develop Project Charter process?
Develop Project Charter is the process of developing a document that formally authorizes the existence of a project and provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities.
What are the key benefits of the Develop Project Charter process?
The key benefits of this process are that it provides a direct link between the project and the strategic objectives of the organization, creates a formal record of the project, and shows the organizational commitment to the project. This process is performed once or at predefined points in the project.
Who makes the project charter?
The project charter can be developed by the sponsor or the project manager in collaboration with the initiating entity. This collaboration allows the project manager to have a better understanding of the project purpose, objectives, and expected benefits. This understanding will better allow for efficient resource allocation to project activities.
What does the Develop Project Charter phase actually do?
Documents that you have the authority to apply org resources to the project, serves as a formal record, and links the project to the org strategy.
What are the inputs for a project charter?
Business documents – business case, benefits mgmt. plan
Agreements – contracts, MOUs, SLAs
Enterprise environmental factors
Org process assets
What is a business case?
This describes the necessary info from a business view point to decide if the outcomes justify the investment. The cost-benefits analysis provides and justifies the boundaries for the project. The BC comes from changes in market dd, org needs, tech changes, legal etc.
What does EEFs include?
Govt or industry standard
Legal and regulatory changes
Marketplace, org culture and political climate
Stakeholder expectations
What are org process assets?
Standard policies
Project governance frameworks
Historical info and lessons learned
What are the tools & techniques for the Develop Project Charter process?
Expert judgement – technical, risk, subject matter, budgetary, benefits mgmt.
Data gathering – including brainstorming, focus groups and interviews
Interpersonal skills used in meetings – conflict mgmt. & facilitation, meeting mgmt. -> to get alignment in objectives, success criteria, requirements
What is the develop project management plan step about?
Develop Project Management Plan is the process of defining, preparing, and coordinating all plan components and consolidating them into an integrated project management plan.
What is the key benefit of the Develop Project Mgmt. Plan phase?
The key benefit of this process is the production of a comprehensive document that defines the basis of all project work and how the work will be performed. This process is performed once or at predefined points in the project.
What does the project management plan define?
The project management plan defines how the project is executed, monitored and controlled, and closed. It integrates and consolidates all of the subsidiary management plans and baselines, and other information necessary to manage the project.
How does baselining work in the project management plan?
The project management plan should be baselined; that is, it is necessary to define at least the project references for scope, time, and cost, so that the project execution can be measured and compared to those references and performance can be managed. Before the baselines are defined, the project management plan may be updated as many times as necessary. No formal process is required at that time. But, once it is baselined, it may only be changed through the Perform Integrated Change Control process.
What are the inputs to the project management plan?
Project charter
Outputs from other processes
Org process assets
What are the tools & techniques for the Develop Project Mgmt. Plan process?
Expert judgement – tailoring, determining tools & techniques, resources and skill levels needed, prioritising
Data gathering – brainstorming ideas around the project approach, checklists (org assets, industry), focus groups and interviews with stakeholders
Interpersonal skills – conflict mgmt., facilitation, meeting mgmt.
For this process, meetings discuss the project approach, how work will be executed and the way monitoring and controlling will work. The project kick off is normally associated with the end of planning and the beginning of executing – communicating to the team the objectives, get buy in, and explain the roles and responsibilities.
What are the project management plan outputs?
Project management plan
This has subsidiary management plans, baselines and additional components.
What is Direct and Manage Project Work?
Direct and Manage Project Work is the process of leading and performing the work defined in the project management plan and implementing approved changes to achieve the project’s objectives.
What is the key benefit of the Direct and Manage Work process?
The key benefit of this process is that it provides overall management of the project work and deliverables, thus improving the probability of project success. This process is performed throughout the project.
What does the Direct and Manage Project Work process do?
Direct and Manage Project Work involves executing the planned project activities to complete project deliverables and accomplish established objectives. Available resources are allocated, their efficient use is managed, and changes in project plans stemming from analyzing work performance data and information are carried out. The Direct and Manage Project Work process is directly affected by the project application area. Deliverables are produced as outputs from processes performed to accomplish the project work as planned and scheduled in the project management plan
What are the inputs to the Direct and Manage Project Work process?
Project Management Plan
Project documents
Change log (list of change requests)
Lessons learned register (org process asset)
Milestone list
Project comms (any info generated by the project)
Project schedule (list of work activities, durations, resources, planned start/finish dates)
Requirements traceability matrix (links requirements to deliverables)
Risk register (threats and opps that may impact project execution)
Risk report (info on sources of overall project risk with summary info on identified individual project risks)
Approved change requests (an output of the Perform Integrated Change Control process)
Org process assets
What are the Direct and Manage Project Work tools and techniques?
Expert judgement
Project Management Info System (PMIS)
Meetings (kick off, technical, daily, planning, updates, retrospective)
What are the outputs from the Direct and Manage Project Work process?
Work performance data (raw observations and measurements gathered through execution, passed to controlling processes for further analysis)
Issue log
Change requests (formal proposal to modify any document, deliverable, or baseline – these are processed through the Perform Integrated Change Control process. Could be for corrective, preventative, defects, updates).
Project Management Plan Updates
Project Document Updates (activity lists, assumptions, lesson learned register, requirements docs, risk register, stakeholder register)
Org Process Asset Updates
What is the Manage Project Knowledge process?
Manage Project Knowledge is the process of using existing knowledge and creating new knowledge to achieve the project’s objectives and contribute to organizational learning.
What are the key benefits of the Manage Project Knowledge process?
The key benefits of this process are that prior organizational knowledge is leveraged to produce or improve the project outcomes, and knowledge created by the project is available to support organizational operations and future projects or phases. This process is performed throughout the project.
What are the misconceptions around the Manage Project Knowledge process?
That it just involves a lessons learned at the end, and only relates to explicit (easily codified) knowledge. Knowledge comes as both explicit, but also tacit (harder to codify, beliefs and insights and is shared through conversations). Knowledge is usually shared with a combination of both explicit and tacit.
What are the inputs for the Manage Project Knowledge process?
Project management plan
Project documents (lessons learned, project team assignments & resource breakdown structure – info on the composition of the team, competencies and experience, stakeholder register – any knowledge they may have)
Org process assets
What are the tools and techniques for the Manage Project Knowledge process?
Expert knowledge – relating to knowledge management and tools and org learning
Knowledge management – tools & techniques that connect people so they can work together, share tacit knowledge and integrate as a team. Online, in-person, meetings, shadowing, communities etc.
Information management – methods for capturing info and connecting people to it
Interpersonal skills – listening, facilitation, networking, political skills
What are the outputs to the Manage Project Knowledge process?
Lessons learned
Project management plan updates
Org process assets
What is the Monitor and Control Project Work process?
Monitor and Control Project Work is the process of tracking, reviewing, and reporting the overall progress to meet the performance objectives defined in the project management plan.
What is the key benefit of the Monitor and Control Work process?
The key benefits of this process are that it allows stakeholders to understand the current state of the project, to recognize the actions taken to address any performance issues, and to have visibility into the future project status with cost and schedule forecasts. This process is performed throughout the project.
What is happening in the Monitoring and Controlling process?
Monitoring includes collecting, measuring, and assessing measurements and trends to effect process improvements. Control includes determining corrective or preventive actions or replanning and following up on action plans to determine whether the actions taken resolved the performance issue.
What are the inputs to the Monitoring and Controlling process?
Project management plan
Project documents – assumption log, cost info (basis of estimates, cost forecasts), issues log, lessons learned, risk reports and register etc
Work performance info – this is work performance data compared to the project management plan/components/variables for comparison. This can indicate if corrective or preventative action is required.
Agreements – procurement contracts, monitoring to ensure performance
Org process assets – including financial control procedures, issue & defect management procedures etc
What are the tools and techniques for the Monitoring and Controlling process?
Expert judgement – earned value analysis, data and trend interpretation, risk and contract mgmt.
Data analysis – analysis on earned values/trend/cost-benefit/root cause/variance
Decision making
What are the outputs to the Monitor and Control process?
Work performance reports – work performance information in reports for awareness, decisions and action
Change requests – to go to the Perform Integrated Change Control process; preventative or corrective, defect repair
Project Management Plan Updates
Project Document Updates – cost forecasts, issue logs, lessons learned, risk register
What is the Perform Integrated Change Control process?
Perform Integrated Change Control is the process of reviewing all change requests; approving changes and managing changes to deliverables, project documents, and the project management plan; and communicating the decisions.
What does the Perform Integrated Change Control process do and why?
This process reviews all requests for changes to project documents, deliverables, or the project management plan and determines the resolution of the change requests. The key benefit of this process is that it allows for documented changes within the project to be considered in an integrated manner while addressing overall project risk, which often arises from changes made without consideration of the overall project objectives or plans. This process is performed throughout the project.
Why is the Perform Integrated Change Control process important?
Changes requests can impact the project scope as well as any project mgmt. plan component or project doc. Change requests can come from any stakeholder, at any time. Once baselines have been established, changes go through this process. These should be documented and go through a formal Change Control Board (as appropriate for this scale etc).
What does the Perform Integrated Change Control process impact?
It can require new or revised cost estimates, activity sequences or costs, resource requirements or risk analysis. This can require changes to project mgmt. plan documents or project docs, and even customer approval if they’re not part of the change control board.
What are the Perform Integrated Change Control inputs?
Project mgmt. plan – change mgmt. plan, config mgmt. plan, baselines for scope, schedule and costs
Project docs – basis of estimates, requirements traceability matrix, risk report
Work performance reports – including resource availability, earned value/burndown, schedule and cost data
Change requests – many processes create change requests as an output. If they don’t affect the baseline, the project mgr (only performance against baseline) may make the decision. If they affect the baseline, those should be decided by the CCB/customer & sponsor and baselines updated.
Org process assets
What are the tools and technqiues for the Perform Integrated Change Control process?
Expert judgement
Change control tools – config controlon deliverables and process, supporting documenting and tracking changes
Data analysis – analyse for alternatives, cost-benefits on requested changes
Decision making
Meetings – with the CCB on requested changes, review config management activities – doc and disperse
What are the outputs from the Perform Integrated Change Control process?
Approve change requests – processed by the proj mgr, CCB or assigned team member
Project mgmt. plan updates
Project doc updates
What is the Close Project or Phase process, and what is its key benefit?
Close Project or Phase is the process of finalizing all activities for the project, phase, or contract. The key benefits of this process are the project or phase information is archived, the planned work is completed, and organizational team resources are released to pursue new endeavors. This process is performed once or at predefined points in the project.
What are the Close Project process inputs?
Project charter
Project management plan
Project docs – not stakeholder register
Accepted deliverables
Business docs (bus plan, benefits mgmt. plan)
Procurement docs
Org process assets (config knowledge base, project closure requirements
What are the Close Project process tools & techniques?
Expert judgement
Data analysis – assessing docs, analysing variables for success/next projects/variance
Meetings – to confirm deliverable acceptance, exit criteria reached, celebration
What are the Close Project process outputs?
Project doc updates
Final product/service
Final report – a summary of project performance incl scope/quality/cost objectives, validation info
Org process asset updates – project docs, operational/support docs, lessons learned register