Part 3 Flashcards
1. to add a number to itself a particular number of times
-> The children are already learning to multiply and divide.
2. to increase or make something increase very much in number or amount
-> Our problems have multiplied since last year.
3. to produce young animals, bacteria, etc. in large numbers
-> Rabbits multiply rapidly.
1. to kill somebody deliberately and illegally
-> He denies murdering his wife’s lover.
2. to change something good into something bad because you do not do it very well
-> Critics accused him of murdering the English language (= writing or speaking it very badly).
3. to defeat somebody completely, especially in a team sport
-> England are getting murdered at the moment.
4. used to say that you very much want to eat or drink something
5. used to warn or predict that another person will be very angry with somebody/you
giết người
modal verb
1. used to say that something is necessary or very important (sometimes involving a rule or a law)
-> All visitors must report to reception.
2. used to say that something is likely or logical
-> You must be hungry after all that walking.
3. used to recommend that somebody does something because you think it is a good idea
-> You simply must read this book.
4. used to say that somebody may do something but you do not really want them to
5. used to tell people that something is so good or interesting that they should see, read, get it, etc.
6. in certain situations it is necessary for you to do something that you do not like or enjoy
1. of or belonging to the speaker or writer
-> Where’s my passport?
2. used in exclamations to express surprise, etc.
-> My goodness! Look at the time.
3. used when speaking to somebody, to show love
-> my dear/darling/love
4. used when speaking to somebody that you consider to have a lower status than you
-> My dear girl, you’re wrong.
Của tôi
1. the thin hard layer covering the outer tip of the fingers or toes
-> Stop biting your nails!
2. a small thin pointed piece of metal with a flat head, used for joining pieces of wood together or hanging things on a wall
-> She hammered the nail in.
3. to fight in a very determined way for what you want
4. showing no fear, sympathy or kind behaviour
5. to say something that is exactly right
6. something that makes the end or failure of an organization, somebody’s plans, etc. more likely to happen
7. without delay
8. very strong and able to deal successfully with difficult conditions or situations
móng tay
1. not wearing any clothes
-> She was clutching the sheet around her naked body.
2. with nothing to cover it
-> a naked light
3. expressed strongly and not hidden
-> naked aggression
4. unable to protect yourself from being harmed, criticized, etc.
-> He still felt naked and drained after his ordeal.
5. the normal power of your eyes without the help of an instrument
khỏa thân
1. describing events or telling a story
-> narrative fiction
chuyện kể
1. very bad or unpleasant
-> He had a nasty accident.
2. unkind; unpleasant
-> She’s always making nasty remarks about people.
3. dangerous or serious
-> a nasty bend (= dangerous for cars going fast)
4. offensive; in bad taste
-> to have a nasty mind
5. to start making threats or become violent
6. to become bad or unpleasant
7. to make you feel upset or ashamed afterwards
8. a person who is unpleasant, unkind or dishonest
bẩn thỉu
1. a country considered as a group of people with the same language, culture and history, who live in a particular area under one government
-> European/Arab/Asian nations
2. all the people in a country
-> The entire nation, it seemed, was watching TV.
3. a native North American people
-> Minnesota is home to 11 tribal nations.
Quốc gia
1. a citizen of a particular country
-> Polish nationals living in Germany
quốc gia
1. at a short distance away from somebody/something
-> Do you live near here?
2. a short period of time from something
-> My birthday is very near Christmas.
3. used before a number to mean ‘approximately’, ‘just below or above’
-> Share prices are near their record high of last year.
4. similar to somebody/something in quality, size, etc.
-> Nobody else comes near her in intellect.
5. close to a particular state
-> a state near (to) death
6. close to you in time or distance
7. to be fairly accurate in a guess, statement, etc.
8. having a lot of importance and interest for somebody
1. that is needed for a purpose or a reason
-> It may be necessary to buy a new one.
2. that must exist or happen and cannot be avoided
-> This is a necessary consequence of progress.
3. a thing that is bad or that you do not like but that you must accept for a particular reason
cần thiết
1. the fact that something must happen or be done; the need for something
-> We recognize the necessity for a written agreement.
2. a thing that you must have and cannot manage without
-> Many people cannot even afford basic necessities such as food and clothing.
3. a situation that must happen and that cannot be avoided
-> Living in London, he felt, was an unfortunate necessity.
4. to manage to gain an advantage from something that you have to do and cannot avoid
5. a difficult new problem forces people to think of a solution to it
sự cần thiết
1. the fact of not giving enough care or attention to something/somebody; the state of not receiving enough care or attention
-> The buildings are crumbling from years of neglect.
sao nhãng
1. to try to reach an agreement by formal discussion
-> The government will not negotiate with terrorists.
2. to arrange or agree something by formal discussion
-> to negotiate a deal/contract/treaty/settlement
3. to successfully get over or past a difficult part on a path or route
-> The climbers had to negotiate a steep rock face.
thương lượng
1. not one nor the other of two things or people
-> Neither answer is correct.
1. new information about something that has happened recently
-> What’s the latest news?
2. reports of recent events that appear in newspapers or on television, radio or the internet
-> national/international/local news
3. a regular television or radio broadcast of the latest news
-> to listen to/watch the news
4. a person, thing or event that is considered to be interesting enough to be reported as news
-> Pop stars are always news.
5. to be likely to cause problems
6. to be likely to be helpful or give an advantage
7. to be the first to tell somebody some bad news
8. if there were bad news we would hear it, so as we have heard nothing, it is likely that nothing bad has happened
Tin tức
[/ˌnɑːn ˈprɑːfɪt/]
1. without the aim of making a profit
-> an independent non-profit organization
phi lợi nhuận
1. not one of a group of people or things; not any
-> None of these pens works/work.
2. to refuse to accept something
3. only
4. despite this fact
5. used to emphasize who or what somebody/something is, when this is surprising
không có
1. 12 o’clock in the middle of the day
-> We should be there by noon.
2. at all times of the day and night (used to emphasize that something happens very often or that it happens continuously)
buổi trưa
1. the usual or average state, level or standard
-> The rainfall has been above normal for the time of year.
2. a person who is ordinary or healthy
-> Loads of people, from celebrities to normals, can be funny on Twitter.
3. a situation that used to be unusual but is now what you should expect
Bình thường
1. the part of the face that sticks out above the mouth, used for breathing and smelling things
-> She had dark eyes and a long narrow nose.
2. having the type of nose mentioned
-> red-nosed
3. the front part of a plane, spacecraft, etc.
-> Heat detectors are fitted in the nose of the missile.
4. a special ability for finding or recognizing something
-> As a journalist, she has always had a nose for a good story.
5. a sense of smell
-> a dog with a good nose
6. a smell that is characteristic of a particular wine
-> This Cote de Beaune has a good nose, with apricot and raisin aromas.
7. by only a small amount (used mostly when talking about horse racing)
8. to do something when you are angry that is meant to harm somebody else but that also harms you
9. to be guided by your sense of smell
10. to go straight forward
11. to act according to what seems right or reasonable, rather than following any particular rules
12. if you say that people have their noses in the trough, you mean that they are trying to get a lot of money for themselves
13. to annoy somebody
14. to defeat somebody
15. to be reading
16. to be reading something and giving it all your attention
17. to look around a place; to look for something in a place
18. used to say that somebody is not upset or annoyed about something because it does not affect them in a bad way
19. to avoid doing anything wrong or illegal
20. to not become involved in things that should not really involve you
21. to work hard for a long period of time without stopping
22. to make somebody do everything you want; to control somebody completely
23. to behave in a way that suggests that you think that you are better than somebody or that something is not good enough for you
24. if cars, etc. are nose to tail, they are moving slowly in a long line with little space between them
25. exactly
26. to pay too much money for something
27. very obvious
28. to try to become involved in something that should not involve you
29. a polite way to say that somebody goes to the toilet
30. to upset or annoy somebody, especially by not giving them enough attention
31. to keep reminding somebody in an unkind way of their past mistakes
32. to make a rude sign with your thumb on your nose; to show that you have no respect for somebody/something
33. to refuse something, especially because you do not think that it is good enough for you
34. if something is under somebody’s nose, it is very close to them but they cannot see it
35. if something happens under somebody’s nose, they do not notice it even though it is not being done secretly
36. in a way that is not friendly and suggests that you think that you are better than other people
1. different from anything known before; new, interesting and often seeming slightly strange
-> a novel feature
cuốn tiểu thuyết
1. the 11th month of the year, between October and December
-> She was born in November.
tháng mười một
1. a person who watches somebody/something
-> According to observers, the plane exploded shortly after take-off.
2. a person who attends a meeting, lesson, etc. to listen and watch but not to take part
-> A team of British officials were sent as observers to the conference.
3. a person who watches and studies particular events, situations, etc. and is therefore considered to be an expert on them
-> a royal observer
người quan sát
1. to completely fill your mind so that you cannot think of anything else, in a way that is not reasonable or normal
-> He’s obsessed by computers.
2. to be always talking or worrying about a particular thing, especially when this annoys other people
-> I think you should try to stop obsessing about food.
ám ảnh
1. the state in which a person’s mind is completely filled with thoughts of one particular thing or person in a way that is not reasonable or normal
-> Her fear of flying is bordering on obsession.
2. a person or thing that somebody thinks about too much
-> Fitness has become an obsession with him.
nỗi ám ảnh
1. a particular time when something happens
-> on this/that occasion
2. a special event, ceremony or celebration
-> a great/memorable/happy/momentous occasion
3. a suitable time for something
-> It should have been an occasion for rejoicing, but she could not feel any real joy.
4. a reason or cause
-> I’ve had no occasion to visit him recently.
5. sometimes but not often
6. a feeling or understanding that an event is important or special
1. to fill or use a space, an area or an amount of time
-> The bed seemed to occupy most of the room.
2. to live or work in a room, house or building
-> He occupies an office on the 12th floor.
3. to enter a place in a large group and take control of it, especially by military force
-> The capital has been occupied by the rebel army.
4. to fill your time or keep you busy doing something
-> a game that will occupy the kids for hours
5. to have an official job or position
-> The president occupies the position for four years.
1. an act of saying that you are willing to do something for somebody or give something to somebody
-> to receive a job offer
2. an amount of money that somebody is willing to pay for something
-> I’ve had an offer of $2 500 for the car.
3. a reduction in the normal price of something, usually for a short period of time
-> This special offer is valid until the end of the month.
4. that can be bought, used, etc.
5. on sale at a lower price than normal for a short period of time
6. if a house or other building is under offer, somebody has agreed to buy it at a particular price
lời đề nghị
1. the complete control of trade in particular goods or the supply of a particular service; a type of goods or a service that is controlled in this way
-> In the past central government had a monopoly on television broadcasting.
2. the complete control, possession or use of something; a thing that belongs only to one person or group and that other people cannot share
-> Managers do not have a monopoly on stress.
3. a board game in which players have to pretend to buy and sell land and houses, using pieces of paper that look like money
sự độc quyền
1. a person driving a car
-> The accident was reported by a passing motorist.
người lái xe ô tô
1. a series of moving pictures recorded with sound that tells a story, watched at a movie theater or on a television or other device
-> You’ll love this movie.
2. when you go to the movies, you go to a movie theater to see a movie
-> Let’s go to the movies.
3. movies as an art or an industry
-> I’ve always wanted to work in the movies.
bộ phim
1. wet earth that is soft and sticky
-> The car wheels got stuck in the mud.
2. not clear at all; not easy to understand
3. to criticize or say bad things about somebody in public, in a way that is unfair
4. to criticize somebody or accuse somebody of bad things in order to damage their reputation, especially in politics
5. people remember and believe the bad things they hear about other people, even if they are later shown to be false
6. used to say that somebody is not liked or popular because of something they have done
1. many in number; involving many different people or things
-> The shape appears multiple times within each painting.
2. complex in its nature or effects; affecting several parts of the body
-> She suffered multiple injuries in the crash.
1. to add a number to itself a particular number of times
-> The children are already learning to multiply and divide.
2. to increase or make something increase very much in number or amount
-> Our problems have multiplied since last year.
3. to produce young animals, bacteria, etc. in large numbers
-> Rabbits multiply rapidly.
1. to kill somebody deliberately and illegally
-> He denies murdering his wife’s lover.
2. to change something good into something bad because you do not do it very well
-> Critics accused him of murdering the English language (= writing or speaking it very badly).
3. to defeat somebody completely, especially in a team sport
-> England are getting murdered at the moment.
4. used to say that you very much want to eat or drink something
5. used to warn or predict that another person will be very angry with somebody/you
giết người
modal verb
1. used to say that something is necessary or very important (sometimes involving a rule or a law)
-> All visitors must report to reception.
2. used to say that something is likely or logical
-> You must be hungry after all that walking.
3. used to recommend that somebody does something because you think it is a good idea
-> You simply must read this book.
4. used to say that somebody may do something but you do not really want them to
5. used to tell people that something is so good or interesting that they should see, read, get it, etc.
6. in certain situations it is necessary for you to do something that you do not like or enjoy
1. of or belonging to the speaker or writer
-> Where’s my passport?
2. used in exclamations to express surprise, etc.
-> My goodness! Look at the time.
3. used when speaking to somebody, to show love
-> my dear/darling/love
4. used when speaking to somebody that you consider to have a lower status than you
-> My dear girl, you’re wrong.
Của tôi
1. the thin hard layer covering the outer tip of the fingers or toes
-> Stop biting your nails!
2. a small thin pointed piece of metal with a flat head, used for joining pieces of wood together or hanging things on a wall
-> She hammered the nail in.
3. to fight in a very determined way for what you want
4. showing no fear, sympathy or kind behaviour
5. to say something that is exactly right
6. something that makes the end or failure of an organization, somebody’s plans, etc. more likely to happen
7. without delay
8. very strong and able to deal successfully with difficult conditions or situations
móng tay
1. not wearing any clothes
-> She was clutching the sheet around her naked body.
2. with nothing to cover it
-> a naked light
3. expressed strongly and not hidden
-> naked aggression
4. unable to protect yourself from being harmed, criticized, etc.
-> He still felt naked and drained after his ordeal.
5. the normal power of your eyes without the help of an instrument
khỏa thân
1. describing events or telling a story
-> narrative fiction
chuyện kể
1. very bad or unpleasant
-> He had a nasty accident.
2. unkind; unpleasant
-> She’s always making nasty remarks about people.
3. dangerous or serious
-> a nasty bend (= dangerous for cars going fast)
4. offensive; in bad taste
-> to have a nasty mind
5. to start making threats or become violent
6. to become bad or unpleasant
7. to make you feel upset or ashamed afterwards
8. a person who is unpleasant, unkind or dishonest
bẩn thỉu
1. a country considered as a group of people with the same language, culture and history, who live in a particular area under one government
-> European/Arab/Asian nations
2. all the people in a country
-> The entire nation, it seemed, was watching TV.
3. a native North American people
-> Minnesota is home to 11 tribal nations.
Quốc gia
1. a citizen of a particular country
-> Polish nationals living in Germany
quốc gia
1. at a short distance away from somebody/something
-> Do you live near here?
2. a short period of time from something
-> My birthday is very near Christmas.
3. used before a number to mean ‘approximately’, ‘just below or above’
-> Share prices are near their record high of last year.
4. similar to somebody/something in quality, size, etc.
-> Nobody else comes near her in intellect.
5. close to a particular state
-> a state near (to) death
6. close to you in time or distance
7. to be fairly accurate in a guess, statement, etc.
8. having a lot of importance and interest for somebody
1. that is needed for a purpose or a reason
-> It may be necessary to buy a new one.
2. that must exist or happen and cannot be avoided
-> This is a necessary consequence of progress.
3. a thing that is bad or that you do not like but that you must accept for a particular reason
cần thiết
1. the fact that something must happen or be done; the need for something
-> We recognize the necessity for a written agreement.
2. a thing that you must have and cannot manage without
-> Many people cannot even afford basic necessities such as food and clothing.
3. a situation that must happen and that cannot be avoided
-> Living in London, he felt, was an unfortunate necessity.
4. to manage to gain an advantage from something that you have to do and cannot avoid
5. a difficult new problem forces people to think of a solution to it
sự cần thiết
1. the fact of not giving enough care or attention to something/somebody; the state of not receiving enough care or attention
-> The buildings are crumbling from years of neglect.
sao nhãng
1. to try to reach an agreement by formal discussion
-> The government will not negotiate with terrorists.
2. to arrange or agree something by formal discussion
-> to negotiate a deal/contract/treaty/settlement
3. to successfully get over or past a difficult part on a path or route
-> The climbers had to negotiate a steep rock face.
thương lượng
1. not one nor the other of two things or people
-> Neither answer is correct.
1. new information about something that has happened recently
-> What’s the latest news?
2. reports of recent events that appear in newspapers or on television, radio or the internet
-> national/international/local news
3. a regular television or radio broadcast of the latest news
-> to listen to/watch the news
4. a person, thing or event that is considered to be interesting enough to be reported as news
-> Pop stars are always news.
5. to be likely to cause problems
6. to be likely to be helpful or give an advantage
7. to be the first to tell somebody some bad news
8. if there were bad news we would hear it, so as we have heard nothing, it is likely that nothing bad has happened
Tin tức
[/ˌnɑːn ˈprɑːfɪt/]
1. without the aim of making a profit
-> an independent non-profit organization
phi lợi nhuận
1. not one of a group of people or things; not any
-> None of these pens works/work.
2. to refuse to accept something
3. only
4. despite this fact
5. used to emphasize who or what somebody/something is, when this is surprising
không có
1. 12 o’clock in the middle of the day
-> We should be there by noon.
2. at all times of the day and night (used to emphasize that something happens very often or that it happens continuously)
buổi trưa
1. the usual or average state, level or standard
-> The rainfall has been above normal for the time of year.
2. a person who is ordinary or healthy
-> Loads of people, from celebrities to normals, can be funny on Twitter.
3. a situation that used to be unusual but is now what you should expect
Bình thường
1. the part of the face that sticks out above the mouth, used for breathing and smelling things
-> She had dark eyes and a long narrow nose.
2. having the type of nose mentioned
-> red-nosed
3. the front part of a plane, spacecraft, etc.
-> Heat detectors are fitted in the nose of the missile.
4. a special ability for finding or recognizing something
-> As a journalist, she has always had a nose for a good story.
5. a sense of smell
-> a dog with a good nose
6. a smell that is characteristic of a particular wine
-> This Cote de Beaune has a good nose, with apricot and raisin aromas.
7. by only a small amount (used mostly when talking about horse racing)
8. to do something when you are angry that is meant to harm somebody else but that also harms you
9. to be guided by your sense of smell
10. to go straight forward
11. to act according to what seems right or reasonable, rather than following any particular rules
12. if you say that people have their noses in the trough, you mean that they are trying to get a lot of money for themselves
13. to annoy somebody
14. to defeat somebody
15. to be reading
16. to be reading something and giving it all your attention
17. to look around a place; to look for something in a place
18. used to say that somebody is not upset or annoyed about something because it does not affect them in a bad way
19. to avoid doing anything wrong or illegal
20. to not become involved in things that should not really involve you
21. to work hard for a long period of time without stopping
22. to make somebody do everything you want; to control somebody completely
23. to behave in a way that suggests that you think that you are better than somebody or that something is not good enough for you
24. if cars, etc. are nose to tail, they are moving slowly in a long line with little space between them
25. exactly
26. to pay too much money for something
27. very obvious
28. to try to become involved in something that should not involve you
29. a polite way to say that somebody goes to the toilet
30. to upset or annoy somebody, especially by not giving them enough attention
31. to keep reminding somebody in an unkind way of their past mistakes
32. to make a rude sign with your thumb on your nose; to show that you have no respect for somebody/something
33. to refuse something, especially because you do not think that it is good enough for you
34. if something is under somebody’s nose, it is very close to them but they cannot see it
35. if something happens under somebody’s nose, they do not notice it even though it is not being done secretly
36. in a way that is not friendly and suggests that you think that you are better than other people
1. different from anything known before; new, interesting and often seeming slightly strange
-> a novel feature
cuốn tiểu thuyết
1. the 11th month of the year, between October and December
-> She was born in November.
tháng mười một
1. a person who watches somebody/something
-> According to observers, the plane exploded shortly after take-off.
2. a person who attends a meeting, lesson, etc. to listen and watch but not to take part
-> A team of British officials were sent as observers to the conference.
3. a person who watches and studies particular events, situations, etc. and is therefore considered to be an expert on them
-> a royal observer
người quan sát
1. to completely fill your mind so that you cannot think of anything else, in a way that is not reasonable or normal
-> He’s obsessed by computers.
2. to be always talking or worrying about a particular thing, especially when this annoys other people
-> I think you should try to stop obsessing about food.
ám ảnh
1. the state in which a person’s mind is completely filled with thoughts of one particular thing or person in a way that is not reasonable or normal
-> Her fear of flying is bordering on obsession.
2. a person or thing that somebody thinks about too much
-> Fitness has become an obsession with him.
nỗi ám ảnh
1. a particular time when something happens
-> on this/that occasion
2. a special event, ceremony or celebration
-> a great/memorable/happy/momentous occasion
3. a suitable time for something
-> It should have been an occasion for rejoicing, but she could not feel any real joy.
4. a reason or cause
-> I’ve had no occasion to visit him recently.
5. sometimes but not often
6. a feeling or understanding that an event is important or special
1. to fill or use a space, an area or an amount of time
-> The bed seemed to occupy most of the room.
2. to live or work in a room, house or building
-> He occupies an office on the 12th floor.
3. to enter a place in a large group and take control of it, especially by military force
-> The capital has been occupied by the rebel army.
4. to fill your time or keep you busy doing something
-> a game that will occupy the kids for hours
5. to have an official job or position
-> The president occupies the position for four years.
1. an act of saying that you are willing to do something for somebody or give something to somebody
-> to receive a job offer
2. an amount of money that somebody is willing to pay for something
-> I’ve had an offer of $2 500 for the car.
3. a reduction in the normal price of something, usually for a short period of time
-> This special offer is valid until the end of the month.
4. that can be bought, used, etc.
5. on sale at a lower price than normal for a short period of time
6. if a house or other building is under offer, somebody has agreed to buy it at a particular price
lời đề nghị
1. a thick liquid that is found in rock underground
-> Several companies are drilling for oil in the region.
2. a form of petroleum that is used as fuel and to make parts of machines move smoothly
-> fuel oil
3. a smooth thick liquid that is made from plants or animals and is used in cooking
-> Fry the potato in a little sunflower oil.
4. a smooth thick liquid that is made from plants, minerals, etc. and is used on the skin or hair
-> lavender bath oil
5. coloured paint containing oil used by artists
-> ‘Four Women on a Bench’, oil on canvas, 1991
6. a picture painted in oil paint
-> Among the more important Turner oils was ‘Venus and Adonis’.
7. to study or work until late at night
8. to try to settle an argument
1. of a particular age
-> Any old room would have done.
2. having lived for a long time; no longer young
-> The baby was only a few hours old.
3. old people
-> The old feel the cold more than the young.
4. having existed or been used for a long time
-> We had more room in our old house.
5. former; belonging to past times or a past time in your life
-> She’s an old friend of mine (= I have known her for a long time).
6. used to refer to something that has been replaced by something else
7. known for a long time
8. used to show kind feelings or a lack of respect
9. any item of the type mentioned (used when it is not important which particular item is chosen)
10. in a careless or untidy way
11. very old; ancient
12. to be behaving in the same bad way as before
13. a person who is very similar to their mother or father in the way that they look or behave
14. if you do something for old times’ sake, you do it because it is connected with something good that happened to you in the past
15. to dismiss somebody from their job; to end a relationship with somebody
16. an earlier period of time in your life or in history that is seen as better/worse than the present
17. a great age
18. a man who is respected in a particular profession that he has been involved in for a long time
19. to enjoy yourself very much
20. used to give an amount, a measurement, etc. using older or more traditional units that may be more familiar to some people
21. money that is earned very easily, for something that needs little effort
22. an older person who behaves in a stupid way is worse than a younger person who does the same thing, because experience should have taught him or her not to do it
23. in or since past times
24. used by older men of the middle and upper classes as a friendly way of addressing another man
25. very much older than somebody (especially used to suggest that a romantic or sexual relationship between the two people is not appropriate)
26. old enough to behave in a more sensible way than you actually did
27. used to describe a young person who acts in a more sensible way than you would expect for a person of their age
28. what usually happens
29. an old idea or belief that people now know is not correct
30. an old-fashioned person who likes to do things as they were done in the past
31. an age that is considered to be very old
32. to hurt or punish somebody who has harmed or cheated you in the past
33. (you cannot) successfully make people change their ideas, methods of work, etc., when they have had them for a long time
34. very strong and able to deal successfully with difficult conditions or situations
1. to move a door, window, lid, etc. into a position that is no longer closed; to get into this position
-> All at once the heavens opened and everyone rushed for cover.
2. to remove or undo the top, cover, etc. of a container or package in order to see or get what is inside
-> Mr Chen opened the car door for his wife.
3. if you open your eyes or your eyes open, you move your eyelids upwards so that you can see
-> The new hospital opens on July 1st.
4. if you open your mouth or your mouth opens, you move your lips, for example in order to speak
5. to turn the cover or the pages of a book, newspaper, etc. so that it is no longer closed
6. to start a computer program or file so that you can use it on the screen; to become available on a computer screen
7. to spread out or unfold; to spread something out or unfold it
8. to make it possible for people, cars, goods, etc. to pass through a place
9. to start business for the day; to start business for the first time
10. to be ready for people to go to
11. to start an activity or event; to begin using or doing something
12. to start in a particular way; to make something start in a particular way
13. to perform a ceremony showing that a building can start being used
14. to make it possible to reach, have, use or do something
15. it begins to rain heavily
16. to provide opportunities for somebody to do something and be successful
17. to realize or make somebody realize the truth about something
18. to become or make somebody aware of new ideas or experiences
19. to make it possible for somebody to do something or for something to happen
20. to tell somebody all your problems, feelings, etc.
1. a part of the body that has a particular purpose, such as the heart or the brain; part of a plant with a particular purpose
-> the internal organs
2. a penis
-> the male organ
3. a large musical instrument with keys like a piano. Sounds are produced by air forced through pipes.
-> She plays the organ in church.
4. a musical instrument similar to a pipe organ, but without pipes
-> an electric organ
5. an official organization that is part of a larger organization and has a special purpose
-> the organs of government
6. a newspaper or magazine that gives information about a particular group or organization; a means of communicating the views of a particular group
-> The People’s Daily is the official organ of the Chinese Communist Party.
đàn organ
1. produced or practised without using artificial chemicals
-> organic cheese/vegetables/wine, etc.
2. produced by or from living things
-> Improve the soil by adding organic matter.
3. relating to chemical compounds that contain carbon and mainly or ultimately come from living things
-> organic compounds
4. connected with the organs of the body
-> organic disease
5. consisting of different parts that are all connected to each other
-> the view of society as an organic whole
6. happening in a slow and natural way, rather than suddenly
-> the organic growth of foreign markets
hữu cơ
1. involving large numbers of people who work together to do something in a way that has been carefully planned
-> an organized body of workers
2. arranged or planned well or in the way mentioned
-> a carefully organized campaign
3. able to plan your work, life, etc. well and in an efficient way
-> a very organized person
được tổ chức
1. a person who makes the arrangements for something
-> the organizers of the festival
người tổ chức
1. used to describe the situation that existed at the beginning of a particular period or activity, especially before something was changed
-> The school was originally very small.
ban đầu
1. used to refer to people or things that are additional or different to people or things that have been mentioned or are known about
-> Mr Harris and Mrs Bate and three other teachers were there.
2. used to refer to the second of two people or things
-> My other sister is a doctor.
3. used to refer to the people or things that remain in a group
-> I’ll wear my other shoes—these are dirty.
4. used to refer to a place, direction, etc. that is the opposite to where you are, are going, etc.
-> I work on the other side of town.
5. recently
6. except
7. different or in a different way from; not
1. the reflexive form of we; used when you and another person or other people together cause and are affected by an action
-> We shouldn’t blame ourselves for what happened.
2. used to emphasize we or us; sometimes used instead of these words
-> We’ve often thought of going there ourselves.
3. alone; without anyone else
4. without help
5. for us alone to have or use; not shared with others
chính chúng ta
1. away from the inside of a place or thing
-> She ran out into the corridor.
2. away from or not at home or their place of work
-> I called Liz but she was out.
3. outside; not in a building
-> It’s cold out.
4. used to show that something/somebody is removed from a place, job, etc.
-> This detergent is good for getting stains out.
5. away from the edge of a place
-> The boy dashed out into the road.
6. used to show where something comes from
-> He drank his beer out of the bottle.
7. used to show what something is made from
-> a statue made out of bronze
8. used to show that somebody/something does not have any of something
-> We’re out of milk.
9. used to show that somebody/something is not or no longer in a particular state or condition
-> Try and stay out of trouble.
10. used to show that somebody is no longer involved in something
-> It was an awful job and I’m glad to be out of it.
11. from a particular number or set
-> You scored six out of ten.
12. clearly and loudly so that people can hear
-> to call/cry/shout out
13. a long or a particular distance away from a place or from land
-> She’s working out in Australia.
14. available to everyone; known to everyone
-> When does her new book come out?
15. used to show the reason why something is done
-> I asked out of curiosity.
16. not in the library; borrowed by somebody else
-> The book you wanted is out on loan.
17. at or towards its lowest point on land
-> I like walking on the wet sand when the tide is out.
18. if the sun, moon or stars are or come out, they can be seen from the earth and are not hidden by clouds
19. fully open
-> There should be some snowdrops out by now.
20. if a team or team member is out, it is no longer their turn with the bat
-> The West Indies were all out for 364 (= after scoring 364 runs in cricket).
21. if a player is out, they can no longer take part in the game
-> If you have no more cards, you are out. The winner is the one with the most cards.
22. if the ball is out, it landed outside the line
-> The umpire said the ball was out.
23. not correct or exact; wrong
-> I was slightly out in my calculations.
24. not possible or not allowed
-> Swimming is out until the weather gets warmer.
25. not fashionable
-> Black is out this year.
26. not or no longer burning or lit
-> Suddenly all the lights went out.
27. at an end
-> It was summer and school was out.
28. unconscious
-> He was out for more than an hour and came round in the hospital.
29. on strike
-> The dockers stayed out for several months.
30. to the end; completely
-> Hear me out before you say anything.
31. to be trying to get or do something
32. going regularly to a place
33. able to go outside again after an illness
34. travelling around a place
35. going or leaving
36. sad because you are not included in something
37. not aware of what is happening, usually because of drinking too much alcohol, or taking drugs
1. a person who owns something
-> a dog/pet/gun owner
người sở hữu
1. a chemical element. Oxygen is a gas that is present in air and water and is necessary for people, animals and plants to live.
-> The patient didn’t seem to be getting enough oxygen.
1. to put something into a box, bag, etc. to be sold or transported
-> packaged food/goods
2. to present somebody/something in a particular way
-> politicians who are packaged and presented to the public
bưu kiện
1. to cover a surface or object with paint
-> Paint the shed with weather-resistant paint.
2. to make a picture or design using paints
-> to paint portraits/pictures
3. to give a particular impression of somebody/something
-> The article paints them as a bunch of petty criminals.
4. to put coloured make-up on your nails, lips, etc.
5. to describe somebody/something in a particular way; to give a particular impression of somebody/something
6. to go to a lot of different bars, clubs, etc. and enjoy yourself
7. to describe something in a general way, ignoring the details
1. a picture that has been painted
-> a watercolour/an acrylic painting
2. the act or art of using paint to produce pictures
-> Her hobbies include music and painting.
3. the act of putting paint onto the surface of objects, walls, etc.
-> painting and decorating
bức vẽ
1. some but not all of a thing
-> The team is greater than the sum of its parts.
2. a section, piece or feature of something
-> We spent part of the time in the museum.
3. an element or member of something; a person or thing that helps to make up a whole or belongs in it
-> She’s not from these parts.
4. a separate piece or area of a human or animal body or of a plant
5. a piece of a machine or structure
6. an area or a region of the world, a country, a town, etc.
7. a region or an area
8. a section of a book, television series, etc., especially one that is published or broadcast separately
9. a role played by an actor in a play, film, etc.; the words spoken by an actor in a particular role
10. the way in which somebody/something is involved in an action or situation
11. music for a particular voice or instrument in a group singing or playing together
12. a unit of measurement that allows you to compare the different amounts of substances in something
13. a line on a person’s head where the hair is divided with a comb
14. to be better or more effective as a group than you would think just by looking at the individual members of the group
15. most of something, especially a period of time; more than half of something
16. you should avoid danger and not take unnecessary risks
17. mostly; usually
18. used to express your own, his, their, etc. opinion or feelings about something
19. to a great extent
20. partly; to some extent
21. to have an appearance or wear clothes suitable for a particular job, role or position
22. a person with many skills
23. made or done by somebody
24. a normal part of something
25. a person or thing that you are so used to seeing that you no longer notice them
26. to accept something slightly unpleasant without complaining or being offended
27. to be involved in something
28. to support somebody, for example in an argument
1. partly; not completely
-> The road was partially blocked by a fallen tree.
một phần
1. especially; more than usual or more than others
-> particularly useful/important/interesting
cụ thể
1. an official document or ticket that shows that you have the right to enter or leave a place, to travel on a bus or train, etc.
-> I never thought things would come to such a pass as this.
2. a successful result in an exam or test
-> a boarding pass (= for a plane)
3. (in some sports) an act of hitting or throwing the ball to another player in your team
4. a road or way over or through mountains
5. an act of going or moving past or over something
6. a stage in a process, especially one that involves separating things from a larger group
7. a choice or suggestion that is rejected or dismissed
8. to reach a sad or difficult state
9. if you give somebody a free pass or somebody gets a free pass, they are not punished for something bad they have done, or they are given permission to do something bad
10. to try to start a sexual relationship with somebody
vượt qua
1. the time that has gone by; things that happened in an earlier time
-> I used to go there often in the past.
2. a person’s past life or career; the history of a place, country, group, etc.
-> We don’t know anything about his past.
3. the form of a verb used to describe actions in the past
-> The past of ‘shine’ is ‘shone’.
4. a person or thing from your past that you see, hear, meet, etc. again in the present
5. a long time ago
6. to behave as though society, etc. has not changed, when in fact it has
quá khứ
1. the regular way in which something happens or is done
-> changing patterns of urban life
2. an excellent example to copy
-> This system sets the pattern for others to follow.
3. a regular arrangement of lines, shapes, colours, etc. for example as a design on material, carpets, etc.
-> a pattern of diamonds and squares
4. a design, set of instructions or shape to cut around that you use in order to make something
-> a knitting pattern
5. a small piece of material, paper, etc. that helps you choose the design of something
-> wallpaper patterns
1. to stop talking or doing something for a short time before continuing
-> Anita paused for a moment, then said: ‘All right’.
2. to stop a video, etc. for a short time using the pause button
-> She paused the movie to go and answer the door.
tạm ngừng
1. used to express the cost or amount of something for each person, number used, distance travelled, etc.
-> Rooms cost £50 per person, per night.
2. following something that has been decided
3. in the way that is normal or usual; as often happens
per cent
[/pər ˈsent/]
1. one part in every hundred
-> Poor families spend about 80 to 90 per cent of their income on food.
2. to put as much effort into something as you can; to give even more effort than could be expected
phần trăm
1. the number, amount or rate of something, expressed as if it is part of a total that is 100; a part or share of a whole
-> What percentage of the population is/are overweight?
2. a share of the profits of something
-> He gets a percentage for every car sold.
phần trăm
1. to continue to do something despite difficulties or opposition, in a way that can seem unreasonable
-> Why do you persist in blaming yourself for what happened?
2. to continue to exist
-> The belief that the earth was flat persisted for many centuries.
kiên trì
1. your own; not belonging to or connected with anyone else
-> Get up close and personal with the koalas at the San Diego Zoo.
2. between individual people who know each other
-> The novel is written from personal experience.
3. connected with a person’s private life, rather than their job or official position
4. done by a particular person rather than by somebody who is acting for them
5. made or done for a particular person rather than for a large group of people or people in general
6. referring to a particular person’s character, appearance, opinions, etc. in a way that is offensive
7. connected with a person’s body
8. physically very close to somebody; getting to know them well
riêng tư
1. a piece of equipment for talking to people who are not in the same place as you
-> I have to make a phone call.
2. the system for talking to somebody else using a phone
-> They like to do business by phone.
3. the part of a landline phone that you hold in your hand and speak into
-> to pick up the phone
4. an instrument that uses or makes sound
-> dictaphone
5. speaking a particular language; a person who does this
-> anglophone
6. a sound made in speech, especially when not considered as part of the sound system of a particular language
7. to be using the phone
8. to have a phone in your home or place of work
điện thoại
1. to make a phone call to somebody
-> I was just phoning up for a chat.
điện thoại
1. an animal with pink, black or brown skin, short legs, a broad nose and a short curly tail. Pigs are kept on farms for their meat (called pork) or live in the wild.
-> a pig farmer
2. a person who you find unpleasant or offensive; a person who you think is dirty or greedy
-> Arrogant pig!
3. an offensive word for a police officer
4. to do something badly; to make a mess of something
5. if you buy a pig in a poke, you buy something without seeing it or knowing if it is good enough
6. a difficult or unpleasant thing or task
7. used to show that you do not believe something will ever happen
con lợn
1. a number of things that have been placed on top of each other
-> a pile of clothes/paper
2. a mass of something that is high in the middle and wider at the bottom than at the top
-> piles of dirty washing
3. a lot of something
-> He made a pile of cash on the sale of his house.
4. the short threads, pieces of wool, etc. that form the soft surface of carpets and some types of cloth such as velvet
-> a deep-pile carpet
5. a large wooden, metal or stone post that is fixed into the ground and used to support a building, bridge, etc.
6. a large impressive building
-> a Victorian pile built as a private hospital
7. in the least/most important position in a group of people or things
8. to make a lot of money
Đóng cọc
1. to attach something onto another thing or fasten things together with a pin, etc.
-> The company is pinning its hopes on the new project.
2. to make somebody unable to move by holding them or pressing them against something
-> She pinned the badge onto her jacket.
3. to rely on somebody/something completely for success or help
1. (especially in the past) a person on a ship who attacks other ships at sea in order to steal from them
-> There were reports that a pirate ship had come looking for treasure in the cove.
2. a person who makes illegal copies of books, computer programs, etc., in order to sell them
-> a pirate edition
3. a person or an organization that broadcasts illegally
-> a pirate radio station
cướp biển
1. not decorated or complicated; simple
-> a plain but elegant dress
2. without marks or a pattern on it
-> covers in plain or printed cotton
3. easy to see or understand
-> He made it plain that we should leave.
4. not trying to trick anyone; honest and direct
-> The plain fact is that nobody really knows.
5. used to emphasize that something is very ordinary, not special in any way
-> You don’t need any special skills for this job, just plain common sense.
6. not beautiful or attractive
-> She looked very plain and dowdy.
7. describing a simple stitch used in knitting
8. to be simple and free from trouble
9. simply and clearly expressed, without using technical language
10. very obvious
đơn giản
1. a piece of writing performed by actors in a theatre or on television or radio
-> Chess is a game that calls into play all your powers of concentration.
2. things that people, especially children, do for pleasure rather than as work
-> a stage/radio play
3. the playing of a game
-> He made several nice defensive plays.
4. an action or move in a game
5. the activity or operation of something; the influence of something on something else
6. the possibility of free and easy movement
7. a light, quick movement that keeps changing
8. it is not healthy to spend all your time working; you need to relax too
9. to be very easy to do, so not even a child would find it difficult
10. to make use of something
11. to spend time playing with a toy, game, etc.
12. inside/outside the area allowed by the rules of the game
13. to emphasize the importance of a particular fact
14. to try to obtain something; to do things that are intended to produce a particular result
15. the humorous use of a word or phrase that can have two different meanings
16. the stage that has been reached in a process, etc. which has not yet been completed
17. the score in a sports match, especially in cricket
1. to ask somebody for something in a very strong and serious way
-> She pleaded with him not to go.
2. to state in court that you are guilty or not guilty of a crime
-> to plead guilty/not guilty
3. to present a case to a court
-> They hired a top lawyer to plead their case.
4. to argue in support of somebody/something
-> She appeared on television to plead the cause of political prisoners everywhere.
5. to give something as an explanation or excuse for something
-> He pleaded family problems for his lack of concentration.
biện hộ
1. to make somebody happy
-> You can’t please everybody.
2. often used after as or what, where, etc. to mean ‘to want’, ‘to choose’ or ‘to like’ to do something
-> You may stay as long as you please.
3. used when politely asking somebody to do something
4. used to say that you are annoyed or surprised at somebody’s actions
5. to be very attractive to look at
6. used to say that you very much hope or wish that something will happen or not happen
7. used to tell somebody that you are annoyed with them and do not care what they do
8. to be able to do whatever you like
Xin vui lòng
1. feeling happy about something
-> You’re coming? I’m so pleased.
2. happy or willing to do something
-> We are always pleased to be able to help.
3. not pleased; angry
4. very happy or willing to do something
5. very pleased/proud
6. too proud of something you have done
vừa lòng
1. to fill a hole with a substance or piece of material that fits tightly into it
2. to provide something that has been missing from a particular situation and is needed in order to improve it
-> He plugged the hole in the pipe with an old rag.
3. to give praise or attention to a new book, film, etc. in order to encourage people to buy it or see it
4. to shoot somebody
phích cắm
1. used after a number to show that the real number or amount is more than the one mentioned
-> The work will cost £10 000 plus.
2. above zero
-> The temperature is plus four degrees.
3. used to describe an aspect of something that you consider to be a good thing
-> One of the hotel’s plus points is that it is very central.
4. slightly higher than the grade A, B, etc.
-> I got B plus (B+) in the test.
1. used to add more information
-> I’ve got too much on at work. Plus my father is not well.
1. an advantage; a good thing
-> Knowledge of French is a plus in her job.
2. the symbol ( + ), used in mathematics
-> He put a plus instead of a minus.
1. a small piece of material like a small bag sewn into or onto a piece of clothing so that you can carry things in it
-> She was forced to dip into her own pocket to pay for the repairs.
2. a small bag or container fastened to something so that you can put things in it, for example, in a car door or in a bag
-> a jacket/coat/shirt/trouser pocket
3. used to talk about the amount of money that you have to spend
4. a small group or area that is different from everyone or everything around it
5. any of the holes or nets around the edges of the table used in the games of billiards, pool or snooker, which you have to hit the ball into
6. if two people are or live in each other’s pockets, they are too close to each other or spend too much time with each other
7. to be controlled or strongly influenced by somebody
8. if money burns a hole in your pocket, you want to spend it as soon as you have it
9. to spend some of your own money on something
10. to have influence or power over somebody, for example, a police officer or a politician, especially by threatening them or by offering them money
11. to be certain to win something
12. having gained/lost money as a result of something
13. to get richer or make somebody richer, especially by taking unfair advantage of a situation or by being dishonest
14. to steal something from somebody’s pocket without them noticing
15. to spend money or give it to somebody
1. a person who writes poems
-> an internationally renowned poet
nhà thơ
1. poems in general; poems as a genre of literature
-> lyric/epic poetry
2. a quality of beauty, style and feeling
-> There was poetry in all her gestures.
1. a thing that somebody says or writes giving their opinion or stating a fact
-> I don’t want to belabour the point, but it’s vital you understand how important this is.
2. the main or most important idea in something that is said or done
-> She made several interesting points in the article.
3. the purpose or aim of something
-> Applicants are awarded points on criteria such as education, skills and knowledge of English.
4. a particular detail or fact
5. a particular quality or feature that somebody/something has
6. a particular time or stage of development
7. a particular place or area
8. one of the marks of direction around a compass
9. an individual unit that adds to a score in a game or sports competition
10. a mark or unit on a scale of measurement
11. a unit of credit towards an award or benefit
12. the sharp, thin end of something
13. a narrow piece of land that stretches into the sea
14. a small round mark used in writing, especially the mark that separates a whole number from the part that comes after it
15. a very small dot of light or colour
16. a place in a wall, etc. where a piece of equipment can be connected to electricity
17. the hard tops of the toes of a kind of shoe that a ballet dancer balances on
18. a piece of track at a place where a railway line divides that can be moved to allow a train to change tracks
19. a unit of measurement for the size of letters in printing or on a computer screen, etc.
20. to repeat an idea, argument, etc. many times to emphasize it, especially when it has already been mentioned or understood
21. a clear example of the problem, situation, etc. that is being discussed
22. the more complicated or detailed aspects of something
23. used when you have to decide something or say what you really think
24. used to say what is true in a situation
25. to continue to repeat or explain something that has already been said and understood
26. to be or make sure you do something because it is important or necessary
27. a matter about which there may be difference of opinion or a lack of understanding
28. used to say that something is more important than something else
29. used to emphasize something that is expressed clearly and directly, especially a criticism
30. appropriate or relevant to the situation
31. perfect; exactly right for the occasion
32. to be close to doing something; to be going to do something very soon
33. a place where you go or a person that you speak to when you are dealing with an organization
34. a place where a journey starts
35. an idea, a theory or an event that is used to start a discussion, an activity, etc.
36. a thing that somebody considers to be very important for their honour or reputation
37. the time when you must continue with what you have decided to do, because it is not possible to get back to an earlier situation
38. used to say that you accept that somebody else is right when they have disagreed with you or criticized you
39. to show that you are better than somebody, especially by making clever remarks, for example in an argument
40. a subject that makes you feel angry or upset when it is mentioned
41. to allow or do something that is not usually acceptable, especially because of a particular situation
42. expressed in a simple, clear way without any extra information or feelings
43. to a degree that can be described as something
44. to some extent; to some degree but not completely
1. to harm or kill a person or an animal by giving them poison
-> He was believed to poison his enemies.
2. to put poison in or on something
-> a poisoned arrow
3. to have a bad effect on something
-> His comment served only to poison the atmosphere still further.
4. a thing that seems attractive when it is given to somebody but which soon becomes unpleasant
chất độc
1. a long thin straight piece of wood or metal, especially one with the end placed in the ground, used as a support
-> a tent pole
2. either of the two points at the opposite ends of the line on which the earth or any other planet turns
-> the North/South Pole
3. either of the two ends of a magnet, or the positive or negative points of an electric battery
4. either of two opposite or very different extremes
-> Their opinions were at opposite poles of the debate.
5. to be widely separated; to have no interests that you share
6. used to refer to the difficult way to the top of a profession
7. to refuse to get involved with somebody/something or in a particular situation
8. crazy
cây sào
1. an official organization whose job is to make people obey the law and to prevent and solve crime; the people who work for this organization
-> Get out of the house or I’ll call the police.
cảnh sát
1. a male police officer
-> a plain-clothes/uniformed policeman
cảnh sát
1. popular music of the sort that has been popular since the 1950s, usually with a strong rhythm and simple tunes, often contrasted with rock, soul and other forms of popular music
-> Football managers are always taking a pop at referees.
2. a short, sharp, explosive sound
-> rock, pop and soul
3. a sweet fizzy drink (= with bubbles) that is not alcoholic
4. used as a word for ‘father’, especially as a form of address
5. to attack somebody physically or in words
6. costing a particular amount for each one
nhạc pop
1. the state of being liked, enjoyed or supported by a large number of people
-> the increasing popularity of cycling
phổ biến
1. a good or useful quality or aspect
2. the result of a test or an experiment that shows that a substance or condition is present
-> What are the positives and negatives of going this route?
3. a developed film showing light and dark areas and colours as they actually were, especially one printed from a negative
tích cực
1. the official system used for sending and delivering letters, packages, etc.
-> Morale is very low. People have just had enough of being thrown from pillar to post.
2. letters, packages, etc. that are sent and delivered
-> I’ll send the original to you by post.
3. an occasion during the day when letters, etc. are collected or delivered
-> There was a lot of post this morning.
4. a message sent to a discussion group on the internet; a piece of writing that forms part of a blog
-> to catch/miss the post
5. a job, especially an important one in a large organization
6. an act of sending somebody to a particular place to do their job, especially for a limited period of time
7. the place where somebody, especially a soldier, does their job
8. a piece of wood or metal that is set in the ground in a position pointing upwards, especially to support something or to mark a point
9. the place where a race finishes, especially in horse racing
10. one of the two posts that form part of a goal
11. to be forced to go from one person or situation to another without achieving anything
12. very deaf (= unable to hear anything)
bưu kiện
1. a round white vegetable with a brown or red skin that grows underground as part of a plant also called a potato
-> Will you peel the potatoes for me?
khoai tây
1. that can develop into something or be developed in the future
-> potential customers/buyers/investors/clients
tiềm năng
1. the possibility of something happening or being developed or used
-> the potential for change
2. qualities that exist and can be developed
-> All children should be encouraged to realize their full potential.
3. the difference in voltage between two points in an electric field or circuit
tiềm năng
1. to make a liquid or other substance flow from a container in a continuous stream, especially by holding the container at an angle
-> Pour the sauce over the pasta.
2. to serve a drink by letting it flow from a container into a cup or glass
-> Will you pour the coffee?
3. when rain pours down or when it’s pouring (with) rain, rain is falling heavily
-> It’s pouring outside.
4. to flow quickly in a continuous stream
-> Tears poured down his cheeks.
5. to come or go somewhere continuously in large numbers
-> The crowd poured into the streets.
6. used to say that when one bad thing happens to you, other bad things happen soon after
7. to give reasons for not being in favour of something; to criticize something
8. to try to settle an argument
9. to tell somebody all your problems, feelings, etc.
10. to speak about somebody/something in a way that shows that you do not respect them or have a good opinion of them
1. the state of being poor
-> conditions of extreme/abject poverty
2. a lack of something; poor quality
-> There is a poverty of colour in her work.
1. doing an activity or training regularly so that you can improve your skill; the time you spend doing this
-> Don’t ask me to speak French! I’m out of practice.
2. action rather than ideas
-> conversation practice
3. a way of doing something that is the usual or expected way in a particular organization or situation
4. a thing that is done regularly; a habit or a custom
5. the work or the business of some professional people such as doctors, dentists and lawyers; the place where they work
6. to be/become less good at doing something than you were because you have not spent time doing it recently
7. in reality
8. a way of encouraging people by telling them that if you do an activity regularly and try to improve your skill, you will become very good at it
luyện tập
1. to do an activity or train regularly so that you can improve your skill
-> You need to practise every day.
2. to work as a doctor, lawyer, etc.
-> There are over 50 000 solicitors practising in England and Wales.
3. to do something regularly as part of your normal behaviour
-> to practise self-restraint/safe sex
4. to do the things yourself that you tell other people to do
luyện tập
1. the quality of being exact, accurate and careful
-> Her writing is imaginative but lacks precision.
độ chính xác
1. most important, famous or successful
-> one of the country’s premier chefs
thủ tướng
1. an official piece of paper on which a doctor writes the type of medicine you should have, and which enables you to get it from a chemist’s
-> The doctor gave me a prescription for antibiotics.
2. medicine that your doctor has ordered for you
-> The pharmacist will make up your prescription.
3. the act of prescribing medicine
-> The prescription of drugs is a doctor’s responsibility.
4. a plan or a suggestion for making something happen or for improving it
-> a prescription for happiness
đơn thuốc
1. to keep a particular quality, feature, etc.; to make sure that something is kept
-> He was anxious to preserve his reputation.
2. to keep something in its original state in good condition
-> a perfectly preserved 14th century house
3. to prevent something, especially food, from decaying (= being destroyed by natural processes) by treating it in a particular way
-> Wax polish preserves wood and leather.
4. to keep somebody/something alive, or safe from harm or danger
-> The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.
bảo tồn
1. to lead or be in charge of a meeting, ceremony, etc.
-> the presiding judge
chủ trì
1. the job of being president of a country or an organization; the period of time somebody holds this job
-> the current holder of the EU presidency
tổng thống
1. to push part of a device, etc. in order to make it work
-> Police have brought a charge of dangerous driving against the man.
2. to push something closely against something; to be pushed in this way
-> to press a button/key
3. to put something in a place by pushing it
-> She pressed her face against the window.
4. to put gentle pressure on somebody’s hand or arm, especially to show care or kind feelings
-> He pressed a coin into her hand and moved on.
5. to move in the direction mentioned by pushing
-> He gently pressed her arm, then left.
6. to make strong efforts to persuade or force somebody to do something
-> The photographers pressed around the royal visitors.
7. to express or repeat something with force
8. to make something flat or smooth by using force or putting something heavy on top
9. to make clothes smooth using a hot iron
10. to get the juice out of fruit or vegetables by using force or weight
11. to make something from a material, using pressure
12. to accuse somebody formally of a crime so that there can be a trial in court
13. to do exactly the right things to please somebody
14. to say hello to people by shaking hands
15. to get as much advantage as possible from a situation by attacking or arguing in a determined way
16. to use somebody/something for a purpose that they were not trained or intended for because there is nobody or nothing else available
17. to react in a sudden or extreme way to something unexpected that has frightened you
18. to push the reset button on a machine or device
19. to make an important change in your life, career, etc. by starting again with a fresh approach
1. to some extent; fairly
-> The game was pretty good.
2. very
-> That performance was pretty impressive.
3. to be in a good situation, especially when others are not
4. almost; almost completely
1. to exist or be very common at a particular time or in a particular place
-> We were horrified at the conditions prevailing in local prisons.
2. to be accepted, especially after a struggle or an argument
-> Justice will prevail over tyranny.
3. to defeat an opponent, especially after a long struggle
-> In a one-sided final, Spain prevailed against title-holder Croatia 40–34.
Chiếm ưu thế
1. at a time before the time that you are talking about
-> The building had previously been used as a hotel.
trước đó
1. the amount of money that you have to pay for something
-> Boat for sale, price £8 000
2. the unpleasant things that you must do or experience in order to achieve something or as a result of achieving something
-> Criticism is part of the price of leadership.
3. the numbers that tell you how much money you will receive if the horse that you bet on wins the race
-> Six to one is a good price for that horse.
4. whatever the cost or the difficulties may be
5. costing a lot of money
6. involving something unpleasant
7. extremely valuable or important
8. so good or useful that the cost does not seem too much
9. you can persuade anyone to do something by giving them more money or something that they want
10. used to say that no amount of money would persuade you to do or to sell something
11. to suffer because of bad luck, a mistake or something you have done
12. an amount of money that is offered for capturing or killing somebody
13. to say how much money something valuable is worth
14. used to say that you think that something you have achieved may not be worth all the problems and difficulties it causes
15. used to say that something seems unlikely
1. a feeling of being pleased or satisfied that you get when you or people who are connected with you have done something well or own something that other people admire
-> The car is her pride and joy.
2. a person or thing that makes people feel pleased or satisfied
-> The sight of her son graduating filled her with pride.
3. the feeling of respect that you have for yourself
-> The new sports stadium is the pride of the town.
4. the feeling that you are better or more important than other people
5. a group of lions
6. a person or thing that causes somebody to feel very pleased or satisfied
7. if you have too high an opinion of yourself or your abilities, something will happen to make you look stupid
8. the position in which something is most easily seen, that is given to the most important thing in a particular group
kiêu hãnh
1. a person who is qualified to perform religious duties and ceremonies in the Roman Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox Churches
-> a parish priest
2. a person who performs religious ceremonies in some religions that are not Christian
-> a Hindu/Buddhist priest
thầy tu
1. the person who is in charge of a college or (in Scotland and Canada) a university
-> Peter Brown, principal of St John’s College
2. a teacher who is in charge of a school
-> Principal Ray Smith
3. an amount of money that you lend to somebody or invest to earn interest
-> The principal must be repaid in full within ten years.
4. the person who has the most important part in a play, an opera, etc.
-> The performance of the two principals is disappointing.
5. a person that you are representing, especially in business or law
-> The shareholders are principals and the managers are agents.
hiệu trưởng
1. a machine for printing text on paper, especially one connected to a computer
-> a colour printer
2. a person or a company whose job is printing books, etc.
3. a place where books, etc. are printed
máy in
1. happening or existing before something else or before a particular time
-> Although not essential, some prior knowledge of statistics is desirable.
2. already existing and therefore more important
-> They have a prior claim to the property.
3. before something
-> during the week prior to the meeting
1. the treatment of raw material, food, etc. in order to change it, preserve it, etc.
-> the food processing industry
2. the process of dealing officially with a document, request, etc.
-> errors in the processing of financial transactions
xử lý
1. to publicly and officially tell people about something important
-> The president proclaimed a state of emergency.
2. to show something clearly; to be a sign of something
-> This building, more than any other, proclaims the character of the town.
tuyên bố
1. a person, a company or a country that grows or makes food, goods or materials
-> French wine producers
2. a person who is in charge of the practical and financial aspects of making a film or play
-> Hollywood screenwriters, actors and producers
3. a person or company that arranges for somebody to make a programme for radio or television, or a record, CD, etc.
-> an independent television producer
nhà sản xuất
1. a type of job that needs special training or skill, especially one that needs a high level of education
-> the medical/legal/teaching profession
2. all the people who work in a particular type of profession
-> The legal profession has/have always resisted change.
3. the traditional jobs that need a high level of education and training, such as being a doctor or a lawyer
-> employment in industry and the professions
4. a statement about what you believe, feel or think about something, that is sometimes made publicly
-> a profession of faith
nghề nghiệp
1. a description of somebody/something that gives useful information
-> We first build up a detailed profile of our customers and their requirements.
2. the general impression that somebody/something gives to the public and the amount of attention they receive
-> Her popularity has done great things for the profile of the sport.
3. the outline of a person’s face when you look from the side, not the front
-> his strong profile
4. the edge or outline of something that you see against a background
-> the profile of the tower against the sky
5. the amount of attention somebody/something has from the public
hồ sơ
1. an estimate or a statement of what figures, amounts, or events will be in the future, or what they were in the past, based on what is happening now
2. the act of putting an image of something onto a surface; an image that is shown in this way
-> to make forward/backward projections of population figures
3. a solid shape or object as represented on a flat surface
4. something that sticks out from a surface
5. the act of making your voice, a sound, etc. audible (= able to be heard) at a distance
6. the act of imagining that somebody else is thinking the same as you and is reacting in the same way
7. the act of giving a form and structure to inner thoughts and feelings
phép chiếu
1. to make somebody decide to do something; to cause something to happen
-> The discovery of the bomb prompted an increase in security.
2. to encourage somebody to speak by asking them questions or suggesting words that they could say
-> She was too nervous to speak and had to be prompted.
3. to follow the text of a play and remind the actors what the words are if they forget their lines
lời nhắc
1. to make the sound of a word or letter in a particular way
-> to pronounce a word/syllable/vowel/consonant
2. to give a judgement, opinion or statement formally, officially or publicly
-> to pronounce an opinion
phát âm
1. very obvious, easy to notice or strongly expressed
-> He walked with a pronounced limp.
phát âm
1. the state of being successful, especially in making money
-> Our future prosperity depends on economic growth.
sự phồn vinh
1. to make sure that somebody/something is not harmed, injured, damaged, etc.
-> to protect children/citizens/civilians/consumers/workers
2. to introduce laws that make it illegal to kill, harm or damage a particular animal, area of land, building, etc.
-> a protected area/species
3. to help an industry in your own country by taxing goods from other countries so that there is less competition
-> protected markets
4. to provide somebody/something with insurance against fire, injury, damage, etc.
-> Many policies do not protect you against personal injury.
5. to limit access to data, a web page, etc., for example by using passwords or encryption (= special codes)
-> Security products are designed to protect information from unauthorized access.
bảo vệ
1. a substance, found within all living things, that forms the structure of muscles, organs, etc. There are many different proteins and they are an essential part of what humans and animals eat to help them grow and stay healthy.
-> essential proteins and vitamins
chất đạm
1. the expression of strong dislike of or opposition to something; a statement or an action that shows this
-> to hold/organize/join a protest
2. unwillingly and after expressing disagreement
phản kháng
1. ordinary people in society in general
-> She doesn’t like to be seen in public without her make-up on.
2. a group of people who share a particular interest or who are involved in the same activity
-> The palace is now open to the public.
3. to discuss your personal affairs in public, especially something embarrassing
4. when other people, especially people you do not know, are present
công cộng
1. the regular beat of the heart as it sends blood around the body, that can be felt in different places, especially on the inside part of the wrist; the number of times the heart beats in a minute
-> a strong/weak pulse
2. a strong regular beat in music
-> the throbbing pulse of the drums
3. a single short increase in the amount of light, sound or electricity produced by a machine, etc.
-> pulse waves
4. the seeds of some plants that are eaten as food, such as peas and lentils
-> Pulses are a good source of protein.
5. to always be aware of the most recent developments in a particular situation
1. a machine that is used to force liquid, gas or air into or out of something
-> a petrol pump
2. a light simple sports shoe made of canvas (= strong cotton cloth) with a rubber sole
3. a woman’s formal shoe that is plain and does not cover the top part of the foot
4. a woman’s light, soft flat shoe worn for dancing or exercise; a similar style of shoe worn as a fashion item
-> ballet pumps
5. everyone helps or must help, especially in a difficult situation
6. to encourage the growth of a new or weak business or industry by putting money into it
1. having the colour of blue and red mixed together
-> a purple flower/dress
2. writing or a piece of writing that is too grand in style
màu tím
1. the act of looking for or trying to get something
-> the pursuit of happiness/knowledge/profit
2. the act of following or going after somebody, especially in order to catch them
-> We drove away with two police cars in pursuit (= following).
3. something that you give your time and energy to, that you do as a hobby
-> outdoor/leisure/artistic pursuits
theo đuổi
1. an act of pushing something/somebody
-> We can provide accommodation for six people at a push.
2. a large and determined military attack
-> She gave him a gentle push.
3. a determined effort to achieve something
-> He wants to open his own business, but needs a push in the right direction to get him started.
4. an act of encouraging somebody to do something
5. used to say that something is possible, but only with difficulty
6. to dismiss somebody/to be dismissed from your job
7. to end a romantic relationship with somebody; to be told that a romantic relationship with somebody is over
8. when there is no other choice; when everything else has failed
1. to use your hands, arms or body in order to make somebody/something move forward or away from you; to move part of your body into a particular position
-> The prime minister pressed the panic button yesterday as Britain’s economy plunged deeper into crisis.
2. to use force to move past somebody/something using your hands, arms, etc.
-> We pushed and pushed but the piano wouldn’t move.
3. to press a switch, button, etc., for example in order to make a machine start working
-> People were pushing and shoving to get to the front.
4. to affect something so that it reaches a particular level or state
5. to persuade or encourage somebody to do something that they may not want to do
6. to make somebody work hard
7. to put pressure on somebody and make them angry or upset
8. to try hard to persuade people to accept or agree with a new idea, buy a new product, etc.
9. to sell illegal drugs
10. to move forward quickly through an area
11. to be nearly 40, 50, etc. years old
12. to be dead and buried in the ground
13. to react in a sudden or extreme way to something unexpected that has frightened you
14. to do exactly the right things to please somebody
15. to spend a lot of money on enjoying yourself or celebrating something
16. to attempt to go beyond what is allowed or thought to be possible
17. to go beyond the limits of what is allowed or thought to be possible
18. to take a risk because you have successfully avoided problems in the past
19. to force somebody to lose control of their behaviour, usually after a particular event or series of events
20. to react in a sudden or extreme way to something unexpected that has frightened you
21. to try to forget about something unpleasant
1. a question, especially one asking for information or expressing a doubt about something
-> Our assistants will be happy to answer your queries.
2. a question mark to show that something has not been finished or decided
-> Put a query against Jack’s name—I’m not sure if he’s coming.
truy vấn
1. a long search for something, especially for some quality such as happiness
-> the quest for happiness/knowledge/truth
nhiệm vụ
1. to wait in a line of people, vehicles, etc. in order to do something, get something or go somewhere
-> People queued up outside.
2. to add tasks to other tasks so that they are ready to be done in order; to come together to be done in order
-> The system queues the jobs before they are processed.
xếp hàng
1. making very little noise
-> her quiet voice
2. without many people or much noise or activity
-> a quiet street/town
3. peaceful; without being interrupted
-> to have a quiet drink
4. tending not to talk very much
-> She was quiet and shy.
5. definite but not expressed in an obvious way
-> He had an air of quiet authority.
6. to say nothing about something; to keep something secret
im lặng
1. in a way that makes very little noise
-> to ask/speak/talk quietly
2. in a peaceful way; without being interrupted
-> I spent a few hours quietly relaxing.
3. without many people or much noise or activity
-> Sometimes a business begins quietly, as a hobby maybe, in a spare bedroom.
4. in a definite, but not obvious, way
-> He is quietly confident that they can succeed (= he is confident, but he is not talking about it too much).
lặng lẽ
1. to leave your job, school, etc.
-> If I don’t get more money I’ll quit.
2. to stop doing something
-> I’ve quit smoking.
3. to leave the place where you live
-> We decided it was time to quit the city.
4. to close a computer program or application
-> I quit the app and restarted it.
từ bỏ
1. a group of words or a short piece of writing taken from a book, play, speech, etc. and repeated because it is interesting or useful
2. a statement of how much money a particular piece of work will cost
-> The essay was full of quotes.
3. a pair of marks (‘ ’) or ( “ ” ) placed around a word, sentence, etc. to show that it is what somebody said or wrote, that it is a title or that you are using it in an unusual way
trích dẫn
1. when it rains, water falls from the sky in drops
-> Is it raining?
2. to fall or to make something fall on somebody/something in large quantities
-> Bombs rained (down) on the city’s streets.
3. to be raining heavily
4. used to say that when one bad thing happens to you, other bad things happen soon after
5. to prevent somebody from enjoying an event; to cause somebody’s plans to fail
cơn mưa
1. the position of somebody/something on a scale that shows how good or important they are in relation to other similar people or things, especially in sport
-> He has improved his ranking this season from 67th to 30th.
2. an official list showing the best players of a particular sport in order of how successful they are
-> He is currently 16th in the world rankings.
xếp hạng
1. the crime of forcing somebody to have sex when they do not want it or are not able to agree to it
-> He was charged with rape.
2. the act of destroying an area or damaging its beauty in a way that seems unnecessary
3. a plant with bright yellow flowers, grown as food for farm animals and for its seeds that are used to make oil
-> a field of rape
hiếp dâm
1. not cooked
-> Older workers often get a raw deal.
2. in its natural state; not yet changed, used or made into something else
-> raw meat
3. not yet organized into a form in which it can be easily used or understood
4. powerful and natural; not trained or showing control
5. red and painful because the skin has been damaged
6. new to a job or an activity and therefore without experience or skill
7. very cold
8. honest, direct and sometimes shocking
9. the fact of somebody being treated unfairly
1. quickly and without difficulty
-> All ingredients are readily available from your local store.
2. in a way that shows you do not object to something
-> Most people readily accept the need for laws.
dễ dàng
1. to say or do something that makes somebody less frightened or worried
-> They tried to reassure her, but she still felt anxious.
trấn an
1. a person who receives something
-> recipients of awards
người nhận
1. the colour of blood or fire
-> She often wears red.
2. red wine
-> Would you prefer red or white?
3. an offensive word for a communist or socialist
4. to owe money to your bank because you have spent more than you have in your account
5. to become very angry
màu đỏ
1. an act of making something less or smaller; the state of being made less or smaller
-> Some staff received wage rises, while others experienced a reduction.
2. an amount of money by which something is made cheaper
-> price reductions
3. a copy of a photograph, map, picture, etc. that is made smaller than the original one
4. the fact of adding one or more electrons to a substance or of removing oxygen from a substance
5. a sauce made by boiling a liquid until it becomes thick
-> a red wine reduction
sự giảm bớt
1. to record your/somebody’s/something’s name on an official list
2. to make your opinion known officially or publicly
-> You can also register online.
3. if a measuring instrument registers an amount or something registers an amount on a measuring instrument, the instrument shows or records that amount
4. to show or express a feeling
5. to notice something and remember it; to be noticed
6. to send something by mail, paying extra money to protect it against loss or damage
đăng ký
1. having the power to control an area of business or industry and make sure that it is operating fairly
-> regulatory bodies/authorities/agencies
quy định
1. the period during which a king, queen, emperor, etc. rules
-> By the end of his reign, the vast empire was in decline.
2. the period during which somebody is in charge of an organization, a team, etc.
-> Sir Alex Ferguson’s reign at Manchester United
trị vì
1. to rule as king, queen, emperor, etc.
-> It was the first visit by a British reigning monarch to Russia.
2. to be the best or most important in a particular situation or area of skill
-> She will face the reigning champion in her first round match.
3. to be the most obvious feature of a place or moment
-> At last silence reigned (= there was complete silence).
trị vì
1. to make a feeling, an idea, etc. stronger
-> The experience reinforced my sense of loss.
2. to make a structure or material stronger, especially by adding another material to it
-> All buildings are now reinforced to withstand earthquakes.
3. to send more people or equipment in order to make an army, etc. stronger
-> The UN has undertaken to reinforce its military presence along the borders.
củng cố
1. the act of refusing to accept or consider something
-> Her proposal met with unanimous rejection.
2. the act of refusing to accept somebody for a job, position, etc.
-> a rejection letter (= a letter in which you are told, for example, that you have not been accepted for a job)
3. the decision not to use, sell, publish, etc. something because its quality is not good enough
-> I’ve had letters of rejection from several publishers.
4. the failure of somebody’s body to accept a new organ after a transplant operation
-> He had a second lung transplant after rejection of the first.
5. failure to give a person or an animal enough love or care
-> painful feelings of rejection
sự từ chối
1. show or make a connection between two or more things
-> I found it difficult to relate the two ideas in my mind.
2. to give a spoken or written report of something; to tell a story
-> Then he related a story about his days working in a research laboratory.
liên quan
1. the way in which two people, groups or countries behave towards each other or deal with each other
-> a personal/working relationship
2. a loving and/or sexual friendship between two people
-> Their affair did not develop into a long-term relationship.
3. the way in which two or more things are connected
-> The study demonstrated associations, but no causal relationship.
4. the way in which a person is related to somebody else in a family
-> They have a very healthy father-son relationship.
mối quan hệ
1. considered and judged by being compared with something else
-> You must consider the relative merits of the two plans.
2. referring to an earlier noun, sentence or part of a sentence
-> In ‘the man who came’, ‘who’ is a relative pronoun and ‘who came’ is a relative clause.
3. that exists or that has a particular quality only when compared with something else
-> They now live in relative comfort (= compared with how they lived before).
4. in comparison with somebody/something else; in relation to somebody/something
5. having a connection with somebody/something; concerning somebody/something
liên quan đến
1. a person who is in the same family as somebody else
-> a close/distant relative
2. a thing that belongs to the same group as something else
-> The ibex is a distant relative of the mountain goat.
liên quan đến
1. to a fairly large degree, especially in comparison to something else
-> relatively large/small/high/low
2. used when you are comparing something with all similar things
tương đối
1. the act of setting a person or an animal free; the state of being set free
2. the act of making a film, recording or other product available to the public
-> The government has been working to secure the release of the hostages.
3. a thing that is made available to the public, especially a new film or music recording
-> recent/new releases
4. the act of making information available to the public
-> the release of the report
5. the act of letting a gas, chemical, etc. move or flow freely
6. the feeling that you are free from pain, worry or some other unpleasant feeling
giải phóng
1. the quality of being able to be trusted to do what somebody wants or needs
-> The incident cast doubt on her motives and reliability.
2. the quality of being likely to be correct or true
-> The reliability of these results has been questioned.
3. the quality of being able to work or operate for long periods without breaking down or needing attention
-> The aircraft has an exceptional record of reliability.
độ tin cậy
1. that can be trusted to do something well; that you can rely on
-> We are looking for someone who is reliable and hard-working.
2. that is likely to be correct or true
-> reliable information/data
3. able to work or operate for long periods without breaking down or needing attention
-> My car’s not as reliable as it used to be.
đáng tin cậy
1. feeling happy because something unpleasant has stopped or has not happened; showing this
-> She sounded relieved.
an tâm
1. to say or write a comment about something/somebody
-> Sport, George Orwell once remarked, is like war.
nhận xét
1. in a way that is unusual or surprising and causes people to take notice
-> The car is in remarkably good condition for its age.
đáng chú ý
1. the act of taking somebody/something away from a particular place
-> Clearance of the site required the removal of a number of trees.
2. the act of getting rid of something
-> stain removal
3. the act of dismissing somebody from their job
-> events leading to the removal of the president from office
4. an act of taking furniture, etc. from one house to another
-> house removals
gỡ bỏ
1. to take somebody/something away from a place
-> Illegally parked vehicles will be removed.
2. to take off clothing, etc. from the body
-> She removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes.
3. to get rid of something unpleasant, dirty, etc.; to make something disappear
-> She has had the tumour removed.
4. to dismiss somebody from their position or job
-> The elections removed the government from power.
5. to be very different from something; to not be connected with something
6. belonging to a different generation
di dời
1. to begin something again after it stopped or was interrupted
-> The army renewed its assault on the capital.
2. to make something legally acceptable for a further period of time
-> to renew a licence/lease/subscription/contract
3. to emphasize something by saying or stating it again
-> to renew an appeal/a request/a complaint
4. to change something that is old or damaged and replace it with something new of the same kind
-> The wiring in your house should be renewed every ten to fifteen years.
thay mới
1. an amount of money that you regularly pay so that you can use a house, room, etc.
-> I earn just about enough to pay the rent.
2. the amount of money that you pay to use something for a particular period of time
3. a torn place in a piece of material or clothing
4. available to rent
1. the amount of money that you pay to use something for a particular period of time
-> Telephone charges include line rental.
2. the act of renting something or an arrangement to rent something
-> the world’s largest car rental company
3. a house, car or piece of equipment that you can rent
-> ‘Is this your own car?’ ‘No, it’s a rental.’
cho thuê
1. a written or spoken account of an event, especially one that is published or broadcast
2. a spoken or written description of something containing information that somebody needs to have
-> Are these news reports true?
3. an official document written by a group of people who have examined a particular situation or problem
4. a story or piece of information that may or may not be true
5. a written statement about a student’s work at school, college, etc.
6. an employee whose work is the responsibility of a particular manager
7. the sound of an explosion or of a gun being fired
8. talked about by people in a bad/good way
báo cáo
1. to make a copy of a picture, piece of text, etc.
-> It is illegal to reproduce these worksheets without permission from the publisher.
2. to produce something very similar to something else in a different medium or context; to make something happen again in the same way
-> The atmosphere of the novel is successfully reproduced in the movie.
3. if people, plants, animals, etc. reproduce or reproduce themselves, they produce young
-> Most reptiles reproduce by laying eggs on land.
tái sản xuất
1. the act or process of producing babies, young animals or plants
-> sexual reproduction
2. the act or process of producing copies of a document, book, picture, etc.
-> Use a black pen on white paper to ensure good reproduction.
3. the quality of recorded sound
-> Digital recording gives excellent sound reproduction.
4. a thing that has been reproduced, especially a copy of a work of art
-> They have a catalogue with colour reproductions of the paintings for sale.
sinh sản
1. to save somebody/something from a dangerous or harmful situation
-> The coastguard rescued six people from the sinking boat.
giải thoát
1. to refuse to accept something and try to stop it from happening
-> They are determined to resist pressure to change the law.
2. to fight back when attacked; to use force to stop something from happening
-> He tried to pin me down, but I resisted.
3. to stop yourself from having something you like or doing something you very much want to do
-> I finished the cake. I couldn’t resist it.
4. to not be harmed or damaged by something
-> A healthy diet should help your body resist infection.
kháng cự
1. dislike of or opposition to a plan, an idea, etc.; the act of refusing to obey
-> As with all new ideas it met with resistance.
2. the act of using force to oppose somebody/something
-> There were a number of episodes of armed resistance during the early years of occupation.
3. the power not to be affected by something
-> AIDS lowers the body’s resistance to infection.
4. a force that stops something moving or makes it move more slowly
-> wind/air resistance (= in the design of planes or cars)
5. the opposition of a substance or device to the flow of an electrical current
6. a secret organization that resists the authorities, especially in a country that an enemy has control of
-> resistance fighters
7. (to choose, etc.) the easiest way of doing something
sức chống cự
1. a definite decision to do or not to do something
-> Have you made any New Year’s resolutions (= for example, to give up smoking from 1 January)?
2. a formal statement of an opinion agreed on by a committee or a council, especially by means of a vote
-> to pass/adopt/approve a resolution
3. the act of solving or settling a problem, argument, etc.
-> dispute/conflict resolution
4. the quality of being resolute or determined
-> The reforms owe a great deal to the resolution of one man.
5. the power of a computer screen, printer, etc. to give a clear image, depending on the size of the dots (= marks) that make up the image
-> The graphics look fine, even at low resolution.
nghị quyết
1. to have a very good opinion of somebody/something; to admire somebody/something
-> I respect Jack’s opinion on most subjects.
2. to be careful about something; to make sure you do not do something that might be considered wrong
-> Employers must respect employees’ privacy.
3. to agree not to break a law, principle, etc.
-> The new leader has promised to respect the constitution.
sự tôn trọng
1. belonging or relating separately to each of the people or things already mentioned
-> They are each recognized specialists in their respective fields.
tương ứng
1. to bring back a situation or feeling that existed before
-> The measures are intended to restore public confidence in the economy.
2. to bring somebody/something back to a former condition, place or position
-> He is now fully restored to health.
3. to repair a building, work of art, piece of furniture, etc. so that it looks as good as it did originally
-> Her job is restoring old paintings.
4. to bring a law, tradition, way of working, etc. back into use
-> to restore ancient traditions
5. to give something that was lost or stolen back to somebody
-> The police have now restored the painting to its rightful owner.
khôi phục
1. a thing that is caused or produced because of something else
2. the final score or the name of the winner in a sports event, competition, election, etc.
-> And did your intervention produce the desired result?
3. a victory or a success
-> We badly need to get a result from this match.
4. the mark or grade you get in an exam or in a number of exams
5. the information that you get from a scientific test or piece of research
6. the information that you get from a computer search
7. things that are achieved successfully
8. the amount of profit or loss made by a business over a particular period of time
kết quả
1. to make something happen
-> A heavy frost could result in loss of the crop.
2. to happen because of something else that happened first
-> When water levels rise, flooding results.
kết quả
1. opposite to what has been mentioned
2. opposite to the front
-> to travel in the reverse direction
đảo ngược
1. the right side or direction
-> We’ve got you bang to rights handling stolen property.
2. the first, second, etc. road on the right side
-> Take the first street on the right.
3. a turn to the right
-> Take the first right, then the second left.
4. a moral or legal claim to have or get something or to behave in a particular way
-> Take a right at the traffic lights.
5. what is morally good or correct
6. the authority to perform, publish, film, etc. a particular work, event, etc.
7. political groups that most strongly support the capitalist system; part of a political party whose members are most conservative
8. a hard hit that is made with your right hand
9. with definite proof that you have committed a crime, so that you cannot claim to be innocent
10. to treat somebody fairly
11. because of your personal qualifications or efforts, not because of your connection with somebody else
12. to correct somebody/something; to put things in their right places or right order
13. to talk about how the world could be changed to be a better place
14. used to say that if somebody does something bad to you, the situation will not be improved by doing something bad to them
1. to surround somebody/something
2. to put a metal ring around a bird’s leg so that it can be easily identified in the future
-> Thousands of demonstrators ringed the building.
3. to draw a circle around something
1. a situation in which a group of people behave in a violent way in a public place, often as a protest
-> One prison guard was killed when a riot broke out in the jail.
2. a collection of a lot of different types of the same thing
-> The garden was a riot of colour.
3. a person or an event that is very funny
-> The movie is a laugh riot.
4. to tell somebody with force that they must not do something
5. to behave in a way that is violent and/or not under control
6. if your imagination, a feeling, etc. runs riot, you allow it to develop and continue without trying to control it
7. to grow and spread quickly
cuộc náo loạn
1. a person, company or thing that competes with another in sport, business, etc.
-> The two teams have always been rivals.
đối thủ
1. the hard solid material that forms part of the surface of the earth and some other planets
-> Sue’s marriage is on the rocks.
2. a mass of rock standing above the earth’s surface or in the sea
-> They drilled through several layers of rock to reach the oil.
3. a large single piece of rock
-> the Rock of Gibraltar
4. a small stone
-> They clambered over the rocks at the foot of the cliff.
5. a type of loud popular music, developed in the 1960s, with a strong beat played on electric guitars and drums
6. a type of hard sweet made in long sticks, often sold in places where people go on holiday by the sea
7. a precious stone, especially a diamond
8. a person who is emotionally strong and who you can rely on
9. in a situation where you have to choose between two things, both of which are unpleasant
10. to have an orgasm
11. to do something that you really enjoy
12. a relationship or business that is on the rocks is having difficulties and is likely to fail soon
13. served with pieces of ice but no water
14. extremely steady and calm; that you can rely on
1. to move gently backwards and forwards or from side to side; to make somebody/something move in this way
-> She was told to keep her mouth shut and not rock the boat.
2. to shock somebody/something very much or make them afraid
-> The boat rocked from side to side in the waves.
3. to shake or to make something shake violently
4. to dance to rock music
5. used to say that something is very good
6. to wear something or have a style of clothing, hair, etc. that makes you look attractive or confident
7. to do something that upsets a situation and causes problems
8. to cause people to question their basic beliefs about something
9. to cause people to question their basic beliefs about something
1. a long straight piece of wood, metal or glass
-> The concrete is reinforced with steel rods.
2. a long wooden or plastic stick with a fishing line and hook attached, used for catching fish
-> fishing with rod and line
3. a stick that is used for hitting people as a punishment
-> There used to be a saying: ‘Spare the rod and spoil the child.’
4. a small gun
5. to do something that will cause problems for you in the future
6. a fact, an argument, etc. that is used in order to blame or punish somebody
7. to control a person or a group of people very severely
1. an exciting, usually short, relationship between two people who are in love with each other
-> a holiday romance
2. love or the feeling of being in love
-> Spring is here and romance is in the air.
3. a story about a love affair
-> She’s a compulsive reader of romances.
4. a feeling of excitement and adventure, especially connected to a particular place or activity
-> the romance of travel
5. a story of excitement and adventure, often set in the past
-> medieval romances
lãng mạn
1. the part of a plant that grows under the ground and takes in water and minerals that it sends to the rest of the plant
-> The government set out to destroy the organization root and branch.
2. the part of a hair, tooth, nail or tongue that attaches it to the rest of the body
-> deep spreading roots
3. the main cause of something, such as a problem or difficult situation
4. the origin or basis of something
5. the feelings or connections that you have with a place because you have lived there or your family came from there
6. the part of a word that has the main meaning and that its other forms are based on; a word that other words are formed from
7. a quantity which, when multiplied by itself a particular number of times, produces another quantity
8. to develop roots
9. to settle and live in one place
10. completely and in a way that affects every part of something
11. to develop roots
12. to become accepted widely
nguồn gốc
1. a stage in a competition or sports event
-> an opportunity to see Canova’s work in the round
2. a stage in a boxing or wrestling match
-> the qualifying rounds of the National Championships
3. a complete game of golf; a complete way around the course in some other sports, such as showjumping
-> The fight only lasted five rounds.
4. a set of events which form part of a longer process
-> We played a round of golf.
5. a regular series of activities
6. a regular route that somebody takes when delivering or collecting something; a regular series of visits that somebody makes
7. a number of drinks bought by one person for all the others in a group
8. a whole slice of bread; sandwiches made from two whole slices of bread
9. a round object or piece of something
10. a short period during which people show their approval of somebody/something by clapping
11. a single shot from a gun; a bullet for one shot
12. a song for two or more voices in which each sings the same tune but starts at a different time
13. if news or a joke does the rounds, it is passed on quickly from one person to another
14. to go around from place to place, especially when looking for work or support for a political campaign, etc.
15. made so that it can be seen from all sides
16. with the people watching all around a central stage
1. in a circle
-> the first woman to sail round the world
2. on, to or from the other side of something
-> Our house is round the next bend.
3. on all sides of somebody/something; surrounding somebody/something
-> She put her arms round him.
4. in or to many parts of something
-> She looked all round the room.
5. to fit in with particular people, ideas, etc.
-> He has to organize his life round the kids.
6. a difficult problem or responsibility that it seems impossible to solve or get rid of
7. near where you are now or where you live
1. to move your hand, a cloth, etc., backwards and forwards over a surface while pressing it
-> He sat up on the hard bunk and rubbed his eyes.
2. to press two surfaces against each other and move them backwards and forwards; to be pressed together and move in this way
-> She rubbed her hands in delight.
3. to move backwards and forwards many times against something while pressing it, especially causing pain or damage
-> The back of my shoe is rubbing.
4. to spread a liquid or other substance over a surface while pressing it
-> She rubbed the lotion into her skin.
5. to be very poor, stupid, etc.
6. to keep reminding somebody in an unkind way of their past mistakes
7. to make a difficult experience even more difficult for somebody
8. to meet and spend time with a famous person, socially or as part of your job
9. to make somebody annoyed or angry, often without intending to, by doing or saying something that offends them
chà xát
1. having or showing a lack of respect for other people and their feelings
-> a rude comment/remark
2. connected with sex or the body in a way that people find offensive or embarrassing
-> a rude gesture
3. sudden, unpleasant and unexpected
-> Those expecting good news will get a rude shock.
4. made in a simple, basic way
-> rude shacks
5. looking or feeling very healthy
bất lịch sự
1. the fact of giving up something important or valuable to you in order to get or do something that seems more important; something that you give up in this way
-> The makers of the product assured us that there had been no sacrifice of quality.
2. the act of offering something to a god, especially an animal that has been killed in a special way; an animal, etc. that is offered in this way
-> They offered sacrifices to the gods.
hy sinh
1. to give up something that is important or valuable to you in order to get or do something that seems more important for yourself or for another person
-> She sacrificed everything for her children.
2. to kill an animal or a person and offer it or them to a god, in order to please the god
hy sinh
1. protected from any danger, harm or loss
-> She decided to avoid travelling at night. Better safe than sorry.
2. not likely to lead to any physical harm or danger
-> The children are quite safe here.
3. not harmed, damaged, lost, etc.
-> ‘You want some?’ ‘Yeah, safe.’
4. where somebody/something is not likely to be in danger or to be lost
5. not involving much or any risk; not likely to be wrong or to upset somebody
6. doing an activity in a careful way
7. based on good evidence
8. used by young people to show that they approve of somebody/something
9. used by young people as a way of accepting something that is offered
10. used to say that it is wiser to be too careful than to act too quickly and do something you may later wish you had not
11. something that is likely to happen, to succeed or to be suitable
12. being taken care of well by somebody
13. being especially careful; taking no risks
14. to be careful; to avoid risks
15. very safe
16. confident because you know that something is true or will happen
17. a person that you can trust to do a job well
an toàn
1. an act or the process of selling something
-> regulations governing the sale of alcoholic beverages
2. the number of items sold
-> They have to boost sales to make a profit.
3. the part of a company that deals with selling its products
-> a sales and marketing director
4. an occasion when a shop or business sells its products at a lower price than usual
-> The sale starts next week.
5. an occasion when goods are sold, especially an auction
-> a contemporary art sale
6. available to be bought, especially from the owner
7. available to be bought, especially in a shop
8. being offered at a reduced price
9. supplied with the agreement that any item that is not sold can be sent back without having to be paid for
doanh thu
1. in the same way
-> We treat boys exactly the same as girls.
như nhau
1. to keep somebody/something safe from death, harm, loss, etc.
-> He can’t interview people to save his life.
2. to keep money instead of spending it, especially in order to buy a particular thing
-> to save somebody’s life
3. to avoid wasting something or using more than necessary
4. to keep something to use or enjoy in the future or for somebody else to use
5. to make a computer keep data by putting a copy in a location where it will be stored
6. to collect something because you like it or for a special purpose
7. to avoid doing something difficult or unpleasant; to make somebody able to avoid doing something difficult or unpleasant
8. to prevent an opponent’s shot from going in the goal
9. to prevent a person’s soul from going to hell
10. to be completely unable to do something
11. to rescue somebody from a very difficult situation
12. used to tell somebody that it is not worth wasting time and effort saying something because it will not change anything
13. to prevent failure or defeat, when this seems certain to happen
14. to avoid or help somebody avoid being embarrassed
15. to try to avoid death, punishment, etc., especially by leaving others in an extremely difficult situation
1. a plan or system for doing or organizing something
-> a training scheme
2. a plan for getting money or some other advantage for yourself, especially one that involves cheating other people
-> an elaborate scheme to avoid taxes
3. an ordered system or arrangement
-> It is a poem with a rhyme scheme and a defined structure.
4. an area of social housing (= houses or flats for people to rent or buy at low prices)
-> I’m from Glasgow and grew up in a scheme.
5. the way things seem to be organized; the way somebody wants everything to be organized
cơ chế
1. the flat surface at the front of a television, computer, or other electronic device, on which you see pictures or information
-> The issue of terrorism is back on the radar screen.
2. the large flat surface that films or pictures are shown on
-> a computer screen
3. films or television in general
-> He has adapted the play for the screen.
4. the data or images shown on a computer screen
-> Press the F1 key to display a help screen.
5. a tall, flat piece of furniture or equipment that is fixed to a wall, etc. or that can be moved to divide a room or to keep one area hidden or separate
6. something that prevents somebody from seeing or being aware of something, or that protects somebody/something
7. a wire or plastic net that is held in a frame and fastened on a window, or a door, to let in air but keep out insects
8. a wood or stone structure in a church, that partly separates the main area from the altar or choir
9. a system of checking a person or thing to find out whether or not something, typically a disease, is present
10. used to say that people’s attention is on or not on something
màn hình
1. the act of showing a film or television programme
-> This will be the movie’s first screening in this country.
2. the testing or examining of a large number of people or things for disease, faults, etc.
-> breast cancer screening
sàng lọc
1. to give somebody a place to sit; to sit down in a place
2. to have enough seats for a particular number of people
-> Please wait to be seated (= in a restaurant, etc.).
1. any of the parts into which something is divided
2. a separate part of a structure from which the whole can be put together
-> That section of the road is still closed.
3. a separate part of a document, book, etc.
-> The shed comes in sections that you assemble yourself.
4. a separate group within a larger group of people
5. a department in an organization, institution, etc.
6. a district of a town, city or county
7. a measure of land, equal to one square mile
8. a drawing or diagram of something as it would look if it were cut from top to bottom or from one side to the other
9. the act of cutting or separating something in an operation
10. a very thin flat piece cut from body tissue to be looked at under a microscope
1. not connected with spiritual or religious matters
-> secular music
2. living among ordinary people rather than in a religious community
thế tục
1. to make something go or be taken to a place, especially by post, email, radio, etc.
-> She tried to interfere but I sent her packing.
2. to tell somebody something by sending them a message
-> She sent a letter of support.
3. to tell somebody to go somewhere or to do something; to arrange for somebody to go somewhere
4. to make something/somebody move quickly or suddenly
5. to make somebody behave or react in a particular way
6. to tell somebody clearly or rudely to go away
7. used to say that you should accept an unpleasant situation or event because you cannot change it
1. the ability to understand other people’s feelings
2. the ability to understand art, music and literature and to express yourself through them
-> sensitivity to the needs of children
3. the fact of being easily offended or upset by something
4. the fact of needing to be treated very carefully because it may offend or upset people
5. the fact of reacting quickly or more than usual to something
6. the ability to measure very small changes
nhạy cảm
1. the 9th month of the year, between August and October
-> She was born in September.
tháng 9
1. a set of events, actions, numbers, etc. which have a particular order and which lead to a particular result
-> He described the sequence of events leading up to the robbery.
2. the order that events, actions, etc. happen in or should happen in
-> The tasks had to be performed in a particular sequence.
3. a part of a film that deals with one subject or topic or consists of one scene
-> the dream sequence in the middle of the movie
sự liên tiếp
1. in a serious way
-> to be seriously ill/injured/wounded/hurt
2. used at the beginning of a sentence to show a change from joking to being more serious
-> Seriously though, it could be really dangerous.
3. very; extremely
-> They’re seriously rich.
4. to think that somebody/something is important and deserves your attention and respect
nghiêm túc
1. a person who works in another person’s house, and cooks, cleans, etc. for them
-> a domestic servant
2. a person who works for a company or an organization
-> Mr Bennet said his client was a loyal servant to the council.
3. a person or thing that is controlled by something
-> He was willing to make himself a servant of his art.
4. used to end a formal letter
người hầu
1. a system that provides something that the public needs, organized by the government or a private company
-> Healthcare must be at the service of all who need it.
2. an organization or a company that provides something for the public or does something for the government
-> the ambulance/bus/postal service
3. a business whose work involves doing something for customers but not producing goods; the work that such a business does
-> the prison service
4. the serving of customers in hotels, restaurants, and shops
-> financial services
5. the work that somebody does for an organization, etc., especially when it continues for a long time or is admired very much
6. the army, the navy and the air force; the work done by people in them
7. the use that you can get from a vehicle or machine; the state of being used
8. an examination of a vehicle or machine followed by any work that is necessary to keep it operating well
9. the particular skills or help that a person is able to offer
10. a religious ceremony
11. a bus, train, etc. that goes regularly to a particular place at a particular time
12. a place next to a motorway where you can stop for petrol, a meal, the toilets, etc.
13. an act of hitting the ball in order to start playing; the way that you hit it
14. a complete set of plates, dishes, etc. that match each other
15. the state or position of being a servant
16. the formal giving of an official document, etc. to somebody
17. completely available for somebody to use or to help somebody
18. to be useful or helpful
19. to do something that is helpful/not helpful to somebody
20. to use somebody/something for a purpose that they were not trained or intended for because there is nobody or nothing else available
dịch vụ
1. 70
2. numbers, years or temperatures from 70 to 79
3. between the ages of 70 and 79
bảy mươi
1. more than two but not very many
-> Several letters arrived this morning.
một số
1. connected with the physical activity of sex
-> sexual behaviour/activity/desire
2. connected with the process of producing young
-> the sexual organs (= the penis, vagina, etc.)
3. connected with the state of being male or female
-> sexual characteristics
tình dục
1. not having much distance between the top or surface and the bottom
-> a shallow dish/pan/bowl
2. not showing serious thought, feelings, etc. about something
-> This shows how shallow their commitment to the environment really is.
3. shallow breathing involves taking in only a small amount of air each time