Part 2 Flashcards
1. the joint between the upper and lower parts of the arm where it bends in the middle
-> She jabbed him with her elbow.
2. the part of a piece of clothing that covers the elbow
-> The jacket was worn at the elbows.
3. a part of a pipe, chimney, etc. where it bends at a sharp angle
4. to be told by somebody that they no longer want to have a relationship with you; to be told to go away
5. to tell somebody that you no longer want to have a relationship with them; to tell somebody to go away
6. used to encourage somebody or express support for their actions
7. to be very stupid; to have absolutely no skill
8. to meet and spend time with a famous person, socially or as part of your job
khuỷu tay
1. having or using many small parts, such as microchips, that control and direct a small electric current
-> Airline passengers no longer have to turn off all electronic devices while on the plane.
2. done or produced by means of a computer or other electronic device
-> electronic dance music
3. involving or connected with electronic equipment
-> an electronic engineer
điện tử
1. a way of sending messages and data to other people by means of computers connected together in a network
-> I will be on vacation for a week in November, with no access to email.
2. a message sent by email
-> Thanks for your email.
1. to send a message to somebody by email
-> Patrick emailed me yesterday.
1. to put your arms around somebody as a sign of love or friendship
-> They embraced and promised to keep in touch.
2. to accept an idea, a proposal, a set of beliefs, etc., especially when it is done with enthusiasm
-> to embrace democracy/feminism/Islam
3. to include something
-> The talks embraced a wide range of issues.
1. the fact of somebody/something moving out of or away from something and becoming possible to see
-> the island’s emergence from the sea 3 000 years ago
2. the fact of starting to exist or becoming known for the first time
-> the emergence of new technologies
sự xuất hiện
1. to give somebody a job to do for payment
-> How many people does the company employ?
2. to use something such as a skill, method, etc. for a particular purpose
-> to employ a technique/strategy/tactic
3. if a person or their time is employed in doing something, the person spends time doing that thing
1. work, especially when it is done to earn money; the state of being employed
-> full-time/part-time employment
2. the situation in which people have work
-> The government is aiming at full employment.
3. the act of employing somebody
-> The law prevented the employment of children under ten in the cotton mills.
4. the use of something
-> the employment of artillery in the capture of the town
thuê người làm
1. to include a large number or range of things
-> The job encompasses a wide range of responsibilities.
2. to surround or cover something completely
-> The fog soon encompassed the whole valley.
bao gồm
1. to say publicly that you support a person, statement or course of action
-> I wholeheartedly endorse his remarks.
2. to say in an advertisement that you use and like a particular product so that other people will want to buy it
-> I wonder how many celebrities actually use the products they endorse.
3. to put details of a driving offence on somebody’s driving record
-> You risk having your licence endorsed.
4. to write your name on the back of a cheque so that it can be paid into a bank account
tán thành
1. to make sure that people obey a particular law or rule
-> It’s the job of the police to enforce the law.
2. to make something happen or force somebody to do something
-> You can’t enforce cooperation between the players.
thi hành
1. interesting or pleasant in a way that attracts your attention
-> an engaging smile
hấp dẫn
1. to make sure that something happens or is definite
-> We are working to ensure the safety of people in the city.
đảm bảo
1. a company or business
-> He is in charge of an enterprise with a turnover of $26 billion.
2. a large project, especially one that is difficult
-> Have you heard about his latest business enterprise?
3. the development of businesses by the people of a country rather than by the government
-> They provide grants to encourage enterprise in the region.
4. the ability to think of new projects and make them successful
-> a job in which enterprise is rewarded
doanh nghiệp
1. in every way possible; completely
-> The experience was entirely new to me.
toàn bộ
1. something that exists separately from other things and has its own identity
-> The unit has become part of a larger department and no longer exists as a separate entity.
thực thể
1. an act of going into or getting into a place
2. the right or opportunity to enter a place
-> She made her entry to the sound of thunderous applause.
3. something that you do, write or make to take part in a competition, for example answering a set of questions
-> No Entry (= for example, on a sign)
4. the act of taking part in a competition, race, etc.
-> There’s a record entry for this year’s marathon.
5. the total number of people who are taking part in a competition, race, etc.
6. an item, for example a piece of information, that is written or printed in a dictionary, an account book, a diary, etc.
7. the act of recording information in a computer, book, etc.
8. the right or opportunity to take part in something or become a member of a group
9. the act of taking part in an activity or becoming a member of a group
10. a door, gate or passage where you enter a building; an entrance hall
lối vào
1. the natural world in which people, animals and plants live
-> The government should do more to protect the environment.
2. the conditions in which a person, animal or plant lives or operates or in which an activity takes place
-> a pleasant work/learning environment
3. the complete structure (including hardware and software) within which a user, computer or program operates
-> a desktop development environment
môi trường
1. connected with the natural conditions in which people, animals and plants live; connected with the environment
-> the environmental impact of pollution
2. connected with the conditions that affect the behaviour and development of somebody/something
-> the environmental factors that affect insect development
thuộc về môi trường
1. one part of a story that is broadcast on television or radio in several parts
-> The next episode has not yet been filmed.
2. an event, a situation, or a period of time in somebody’s life, a novel, etc. that is important or interesting in some way
-> I’d like to try and forget the whole episode.
3. a period of time during which somebody is affected by a particular illness or a particular stage of a longer illness
-> an acute episode of pneumonia
tập phim
1. a person or thing of the same quality or with the same status, rights, etc. as another
-> She treats the people who work for her as her equals.
2. to be better than anything else or anyone else of the same type
3. the person or thing with the highest status in a group
bình đẳng
1. a mistake, especially one that causes problems or affects the result of something
-> spelling/typographical/grammatical errors
2. to realize or admit that you have done something wrong and decide to change your behaviour
3. the process of solving a problem by trying various methods until you find a method that is successful
1. when a volcano erupts or burning rocks, smoke, etc. erupt or are erupted, the burning rocks, etc. are thrown out from the volcano
-> The volcano could erupt at any time.
2. to start happening, suddenly and violently
-> Violence erupted outside the embassy gates.
3. to suddenly express your feelings very strongly, especially by shouting loudly
-> When Davis scored for the third time the crowd erupted.
4. to suddenly appear on your skin
-> A rash had erupted all over his chest.
phun trào
1. more with one person, thing, etc. than with others, or more in particular circumstances than in others
-> Teenagers are very fashion conscious, especially girls.
2. for a particular purpose, person, etc.
-> I got up early especially.
3. very much; to a particular degree
-> A plentiful supply of water is especially important in summer.
đặc biệt
1. used to emphasize something unexpected or surprising
-> She didn’t even call to say she wasn’t coming.
2. used when you are comparing things, to make the comparison stronger
-> You know even less about it than I do.
3. used to introduce a more exact description of somebody/something
-> It’s an unattractive building, ugly even.
4. just at the same time as somebody does something or as something else happens
5. despite the possibility that; no matter whether
6. despite the fact that; even though
7. despite what has/had happened
8. at this or that exact moment
9. despite that
10. despite the fact that
thậm chí
1. to make something seem larger, better, worse or more important than it really is
-> The hotel was really filthy and I’m not exaggerating.
nói quá
1. to be greater than a particular number or amount
-> The price will not exceed £100.
2. to do more than the law or an order, etc. allows you to do
-> She was exceeding the speed limit (= driving faster than is allowed).
3. to be better than expected
-> His achievements have exceeded expectations.
1. in addition to an amount that is necessary, usual or legal
-> Excess food is stored as fat.
2. required as extra payment
-> The full excess fare had to be paid.
thặng dư
1. more than is necessary, reasonable or acceptable
-> You can throw away any excess.
2. an amount by which something is larger than something else
-> We cover costs up to £600 and then you pay the excess.
3. the part of an insurance claim that a person has to pay while the insurance company pays the rest
-> There is an excess of £100 on each claim under this policy.
4. the fact of doing too much of something, especially eating or drinking
-> He gave in to bouts of alcoholic excess.
5. extreme behaviour that is unacceptable, illegal or morally wrong
-> We need a free press to curb government excesses.
thặng dư
1. an act of giving something to somebody or doing something for somebody and receiving something in return
2. the process of changing an amount of one currency for an equal value of another
-> The exchange of prisoners took place this morning.
3. an arrangement when two people or groups from different countries visit each other’s homes or do each other’s jobs for a short time
4. a conversation or an argument
5. a building where business people met in the past to buy and sell a particular type of goods
6. a place where phone calls are connected so that people can speak to each other
trao đổi
1. to use power or influence to affect somebody/something
-> He exerted all his authority to make them accept the plan.
2. to make a big physical or mental effort
-> In order to be successful he would have to exert himself.
gắng sức
1. a way out of a public building or vehicle
-> Where’s the exit?
2. a place where vehicles can leave a road to join another road
-> Leave the roundabout at the second exit.
3. an act of leaving, especially of an actor from the stage
-> The heroine made her exit to great applause.
4. the fact of leaving a particular situation or activity
-> They were disappointed by the team’s early exit from the World Cup.
lối ra
1. an act of increasing or making something increase in size, amount or importance
-> a period of rapid economic expansion
sự bành trướng
1. to think or believe that something will happen or that somebody will do something
-> The company is expecting record sales this year.
2. to be waiting for somebody/something to arrive, as this has been arranged
-> to expect a visit/call/letter from somebody
3. to demand that somebody will do something because it is their duty or responsibility
-> It is reasonable to expect changes in the way we work.
4. used when you think something is probably true
-> ‘Will you be late?’ ‘I expect so.’
5. to be pregnant
6. to be likely to happen; to be quite normal
7. used to tell somebody not to be surprised by something
trông chờ
1. the money that you spend on something
-> The garden was transformed at great expense.
2. something that makes you spend money
-> Running a car is a big expense.
3. money spent in doing a particular job, or for a particular purpose
-> living/medical/travel expenses
4. money that you spend while you are working and that your employer will pay back to you later
-> You can claim back your travelling/travel expenses.
5. paid for by somebody
6. if you make a joke at somebody’s expense, you laugh at them and make them feel silly
7. with loss or damage to somebody/something
8. to spend money on something
9. to make somebody spend money on something
chi phí
1. costing a lot of money
-> an expensive car/restaurant/holiday
1. to have a particular situation affect you or happen to you
-> Many people have never experienced these difficulties first-hand.
2. to have and be aware of a particular emotion or physical feeling
-> I have never experienced such pain before.
kinh nghiệm
1. a statement, fact, or situation that tells you why something happened; a reason given for something
-> The most likely explanation is that his plane was delayed.
2. a statement or piece of writing that tells you how something works or makes something easier to understand
-> Other parts of the book contain unnecessarily lengthy explanations.
giải trình
1. to treat a person or situation as an opportunity to gain an advantage for yourself
-> He exploited his father’s name to get himself a job.
2. to treat somebody unfairly by making them work and not giving them much in return
-> What is being done to stop employers from exploiting young people?
3. to use something well in order to gain as much from it as possible
-> She fully exploits the humour of her role in the play.
4. to develop or use something for business or industry
-> No minerals have yet been exploited in Antarctica.
khai thác
1. a situation in which somebody treats somebody else in an unfair way, especially in order to make money from their work
-> the exploitation of children
2. the use of land, oil, minerals, etc.
-> commercial exploitation of the mineral resources in Antarctica
3. the fact of using a situation in order to get an advantage for yourself
-> exploitation of the situation for his own purposes
khai thác
1. the sudden violent bursting and loud noise of something such as a bomb exploding; the act of deliberately causing something to explode
-> a bomb/nuclear/gas explosion
2. a large, sudden or rapid increase in the amount or number of something
-> a population explosion
3. a sudden, violent expression of emotion, especially anger
-> Do you know what brought on that explosion?
vụ nổ
1. easily able or likely to explode
-> an explosive device (= a bomb)
2. likely to cause violence or strong feelings of anger or hate
-> one of the most explosive issues of our time
3. often having sudden violent or angry feelings
-> an explosive temper
4. increasing suddenly and rapidly
-> the explosive growth of the export market
5. sudden and loud
-> There was an explosive crash and then everything fell silent.
chất nổ
1. how large, important, serious, etc. something is
-> It is difficult to assess the full extent of the damage.
2. the physical size of an area
-> You can’t see the full extent of the beach from here.
3. used to show how far something is true or how great an effect it has
phạm vi
1. connected with or located on the outside of something/somebody
-> the external walls of the building
2. happening or coming from outside a place, an organization, your particular situation, etc.
-> A combination of internal and external factors caused the company to close down.
3. coming from or arranged by somebody from outside a school, a university or an organization
-> external examiners/assessors
4. connected with foreign countries
-> The government is committed to reducing the country’s external debt.
bên ngoài
1. material made by weaving wool, cotton, silk, etc., used for making clothes, curtains, etc. and for covering furniture
-> They sell a wide variety of printed cotton fabric.
2. the basic structure of a society, an organization, etc. that enables it to function successfully
-> a trend which threatens the very fabric of society
3. the basic structure of a building, such as the walls, floor and roof
-> The city retains much of its historic fabric.
vải vóc
1. not successful
-> a failed writer
thất bại
1. to drop down from a higher level to a lower level
2. to suddenly stop standing
-> The rain was falling steadily.
3. to decrease in amount, number or strength
-> My birthday falls on a Monday this year.
4. to pass into a particular state; to begin to be something
-> My eye fell on (= I suddenly saw) a curious object.
5. to hang down
6. to slope downwards
7. to be defeated or captured
8. to die in battle; to be shot
9. to come quickly and suddenly
10. to happen or take place
11. to move in a particular direction or come in a particular position
12. to belong to a particular class, group or area of responsibility
1. a group consisting of one or two parents and their children
-> I introduced Neil to the other members of my family.
2. a group consisting of one or two parents, their children and close relations
-> All our family came to Grandad’s eightieth birthday party.
3. all the people who are related to each other, including those who are now dead
-> Some families have farmed in this area for hundreds of years.
4. a couple’s or a person’s children, especially young children
-> They have a large family.
5. a group into which animals, plants, etc. that have similar characteristics are divided, smaller than an order and larger than a genus
-> Lions belong to the cat family.
6. a group of related languages
-> the Germanic family of languages
7. (to be/become) pregnant
8. to be a common feature in a particular family
gia đình
1. known about by many people
-> a famous artist/actor
2. people who are known about by many people
-> the lifestyles of the rich and famous
3. people sometimes say Famous last words! when they think somebody is being too confident about something that is going to happen
nổi tiếng
1. to want something or want to do something
-> Fancy a drink?
2. to be sexually attracted to somebody
-> I think she fancies me.
3. to think that you are very popular, attractive or intelligent
-> He started to chat to me and I could tell that he really fancied himself.
4. to like the idea of being something or to believe, often wrongly, that you are something
-> She fancies herself (as) a serious actress.
5. used to show that you are surprised or shocked by something
-> Fancy! She’s never been in a plane before.
6. to think that somebody/something will win or be successful at something, especially in a race
-> Which horse do you fancy in the next race?
7. to believe or imagine something
-> She fancied (that) she could hear footsteps.
si mê
1. to use land for growing crops and/or keeping animals
-> The family has farmed in Kent for over two hundred years.
2. to keep fish or birds in order to produce young and sell them for food
-> Salmon are farmed in net pens near coasts.
nông trại
1. the business of managing or working on a farm
-> to take up farming
nông nghiệp
1. following a style that is popular at a particular time
-> fashionable clothes/ideas/styles
2. used or visited by people following a current fashion, especially by rich people
-> a fashionable address/resort/restaurant
hợp thời trang
1. the things, especially bad things, that will happen or have happened to somebody/something
-> The fate of the three men is unknown.
2. the power that is believed to control everything that happens and that cannot be stopped or changed
-> Fate was kind to me that day.
3. a terrible thing that could happen
4. to do something too confidently in a way that might mean that your good luck will come to an end
định mệnh
1. liked more than others of the same kind
-> It’s one of my favourite movies.
2. a performer, politician, sports player, etc., who is popular where they were born
3. (in the US) a candidate for president who is supported by his or her own state in the first part of a campaign
yêu thích
1. an action or a piece of work that needs skill, strength or courage
-> The tunnel is a remarkable feat of engineering.
kỳ công
1. being a woman or a girl
-> a female student/employee/artist/athlete
2. belonging to the sex that can lay eggs or give birth to babies
-> a female cat
3. of women; typical of women; affecting women
-> female characteristics
4. that can produce fruit
5. having a hole that another part fits into
-> a female plug
nữ giới
ordinal number
1. 5th
-> Today is the fifth (of May).
thứ năm
1. to take part in a war or battle against an enemy
-> A young cyclist is fighting for his life after the accident.
2. to struggle physically with somebody
-> soldiers trained to fight
3. to have an argument with somebody about something
4. to try hard to stop, deal with or oppose something bad or something that you disagree with
5. to try very hard to get something or to achieve something
6. to take part in a contest against somebody
7. to take part in a boxing match
8. to try to get what you want in court
9. to defend your/somebody’s position against other people
10. to use similar methods in a fight or an argument to those your opponent is using
11. to make a great effort to stay alive, especially when you are badly injured or seriously ill
12. to be able to win an argument or get what you want without anyone’s help
13. to be unwilling to accept something or do something, and to try to avoid it
14. to fight until one of the two people or groups is dead, or until one person or group defeats the other
15. to fight in a very determined way for what you want
16. used to say that although you have failed or had a bad experience, you will continue
17. (to try to do) something that you will probably never succeed in doing
trận đánh
1. the last of a series of games or competitions, in which the winner is decided
-> She reached the final of the 100m hurdles.
2. a series of games or performances that make up the last stage of a competition
-> the 2022 World Cup Finals
3. the last exams taken by university students at the end of their final year
-> to sit/take your finals
4. an exam taken by school, university or college students at the end of a semester or quarter, usually in a topic that they will not study again
cuối cùng
1. one of the four long thin parts that stick out from the hand (or five, if the thumb is included)
-> She ran her fingers through her hair.
2. having the type of fingers mentioned; having or using the number of fingers mentioned
-> long-fingered
3. the part of a glove that covers the finger
4. a long narrow piece of bread, cake, land, etc.
-> chocolate fingers
5. used to say that the total number of somebody/something is very small
6. to be awkward with your hands so that you drop things or are unable to do something
7. to suffer as a result of doing something without realizing the possible bad results, especially in business
8. to hope that your plans will be successful (sometimes putting one finger across another as a sign of hoping for good luck)
9. used to refer to an estimate or method of doing something that is not very accurate or scientific and partly based on guessing
10. if the finger of blame/suspicion points or is pointed at somebody, they are suspected of having committed a crime, being responsible for something, etc.
11. used to tell somebody to start doing some work or making an effort
12. to raise your middle finger in the air with the back part of your hand facing somebody, done to be rude to somebody or to show them that you are angry
13. to be involved in a lot of different activities and have influence over them, especially when other people think that this is annoying
14. to always be aware of the most recent developments in a particular situation
15. to be stealing money from the place where you work
16. to be likely to steal something
17. to touch somebody with the intention of hurting them physically
18. to miss or fail to use an opportunity
19. to do nothing to help somebody
20. to accuse somebody of doing something
21. to (not) be able to identify what is wrong or different about a particular situation
22. to form the shape of a V with the two fingers nearest your thumb and raise your hand in the air with the back part of it facing somebody, done to be rude to them or to show them that you are angry
23. to make a sharp noise by moving your second or third finger quickly against your thumb, to attract somebody’s attention, or to mark the beat of music, for example
24. to work very hard
ngón tay
1. the sport or business of catching fish
-> They often go fishing.
đánh bắt cá
1. the state of being physically healthy and strong
-> a magazine on health and fitness
2. the state of being suitable or good enough for something
-> He convinced us of his fitness for the task.
sự thích hợp
1. a solution to a problem, especially an easy or temporary one
2. an amount of something that you need and want frequently, especially an illegal drug such as heroin
-> Luckily there is an easy fix.
3. a difficult situation
4. the act of finding the position of a ship or an aircraft
5. an act of understanding something
6. a thing that is dishonestly arranged; a trick
sửa chữa
1. the ability to change to suit new conditions or situations
-> The new system offers a much greater degree of flexibility in the way work is organized.
2. the ability to bend easily without breaking
-> exercises to develop the flexibility of dancers’ bodies
Uyển chuyển
1. able to change to suit new conditions or situations
-> a more flexible approach
2. able to bend easily without breaking
-> flexible plastic tubing
linh hoạt
1. to move slowly on water or in the air
-> You can listen to whatever kind of music floats your boat.
2. to stay on or near the surface of a liquid and not sink
-> A group of swans floated by.
3. to make something move on or near the surface of a liquid
-> Wood floats.
4. to walk or move in a smooth and easy way
-> There wasn’t enough water to float the ship.
5. to suggest an idea or a plan for other people to consider
6. to sell shares in a company or business to the public for the first time
7. if a government floats its country’s money or allows it to float, it allows its value to change freely according to the value of the money of other countries
8. to be what somebody likes
9. to feel very happy
trôi nổi
1. if a place floods or something floods it, it becomes filled or covered with water
2. to become so full that it spreads out onto the land around it
-> The cellar floods whenever it rains heavily.
3. to arrive or go somewhere in large numbers
-> The office was flooded with applications for the job.
4. to send something somewhere in large numbers
-> Cheap imported goods are flooding the market.
5. to become or make something become available in a place in large numbers
6. to affect somebody suddenly and strongly
7. to spread suddenly into something; to cover something
8. if an engine floods or if you flood it, it becomes so full of petrol that it will not start
1. the surface of a room that you walk on
-> She held the floor for over an hour.
2. the bottom surface of a vehicle
-> a wooden/concrete/tiled floor
3. all the rooms that are on the same level of a building
4. the ground at the bottom of the sea, a forest, etc.
5. the part of a building where discussions or debates are held, especially in a parliament; the people who attend a discussion or debate
6. an area in a building that is used for a particular activity
7. the lowest level allowed for wages or prices
8. to become involved in a plan, project, etc. at the beginning
9. to get/be given/have the right to speak during a discussion or debate
10. to speak during a discussion or debate, especially for a long time so that nobody else is able to say anything
11. to start dancing on a dance floor
12. to defeat somebody completely in an argument or a competition
sàn nhà
1. travelling in an aircraft
-> I’m terrified of flying.
2. operating the controls of an aircraft
-> flying lessons
1. to give attention, effort, etc. to one particular subject, situation or person rather than another
-> She was distracted and finding it hard to focus.
2. to adapt or be changed so that things can be seen clearly; to change something so that you can see things clearly
-> It took a few moments for her eyes to focus in the dark.
3. to aim light onto a particular point using a lens
-> A laser focuses a beam of light.
4. to shine on somebody/something
-> Suddenly a spotlight focused on us.
tập trung
1. a part of something, especially cloth, that is folded or hangs as if it had been folded
-> the folds of her dress
2. a mark or line made by folding something, or showing where something should be folded
-> Why is the place I want to find always on the fold of the map?
3. an area in a field surrounded by a fence or wall where animals, especially sheep, are kept for safety
4. a group of people who share the same ideas or beliefs
-> He called on former Republican voters to return to the fold.
5. a curve or bend in the line of the layers of rock in the earth’s crust
6. a hollow place among hills or mountains
-> It was a solitary spot in a fold between two hills.
7. in/not in a position where you see it first, for example in the top/bottom part of a newspaper page or web page
nếp gấp
1. traditional and typical of the ordinary people of a country or community
-> We visited an exhibition of folk art.
2. based on the beliefs of ordinary people
-> folk wisdom
dân gian
1. part of a film showing a particular event
-> old film footage of the moon landing
2. size or length measured in feet
-> I moved from an apartment into a house with three times the square footage.
cảnh quay
1. a game played by two teams of 11 players, using a round ball that players kick up and down the playing field. Teams try to kick the ball into the other team’s goal.
-> The kids were outside playing football.
2. a game played by two teams of 11 players, using an oval ball which players kick, throw, or carry. Teams try to put the ball over the other team’s line.
-> He played football for Iowa State University.
3. a form of football played in Canada, similar to American football, but with twelve players on each team
4. a large round or oval ball made of leather or plastic and filled with air
-> As a child he was always kicking a football.
5. an issue or a problem that frequently causes people to disagree or argue
-> Healthcare should not become a political football.
bóng đá
1. to say what you think will happen in the future based on information that you have now
-> Experts are forecasting a recovery in the economy.
dự báo
ordinal number
1. 4th
-> Today is the fourth (of May).
thứ tư
1. a small part or amount of something
-> Only a small fraction of a bank’s total deposits will be withdrawn at any one time.
2. a division of a number, for example ⅝
-> How do you express 25% as a fraction?
3. a quantity of liquid that has been collected as a result of a process that separates the parts of a liquid mixture
-> The third fraction contains alcohols with boiling points of 120–130℃.
phân số
1. without payment
-> Does she know that you’re making free with her belongings?
2. in a way that is not tied but is able to move about
-> Children under five travel free.
3. to use something a lot, even though it does not belong to you
4. to be allowed to go where it likes; not tied to anything or kept in a cage
miễn phí
1. without anyone trying to prevent or control something
-> the country’s first freely elected president
2. without anything stopping the movement or flow of something
-> When the gate is raised, the water can flow freely.
3. in an honest way without worrying about what people will say or do
-> For the first time he was able to speak freely without the fear of reprisals against his family.
4. without trying to avoid the truth even though it might be unpleasant or embarrassing
-> I freely admit that I made a mistake.
5. in a willing and generous way
-> Millions of people gave freely in response to the appeal for the victims of the earthquake.
6. a piece of writing that is translated freely is not translated exactly but the general meaning is given
tự do
1. the day of the week after Thursday and before Saturday
-> It’s Friday today, isn’t it?
2. a character in Daniel Defoe’s novel Robinson Crusoe. He becomes Crusoe’s faithful servant after Crusoe saves him from being eaten by cannibals. The phrase Man Friday or Girl Friday was sometimes used to describe an assistant who did many different jobs in an office, but is now quite old-fashioned.
Thứ sáu
1. a piece of electrical equipment in which food is kept cold so that it stays fresh
-> The kids tend to raid the fridge when they get home from school.
tủ lạnh
1. a person you know well and like, and who is not usually a member of your family
-> They gradually got to know each other better but they remained just good friends.
2. a person who is on your list of contacts on a social media website
-> This is my friend Tom.
3. a person who supports an organization, a charity, etc., especially by giving or raising money; a person who supports a particular idea, etc.
4. a person who has the same interests and opinions as yourself, and who will help and support you
5. used to talk about or to somebody that you meet who is not actually a friend
6. used by a member of parliament to refer to another member of parliament or by a lawyer to refer to another lawyer in a court of law
7. a member of the Society of Friends
8. used to say that two friends are not having a romantic relationship with each other
9. a friend who gives you help when you need it (is a true friend)
10. to know important people who can help you
11. to become a friend of somebody
12. a way of describing a dog
người bạn
1. behaving in a kind and pleasant way because you like somebody or want to help them
-> a warm and friendly person
2. showing that somebody is kind; making you feel relaxed and as though you are among friends
-> a friendly smile/welcome
3. treating somebody as a friend
-> We soon became friendly with the couple next door.
4. not treating somebody/something as an enemy
-> The government has maintained friendly relations with the Japanese.
5. that is helpful and easy to use; that helps somebody/something or does not harm it
-> This software is much friendlier than the previous version.
6. in which people are not arguing or competing in a serious or unpleasant way
-> a friendly argument
7. not part of an important competition
-> It was only a friendly match.
thân thiện
1. a small animal with smooth skin, that lives both on land and in water (= is an amphibian). Frogs have very long back legs for jumping, and no tail.
-> the croaking of frogs
2. an offensive word for a French person
3. to lose your voice or be unable to speak clearly for a short time
con ếch
1. the part of a plant that consists of one or more seeds and a soft inner part, can be eaten as food and usually tastes sweet
-> tropical fruits, such as bananas and pineapples
2. a part of a plant or tree that is formed after the flowers have died and in which seeds develop
-> The crab apple bears a small, bitter fruit.
3. all the natural things that the earth produces
4. an offensive word for a gay man
5. to have a successful result
6. a thing that is not allowed and that therefore seems very attractive
7. the good results of an activity or a situation
hoa quả
1. feeling annoyed and impatient because you cannot do or achieve what you want
-> It’s very easy to get frustrated in this job.
2. having no effect; not being satisfied
-> He stamped his foot in frustrated rage.
3. unable to be successful in a particular career
-> a frustrated artist
4. not satisfied sexually
bực bội
[/ˌfʊl ˈtaɪm/]
1. for all the hours of a week during which people normally work or study, rather than just for a part of it
-> students in full-time education
toàn thời gian
1. money for a particular purpose; the act of providing money for such a purpose
-> federal/state funding
kinh phí
1. the soft thick mass of hair that grows on the body of some animals
-> The cat carefully licked its fur.
2. the skin of an animal with the fur still on it, used especially for making clothes
-> a fur coat
3. an artificial material that looks and feels like fur
4. a piece of clothing, especially a coat or jacket, made of real or artificial fur
-> elegant ladies in furs
5. a hard grey-white substance that is sometimes left inside water pipes and containers for heating water
6. a grey-white layer that forms on a person’s tongue, especially when they are ill
lông thú
1. an activity that you do to have fun, often one that has rules and that you can win or lose; the equipment for a game
-> We’ll be able to extract insights out of the data that will enable us to stay ahead of the game.
2. a sport with rules in which people or teams compete against each other
-> The kids were playing a game with their balloons.
3. an occasion of playing a game
-> to win/lose a game
4. the way in which somebody plays a game
-> Maguire raised his game to collect the £40 000 first prize.
5. a large organized sports event
-> She’s hoping to participate in the next Olympic Games.
6. sport as a lesson or an activity at school
-> I always hated games at school.
7. a section of some games, such as tennis, which forms a unit in scoring
-> two games all (= both players have won two games)
8. a type of activity or business
9. a secret and clever plan; a trick
10. wild animals or birds that people hunt for sport or food
11. at an advantage/disadvantage because you have done more/less preparation or know more/less than other people, especially those you are competing against
12. to defeat or do better than somebody in an activity which they have chosen or in which they think they are strong
13. to not be considered to be serious
14. to be working as a prostitute
15. to no longer have a chance of winning a game or succeeding in an activity that you are taking part in
16. to still/once again have a good chance of winning a game or succeeding in an activity that you are taking part in
17. activities that are not serious and that other people may think are bad
18. said to somebody who has done something wrong, when they are caught and the crime or trick has been discovered
19. used after something has happened that makes it clear that a contest is not yet decided and anyone could still win
20. used to say that it is no longer possible for somebody/something to succeed, survive or continue
21. to tell a secret, especially by accident; to show something that should be kept hidden
22. an activity that is unlikely to be successful or make a profit
23. the most important aspect of an activity; the most important quality needed for an activity
24. the advantages to be gained from doing something are not great enough, considering the effort or cost involved
25. a way of considering an activity, etc. that considers only the number of people doing something, things achieved, etc., not with who or what they are
26. performing badly/well, especially when compared with how well you usually perform
27. the most important thing of a particular type, or the only thing that is available
28. to play a cruel game with somebody in your power by changing your behaviour very often, so that they become nervous and do not know what to expect
29. to do something that helps somebody else’s plans, especially by accident, when you did not intend to help them
30. to behave in a fair and honest way
31. to not be honest with somebody, especially in order to gain an advantage over them
32. the standards of behaviour that most people accept or that actually operate in a particular area of life or business
33. (to have) a personal interest in an organization or activity, and therefore in its success
34. to talk in a way that sounds convincing, but may not be sincere
35. used to tell somebody who has played a trick on you that you can do the same thing to them
36. to improve the level at which you can compete, especially in a sport
37. used to ask why somebody is behaving as they are
trò chơi
1. a building for keeping one or more cars or other vehicles in
-> a double garage (= one for two cars)
2. a place where vehicles are repaired and/or where you can buy a car or buy petrol and oil
-> I had to take the car to the garage.
3. a style of rock music played with great energy but not necessarily great technique, popular in the 1960s
4. a type of electronic dance music with elements of drum and bass, house music and soul
1. equipment in a vehicle that changes the relation between engine speed (or pedal speed on a bicycle) and the speed of the wheels moving forwards or backwards
-> If you get your ass in gear, we can make it out of here tonight.
2. a particular position of the gears in a vehicle that gives a particular range of speed and power
-> Careless use of the clutch may damage the gears.
3. the equipment or clothing needed for a particular activity
-> first/second, etc. gear
4. clothes
5. the things that a person owns
6. a machine used for a particular purpose
7. used to talk about the speed or effort involved in doing something
8. illegal drugs
9. a rude way of telling somebody to hurry
10. to start working, or to start something working, in an efficient way
11. (to become) out of control
bánh răng
1. a unit inside a cell that controls a particular quality in a living thing that has been passed on from its parents
-> a dominant/recessive gene
2. to be a quality that your parents have passed on to you
1. by or to most people
-> The initiative was generally considered a success.
2. in most cases
-> I generally get up at six.
3. without discussing the details of something
-> Let’s talk just about investment generally.
nói chung là
1. connected with genes (= the units in the cells of a living thing that control its physical characteristics) or genetics (= the study of genes)
-> genetic and environmental factors
di truyền
1. unusually great intelligence, skill or artistic ability
-> the genius of Shakespeare
2. a person who is unusually intelligent or artistic, or who has a very high level of skill, especially in one area
-> a mathematical/comic, etc. genius
3. a special skill or ability
-> He had a genius for making people feel at home.
4. a person or spirit who is thought to have a good/bad influence over you
thiên tài
1. truly; in a way that is exactly what it appears to be and is not artificial
-> There are some genuinely funny moments in the film.
2. in a sincere and honest way that can be trusted
-> She was genuinely sorry.
chân thật
1. the scientific study of the earth’s surface, physical features, divisions, products, population, etc.
-> recent work in economic geography
2. the way in which the physical features of a place are arranged
-> These streets had a very particular geography.
3. the way in which a particular aspect of life or society is influenced by geography or varies according to geography
-> The geography of poverty and the geography of voting are connected.
4. a country, area or region
-> We are now operational across multiple geographies.
địa lý
1. a movement that you make with your hands, your head or your face to show a particular meaning
-> He made a rude gesture at the driver of the other car.
2. something that you do or say to show a particular feeling or intention
-> They sent some flowers as a gesture of sympathy to the parents of the child.
cử chỉ
1. a performance by musicians playing popular music or jazz in front of an audience; a similar performance by a comedian
-> They’re doing a gig in Boston tonight.
2. a job, especially a temporary one
-> She landed her first gig on a kids’ TV show.
3. a unit of computer memory or data, equal to 109, or 1 0003, (= 1000000000) bytes
4. a unit of computer memory or data, equal to 230, or 1 0243, (= 1073741824) bytes
5. a small light carriage with two wheels, pulled by one horse
buổi biểu diễn
1. a quick look
-> to take/have a glance at the newspaper headlines
2. when you first look at or think about something, often rather quickly
3. immediately; with only a quick look
liếc nhìn
1. the fact that different cultures and economic systems around the world are becoming connected and similar to each other because of the influence of large multinational companies and of improved communication
toàn cầu hóa
1. the world (used especially to emphasize its size)
-> tourists from every corner of the globe
2. an object like a ball in shape with a map of the world on its surface, usually on a stand so that it can be turned
-> A dusty old globe stood in the corner of the schoolroom.
3. a thing that is like a ball in shape
4. a light bulb (= the glass part that fits into an electric lamp, etc. to give light when it is switched on)
-> Halogen globes are being replaced with LEDs, which use 80 per cent less energy.
khối cầu
1. behaviour that is morally right or acceptable
-> If these measures also reduce unemployment, that is all to the good.
2. people who live a moral life; people who are admired for the work they do to help other people
-> Do they even know the difference between good and evil?
3. something that helps somebody/something
-> a gathering of the great and the good
4. used to say that if something happens, it will be good, even if it is not exactly what you were expecting
5. to not be useful; to have no useful effect
6. to not be interesting or fun
7. to do things that are morally good, especially by helping others
8. to have a useful effect; to help somebody
9. to be very good for somebody’s physical or mental health
10. to make somebody feel much better; to improve something
11. permanently
12. people who are very successful, admired and respected
13. no problem is so bad that it does not bring some advantage to somebody
14. used to say that somebody now has a particular amount of money that they did not have before
15. doing something wrong or dishonest
1. the group of people who are responsible for controlling a country or a state
-> to lead/form a government
2. a particular system or method of controlling a country
-> Democratic government has now replaced military rule.
3. the activity or the manner of controlling a country
-> We need strong government to take the country through this crisis.
chính phủ
1. an attractive quality of movement that is smooth and done with control; a simple and beautiful quality
-> Even when he became a star he didn’t have any airs and graces.
2. a quality of behaviour that is polite and pleasant and deserves respect
-> She moves with the natural grace of a ballerina.
3. ways of behaving that people think are polite and acceptable
-> He was not particularly well versed in the social graces.
4. extra time that is given to somebody to enable them to pay a bill, finish a piece of work, etc.
5. the love that God shows towards the human race
6. a short prayer that is usually said before a meal to thank God for the food
7. used as a title of respect when talking to or about an archbishop, a duke or a duchess
8. a way of behaving that shows that somebody thinks that they are more important, etc. than they really are
9. to have somebody’s approval and be liked by them
10. to lose the trust or respect that people have for you, especially by doing something bad or morally wrong
11. a situation in which somebody loses the trust or respect that people have for them, especially because they have done something that is bad or morally wrong
12. to be polite enough to do something, especially when you have done something wrong
13. (in the Roman Catholic Church) having been forgiven by God for the wrong or evil things you have done
14. used to say that you could easily have been in the same difficult or unpleasant situation that somebody else is in
15. in an unwilling and/or rude way
16. in a willing and pleasant way
17. any particular year after the birth of Christ
duyên dáng
1. a mark given in an exam or for a piece of school work
-> She got good grades in her exams.
2. (in the US school system) one of the levels in a school with children of similar age
-> Sam is in (the) second grade.
3. the quality of a particular product or material
-> All the materials used were of the highest grade.
4. a level of ability or rank that somebody has in an organization
-> salary/pay grades (= levels of pay)
5. how serious an illness is
-> low/high grade fever
6. a slope on a road or railway; the degree to which the ground slopes
-> The hill has a grade of 25 per cent.
7. a level of exam in musical skill
-> grade 6 piano
8. to be a decision or an area of work that somebody does not have the authority or expert knowledge to deal with
9. to reach the necessary standard; to succeed
1. to give a grade to a student or to a piece of their written work
-> I spent all weekend grading papers.
2. to arrange people or things in groups according to their ability, quality, size, etc.
-> The containers are graded according to size.
1. designs, drawings or pictures that are used especially in the production of books, magazines, websites, etc.
-> Text and graphics are prepared separately and then combined.
2. the activity of making these designs, drawings or pictures or the use of these images
-> expertise in computer graphics
đồ họa
1. being the total amount of something before anything is taken away
-> gross weight (= including the container or wrapping)
2. very obvious and unacceptable
-> gross negligence/misconduct
3. very unpleasant
-> ‘He ate it with mustard.’ ‘Oh, gross!’
4. very rude
-> gross behaviour
5. very fat and ugly
1. to increase in size, number, strength or quality
2. to become bigger or taller and develop into an adult
-> The sector is growing at a phenomenal rate.
3. to exist and develop in a particular place; to make plants grow
-> I’m sure you’ll grow to like her in time.
4. to become longer; to allow something to become longer by not cutting it
5. to begin to have a particular quality or feeling over a period of time
6. to gradually begin to do something
7. to develop and improve particular qualities or skills
8. to increase the size, quality or number of something
9. used to say that when you are away from somebody that you love, you love them even more
10. something large and successful often begins in a very small way
11. used to tell somebody not to use something or spend money carelessly because you do not have a lot of it
12. to not delay in getting things done
phát triển
1. the process in people, animals or plants of growing physically, mentally or emotionally
-> Lack of water will stunt the plant’s growth.
2. an increase in the size, amount or degree of something
-> The report links population growth with rural poverty.
3. an increase in economic activity
-> policies aimed at sustaining economic growth
4. a mass of cells caused by a disease that forms on or inside a person, an animal or a plant
-> a malignant growth
5. something that has grown
-> The forest’s dense growth provides nesting places for a wide variety of birds.
sự phát triển
1. a person who shows other people the way to a place, especially somebody employed to show tourists around interesting places
2. a person who advises you on how to live and behave
-> Our tour guide showed us around the old town.
3. a book, magazine, app, etc. that gives you information, help or instructions about something
-> A guru is the spiritual guide of his students.
4. a book that gives information about a place for travellers or tourists
5. something that gives you enough information to be able to make a decision about something or form an opinion
6. a member of an organization (called the Guides or the Girl Scouts) that is similar to the Scouts and that trains girls in practical skills and does a lot of activities with them, for example camping
hướng dẫn
1. a space or passage inside the entrance or front door of a building
-> Her brother was standing in the front hall.
2. a passage in a building with rooms down either side
-> I headed for Scott’s office down the hall.
3. a building or large room for public meetings, meals, concerts, etc.
-> a concert/sports hall
4. a building for university or college students to live in
-> She’s living in hall(s).
5. a large country house
-> Haddon Hall
1. the part of a door, window, etc. that you use to open it
-> He seems to fly off the handle about the slightest thing these days.
2. the part of an object, such as a cup, a bag or a tool, that you use to hold it or carry it
-> She turned the handle and opened the door.
3. having the number or type of handle mentioned
-> I added my handle at the top of my blog page so that readers could view my tweets as well as my blog posts.
4. a name or nickname
5. a person’s username on a social media site or online forum
6. to suddenly become very angry
7. to understand or know about somebody/something, especially so that you can deal with it or them later
8. to give somebody enough facts or knowledge for them to be able to deal with something
xử lý
1. easy to use or to do
-> a handy little tool
2. located near to somebody/something; located or stored in a convenient place
-> Always keep a first-aid kit handy.
3. able to use your hands or tools to make or repair things well
-> to be handy around the house
4. to be useful
tiện dụng
1. the act of annoying or worrying somebody by putting pressure on them or saying or doing unpleasant things to them
-> sexual/racial harassment
2. the act of making repeated attacks on an enemy
-> guerrilla harassment of the enemy
quấy rối
1. cruel, severe and unkind
-> The punishment was harsh and unfair.
2. very difficult and unpleasant to live in
-> a harsh winter/wind/climate
3. too strong and bright; ugly or unpleasant to look at
-> harsh colours
4. unpleasant to listen to
-> ‘Stop it!’ she said in a harsh voice.
5. too strong and rough and likely to damage something
-> harsh detergents
thô ráp
have to
modal verb
[/ˈhæv tə/]
1. used to show that you must do something
-> Sorry, I’ve got to go.
2. used to give advice or recommend something
-> You simply have to get a new job.
3. used to say that something must be true or must happen
-> There has to be a reason for his strange behaviour.
4. used to suggest that an annoying event happens in order to annoy you, or that somebody does something in order to annoy you
-> Of course, it had to start raining as soon as we got to the beach.
1. a male person or animal that has already been mentioned or is easily identified
-> Everyone liked my father—he was the perfect gentleman.
2. a person, male or female, whose sex is not stated or known, especially when referring to somebody mentioned earlier or to a group in general
-> Every child needs to know that he is loved.
3. used when referring to God
Anh ta
1. the ability to hear
-> Her hearing is poor.
2. an official meeting at which the facts about a crime, complaint, etc. are presented to the person or group of people who will have to decide what action to take
-> a court/disciplinary hearing
3. an opportunity to explain your actions, ideas or opinions
-> to get/give somebody a fair hearing
4. near enough to somebody so that they can hear what is said
5. too far away to hear somebody/something or to be heard
thính giác
1. the quality of being hot
2. heat seen as a form of energy that is transferred from one object or substance to another as a result of a difference in temperature
-> Heat rises.
3. the level of temperature
-> Being a metal, aluminium readily conducts heat.
4. hot weather; the hot conditions in a building, vehicle, etc.
-> Test the heat of the water before getting in.
5. a source of heat, especially one that you cook food on
-> You should not go out in the heat of the day (= at the hottest time).
6. the process of supplying heat to a room or building; a system used to do this
7. a spicy quality in food that makes your mouth feel as if it is burning
8. strong feelings, especially of anger or excitement
9. pressure on somebody to do or achieve something
10. one of a series of races or competitions, the winners of which then compete against each other in the next part of the competition
11. to be ready to have sex and produce young
12. used to tell somebody to stop trying to do something if they find it too difficult, especially in order to suggest that they are less able than other people
1. weighing a lot; difficult to lift or move
-> They started shouting at me. It got very heavy.
2. more or worse than usual in amount, degree, etc.
-> a heavy weight/load
3. doing the thing mentioned more, or more deeply, than usual
4. large and solid
5. thick
6. full of or loaded with something
7. large and powerful
8. involving a lot of work or activity; very busy
9. hard, especially because it requires a lot of physical strength
10. falling or hitting something with a lot of force
11. large in amount or very solid
12. carrying heavy weapons
13. loud and deep
14. using a lot of something
15. serious; difficult to understand or enjoy
16. dangerous because of big waves, etc.
17. hot and without enough fresh air, in a way that feels unpleasant
18. wet, sticky and difficult to dig or to move over
19. very strict and severe
20. to become very serious, because strong feelings are involved
21. to have a difficult problem that makes you worried or unhappy but that you have to deal with
22. used to describe somebody/something that is difficult to deal with or understand
23. a way of doing something or of treating people that is much stronger and less sensitive than it needs to be
24. a very sad feeling
25. a group of strong, often violent people employed to do something such as protect somebody
26. a situation when people do not say anything, but feel embarrassed or uncomfortable
27. to seem to find something more difficult or complicated than it needs to be
28. to have a bad effect on somebody/something; to cause a lot of damage, deaths, pain, etc.
1. measuring a long distance from the bottom to the top
-> He has friends in high places.
2. used to talk about the distance that something measures from the bottom to the top
-> What’s the highest mountain in the US?
3. at a level that is a long way above the ground or above the level of the sea
-> How high is Everest?
4. greater or better than normal in quantity or quality, size or degree
5. containing a lot of a particular substance
6. near the top in rank, status or importance
7. of great value
8. when a river or the tide is high, the water reaches a long way up the river bank, beach, etc.
9. morally good
10. showing a lot of approval or respect for somebody
11. at the upper end of the range of sounds that humans can hear; not deep or low
12. used to describe the middle or the most attractive part of a period of time
13. beginning to go bad and having a strong smell
14. behaving in an excited way because of the effects of alcohol or drugs
15. produced with part of the tongue in the highest possible position without limiting the flow of air
16. to behave in a way that shows you think you are better than other people
17. friends, people, etc. in positions of power and influence
18. to enjoy yourself very much
19. despite any difficulties
20. in a position out of the water
21. in a difficult situation, without help or money
22. behaving as though you think you are more important than other people
23. behaving in a very excited way, especially because of being strongly affected by alcohol or drugs
24. the amount of attention somebody/something has from the public
25. in an angry or offended mood, and showing other people that you are angry
26. used to say that you think somebody should do something soon
27. of a high quality or degree; of the highest quality or greatest degree
28. to have a strong unpleasant smell
29. to seem to be very dishonest or morally unacceptable
30. to claim that your side of an argument is morally better than your opponents’ side; to argue in a way that makes your side seem morally better
1. at or to a position or level that is a long way up from the ground or from the bottom
-> The company is riding high this year.
2. at or to a large value, amount or price
-> to climb/jump/leap high
3. to or at an important position
4. at a high pitch
5. to be successful or very confident
6. to be successful
7. everywhere
8. to be proud of or not feel ashamed about something that you have done
9. to be strong and angry or excited
1. the highest level or number
-> We gazed down into the valley from on high.
2. an area of high air pressure; an anticyclone
-> to hit/reach a high
3. the highest temperature reached during a particular day, week, etc.
-> Highs today will be in the region of 25°C.
4. the feeling of extreme pleasure and excitement that somebody gets after taking some types of drugs
5. the feeling of extreme pleasure and excitement that somebody gets from doing something fun or being successful at something
6. used in the name of a high school
7. in a high place
8. the people in senior positions in an organization
9. in heaven
1. something that you say or do in an indirect way in order to show somebody what you are thinking
-> He gave a broad hint (= one that was obvious) that he was thinking of retiring.
2. something that suggests what will happen in the future
-> At the first hint of trouble, they left.
3. a small amount of something
-> a hint of a smile
4. a small piece of practical information or advice
-> handy hints on saving money
5. to understand what somebody wants you to do even though they tell you in an indirect way
gợi ý
1. to give somebody a job
-> She was hired three years ago.
2. to employ somebody for a short time to do a particular job
-> to hire a lawyer/detective
3. to pay money to borrow something for a short time
-> to hire a room/studio
1. of or belonging to a man or boy who has already been mentioned or is easily identified
-> James has sold his car.
2. of or belonging to God
của anh ấy
1. the house or flat that you live in, especially with your family
-> I called round last night, but you weren’t at home.
2. a house or flat, etc., when you think of it as property that can be bought and sold
-> Old people prefer to stay in their own homes.
3. the town, district, country, etc. that you come from, or where you are living and that you feel you belong to
-> a holiday/summer home
4. used to refer to a family living together, and the way it behaves
-> Leeds are playing at home this weekend.
5. a place where people who cannot care for themselves live and are cared for by others
6. a place where pets with no owner are taken care of
7. the place where a plant or animal usually lives; the place where somebody/something can be found
8. a place where an object is kept
9. the place where something was first discovered, made or invented
10. in a person’s own house, flat, etc.
11. comfortable and relaxed
12. in somebody’s own country, not in a foreign country
13. if a sports team plays at home, it plays in the town, etc. that it comes from
14. away from a person’s own house, flat, etc.
15. if a sports team plays away from home, it plays in the town, etc. that its opponent comes from
16. you should help and care for your own family, etc. before you start helping other people
17. if a remark or topic of discussion is close to home, it is accurate or connected with you in a way that makes you uncomfortable or embarrassed
18. that involves somebody directly
19. to eat a lot of somebody else’s food
20. a place where you feel relaxed and comfortable as if you were in your own home
21. a home is where the people you love are
22. used to say how pleasant your home is (especially when you really mean that it is not pleasant at all)
23. a person’s home is a place where they can be private and safe and do as they like
24. (used especially about a couple) to start living in a new place
25. the place where you are happiest, especially a country where you feel you belong more than in your own country because you share the ideas and attitudes of the people who live there
26. used to emphasize a question about somebody/something
27. to do your job in your own home, especially a job that is usually done in an office
trang chủ
1. believing that something you want will happen
-> I feel hopeful that we’ll find a suitable house very soon.
2. showing hope
-> a hopeful smile
3. making you believe that something you want will happen; bringing hope
-> The latest trade figures are a hopeful sign.
hy vọng
1. used to express what you hope will happen
-> Hopefully, we’ll arrive before dark.
2. showing hope
-> ‘Are you free tonight?’ she asked hopefully.
hy vọng
1. very bad or unpleasant; used to describe something that you do not like
-> What horrible weather!
2. making you feel very shocked and frightened
-> a pretty horrible experience
3. unfriendly, unpleasant or unkind
-> a horrible person
tệ hại
1. 100
-> One hundred (of the children) have already been placed with foster families.
2. a large amount
-> hundreds of miles away
3. the numbers from 100 to 999
-> We’re talking about a figure in the low hundreds.
4. the years of a particular century
-> the early nineteen hundreds (= written ‘early 1900s’)
5. used to express whole hours in the 24-hour system
-> twelve hundred hours (= 12.00 midday)
6. to put as much effort into something as you can; to give even more effort than could be expected
7. in every way
8. completely fit and healthy
9. almost always
1. feeling that you want to eat something
-> I’m really hungry.
2. not having enough food to eat
-> Thousands are going hungry because of the failure of this year’s harvest.
3. people who do not have enough food to eat
4. causing you to feel that you want to eat something
-> All this gardening is hungry work.
5. having or showing a strong desire for something
-> power-hungry corporations
đói bụng
1. an act of looking for somebody/something that is difficult to find
-> The hunt is on for a suitable candidate.
2. an act of going after wild animals to kill or capture them
-> a tiger/seal hunt
3. (in the UK) an event at which people ride horses and hunt foxes with dogs as a sport, illegal in England and Wales since 2005
-> There was always a hunt on Boxing Day.
4. (in the UK) a group of people who regularly hunt foxes as a sport. Since 2005, instead of a fox, they follow a specially laid scent trail.
-> There were several different hunts in the area.
5. to have a chance of winning
6. to be involved in a situation so that you will gain or lose according to the result
săn bắn
1. to go after wild animals in order to catch or kill them for food, sport or to make money
-> Lions sometimes hunt alone.
2. to look for something that is difficult to find
-> She is still hunting for a new job.
3. to look for somebody in order to catch them or harm them
-> Police are hunting an escaped criminal.
4. (in the UK) to go after and kill foxes as a sport, riding horses and using dogs. Fox hunting with dogs has been illegal in England and Wales since 2005, but people still ride out with dogs following a scent trail, without an actual fox.
-> They hunt when they stay with friends in Ireland.
săn bắn
1. an idea or standard that seems perfect, and worth trying to achieve or obtain
-> He was accused of betraying his political ideals.
2. a person or thing that you think is perfect
-> It’s my ideal of what a family home should be.
lý tưởng
1. a set of ideas that an economic or political system is based on
-> Marxist/capitalist ideology
2. a set of beliefs, especially one held by a particular group, that influences the way people behave
-> the ideology of gender roles
hệ tư tưởng
1. used to say that one thing can, will or might happen or be true, depending on another thing happening or being true
-> If you see him, give him this note.
2. when; whenever; every time
-> If metal gets hot it expands.
3. used after ask, know, find out, wonder, etc. to introduce one of two or more possibilities
-> Do you know if he’s married?
4. used after verbs or adjectives expressing feelings
-> I am sorry if I disturbed you.
5. used to admit that something is possible, but to say that it is not very important
-> If she has any weakness, it is her Italian.
6. used to ask somebody to listen to your opinion
-> If you ask me, she’s too scared to do it.
7. used before an adjective to introduce a contrast
-> He’s a good driver, if a little over-confident.
8. used with will or would to ask somebody politely to do something
-> If you will sit down for a few moments, I’ll tell the manager you’re here.
9. used before could, may or might to suggest something or to interrupt somebody politely
-> If I may make a suggestion, perhaps we could begin a little earlier next week.
10. despite the possibility that; no matter whether
11. despite the fact that; even though
12. used to say something about an event that may or may not happen
13. used to express an opinion about something, or after a negative statement to suggest that the opposite is true
14. used to give somebody advice
15. used to introduce a different suggestion, after a sentence with if
16. used after a yes/no question to say what will or should happen if the answer is ‘no’
17. used to suggest that something may be even larger, more important, etc. than was first stated
18. used to say that you wish something was true or that something had happened
19. if that is the case
20. used to say that something that is happening is surprising
21. used to state the only situation in which something can happen
nếu như
1. to use pictures, photographs, diagrams, etc. in a book, etc.
-> She illustrated her own books.
2. to make the meaning of something clearer by using examples, pictures, etc.
-> To illustrate my point, let me tell you a little story.
3. to show that something is true or that a situation exists
-> The incident illustrates the need for better security measures.
Minh họa
1. language that produces pictures in the minds of people reading or listening
-> poetic imagery
2. pictures, photographs, etc.
-> satellite imagery (= for example, photographs of the earth taken from space)
hình ảnh
1. to form a picture in your mind of what something might be like
-> The house was just as she had imagined it.
2. to believe something that is not true
-> He’s always imagining (that) we’re talking about him behind his back.
3. to think that something is probably true
-> ‘Can we still buy tickets for the concert?’ ‘I imagine so.’
tưởng tượng
1. a person who has come to live permanently in a different country from the one they were born in
-> immigrants from other European countries
di trú
1. the process of coming to live permanently in a different country from the one you were born in; the number of people who do this
-> legal/illegal immigration
2. the place at a port, an airport, etc. where the passports and other documents of people coming into a country are checked
-> We landed at Heathrow and went through customs and immigration.
nhập cư
1. to make something that has been officially decided start to happen or be used
-> to implement changes/decisions/policies/reforms
thực hiện
1. the act of making something that has been officially decided start to happen or be used
-> the implementation of the new system
thực hiện
1. a possible effect or result of an action or a decision
-> They failed to consider the wider implications of their actions.
2. something that is suggested or indirectly stated (= something that is implied)
-> The implication in his article is that being a housewife is greatly inferior to every other occupation.
3. the fact of being involved, or of involving somebody, in something, especially a crime
-> He resigned after his implication in a sex scandal.
hàm ý
1. to introduce a new law, rule, tax, etc.; to order that a rule, punishment, etc. be used
-> The UN Security Council imposed sanctions in 1992.
2. to force somebody/something to have to deal with something that is difficult or unpleasant
-> He described the limitations imposed by his disease.
3. to make somebody accept the same opinions, wishes, etc. as your own
-> She didn’t want to impose her values on her family.
4. to expect somebody to do something for you or to spend time with you, when it may not be convenient for them
-> ‘You must stay for lunch.’ ‘Well, thanks, but I don’t want to impose…’
5. to make somebody/something accept or be aware of your presence or ideas
-> European civilization was the first to impose itself across the whole world.
áp đặt
1. that cannot exist or be done; not possible
-> almost/virtually/nearly impossible
2. very difficult to deal with
-> I’ve been placed in an impossible position.
3. a thing that is or seems impossible
-> to attempt the impossible
4. a difficult or impossible task
không thể nào
1. making you admire them, because they are very large, good, skilful, etc.
-> an impressive performance
ấn tượng
1. a rise in the amount, number or value of something
-> price/tax/wage increases
1. more and more all the time
-> Tourism is playing an increasingly important role in the region’s economy
ngày càng
1. used after very and an adjective or adverb to emphasize a statement, description, etc.
-> Thank you very much indeed!
2. used to emphasize a positive statement or answer
-> ‘Was he very angry?’ ‘Indeed he was.’
3. used to add information to a statement
-> I don’t mind at all. Indeed, I would be delighted to help.
4. used to show that you are surprised at something or that you find something silly
-> A ghost indeed! I’ve never heard anything so silly.
5. used when you are repeating a question that somebody has just asked and showing that you do not know the answer
-> ‘Why did he do it?’ ‘Why indeed?’
6. a friend who gives you help when you need it (is a true friend)
thực vậy
1. a remark or sign that shows that something is happening or what somebody is thinking or feeling
-> They gave no indication of how the work should be done.
2. a symptom that suggests that particular medical treatment is necessary
-> There was no clinical indication for such a test.
chỉ dẫn
1. coming from a particular place and having lived there for a long time before other people came there; relating to, belonging to or developed by these people
-> the indigenous peoples/languages of an area
2. having originally developed in a particular place, rather than having been brought there from somewhere else
-> The kangaroo is indigenous to Australia.
bản địa
1. happening not as the main aim, cause or result of a particular action, but in addition to it
-> the indirect effects of the war
2. not done directly; done through somebody/something else
-> territories under the indirect control of the British
3. avoiding saying something in a clear and obvious way
-> The comment was an indirect attack on the prime minister.
4. not going in a straight line
-> an indirect route
gián tiếp
1. the act or process of causing or getting a disease
-> to cause/prevent infection
2. an illness that is caused by bacteria or a virus and that affects one part of the body
-> an ear/a chest infection
sự nhiễm trùng
1. to reach an opinion or decide that something is true on the basis of information that is available
-> Much of the meaning must be inferred from the context.
2. to suggest indirectly that something is true
-> Are you inferring (that) I’m not capable of doing the job?
suy luận
1. to tell somebody about something, especially in an official way
-> The government took this decision without consulting Parliament or informing the public.
2. to find out information about something
-> We need time to inform ourselves thoroughly of the problem.
3. to have an influence on something
-> Religion informs every aspect of their lives.
thông báo
1. to make something begin
-> to initiate legal proceedings against somebody
2. to explain something to somebody and/or make them experience it for the first time
-> Many of them had been initiated into drug use at an early age.
3. to make somebody a member of a particular group, especially as part of a secret ceremony
-> Hundreds are initiated into the sect each year.
khởi xướng
1. a new plan for dealing with a particular problem or for achieving a particular purpose
-> a United Nations peace initiative
2. the ability to decide and act on your own without waiting for somebody to tell you what to do
-> He said I was lazy and had no initiative.
3. the power or opportunity to act and gain an advantage before other people do
-> to seize/regain the initiative
4. (in some states of the US) a process by which ordinary people can suggest a new law by signing a petition
-> a ballot initiative to establish a local minimum wage
sáng kiến
1. the fact of a situation being unfair and of people not being treated equally; an unfair act or an example of unfair treatment
-> We are committed to fighting against poverty and injustice.
2. to judge yourself/somebody unfairly
sự bất công
1. the act or process of combining two or more things so that they work together
-> The aim is to promote closer economic integration.
2. the act or process of mixing people who have previously been separated, usually because of colour, race, religion, etc.
-> racial integration in schools
hội nhập
1. connected with or using a person’s ability to think in a logical way and understand things
-> Gifted children typically show great intellectual curiosity and a wide range of interests.
2. well educated and enjoying activities in which you have to think seriously about things
-> She’s very intellectual.
trí tuệ
1. to increase in degree or strength; to make something increase in degree or strength
-> Violence intensified during the night.
tăng cường
1. to enter a country, town, etc. using military force in order to take control of it
-> Troops invaded on August 9th that year.
2. to enter a place in large numbers, especially in a way that causes damage or problems
-> Demonstrators invaded the government buildings.
3. to affect something in an unpleasant or annoying way
-> Do the press have the right to invade her privacy in this way?
xâm lược
1. the act of an army entering another country by force in order to take control of it
-> the German invasion of Poland in 1939
2. the fact of a large number of people or things arriving somewhere, especially people or things that are unpleasant
-> the annual tourist invasion
3. an act or a process that affects somebody/something in a way that is not welcome
-> The actress described the photographs of her as an invasion of privacy.
cuộc xâm lăng
1. a spoken or written request to somebody to do something or to go somewhere
-> to issue/extend an invitation
2. the act of inviting somebody or of being invited
-> He produced an official letter of invitation.
3. a card or piece of paper that you use to invite somebody to something
-> We’ve already sent out the invitations.
4. something that encourages somebody to do something or encourages something to happen, usually something bad
-> Leaving the doors unlocked is an open invitation to burglars.
lời mời
1. to mention or use a law, rule, etc. as a reason for doing something
-> It is unlikely that libel laws will be invoked.
2. to mention a person, a theory, an example, etc. to support your opinions or ideas, or as a reason for something
-> She invoked several eminent scholars to back up her argument.
3. to mention somebody’s name to make people feel a particular thing or act in a particular way
-> His name was invoked as a symbol of the revolution.
4. to make a request (for help) to somebody, especially a god
5. to make somebody have a particular feeling or imagine a particular scene
-> The opening paragraph invokes a vision of England in the early Middle Ages.
6. to begin to run a program, etc.
-> This command will invoke the HELP system.
7. to make evil appear by using magic
1. if a situation, an event or an activity involves something, that thing is an important or necessary part or result of it
-> Any investment involves an element of risk.
2. if a situation, an event or an activity involves somebody/something, they take part in it or are affected by it
-> There was a serious incident involving a group of youths.
3. to make somebody take part in something
-> We want to involve as many people as possible in the celebrations.
4. to say or do something to show that somebody took part in something, especially a crime
-> His confession involved a number of other politicians in the affair.
liên quan
1. a piece of land that is completely surrounded by water
-> a small/tiny island
2. an area in the middle of a road where you can stand and wait for cars to go past until it is safe for you to cross
3. a kitchen unit with a worktop (= a flat surface for preparing food on), placed in the middle of the room with access from all sides
-> Their kitchen is huge, with an island and space for a small dining area.
hòn đảo
1. far away from any others
-> isolated rural areas
2. without much contact with other people or other countries
-> I felt very isolated in my new job.
3. single; happening once
-> The police said the attack was an isolated incident.
bị cô lập
1. involving two or more people together
-> a joint account (= a bank account in the name of more than one person, for example shared by a couple)
1. the work of collecting and writing news stories for newspapers, magazines, radio, television or online news sites; the news stories that are written
-> I’d like a career in journalism.
báo chí
1. a person whose job is to collect and write news stories for newspapers, magazines, radio, television or online news sites
-> a freelance journalist
nhà báo
1. only
-> There is just one method that might work.
2. simply
-> It was just an ordinary day.
3. by a small amount
-> You’ve just missed her.
4. used to say that you/somebody did something or something happened very recently
-> I’ve just heard the news.
5. at this/that moment; now
-> I’m just finishing my book.
6. exactly
-> This jacket is just my size.
7. at the same moment as
-> The clock struck six just as I arrived.
8. no less than; equally
-> She’s just as smart as her sister.
9. going to do something only a few moments from now or then
-> The water’s just about to boil.
10. really; completely
-> The food was just wonderful!
11. used in orders to get somebody’s attention, give permission, etc.
-> Just listen to what I’m saying, will you!
12. used to make a polite request, excuse, etc.
-> Could you just help me with this box, please?
13. used to show a slight possibility that something is true or will happen
-> Try asking Mike—he might just know the answer.
14. used to agree with somebody
-> ‘He’s very pompous.’ ‘Isn’t he just?’
15. used to say that you/somebody would have been in the same position if you had done something else, because you got little benefit or pleasure from what you did do
16. because of the possibility of something happening
17. it is a good thing
18. used to say that you would equally well like to do something as do something else that has been suggested
19. almost; very nearly
20. approximately
21. suddenly, without warning or explanation
22. used to ask somebody to wait for a short time
23. at this moment
24. during this present period
25. only a short time ago
26. later; in a short period of time
27. done or arranged very accurately or carefully
28. at that moment
29. exactly what is needed in a particular situation
30. used when commenting on a situation to suggest that you could say something more or worse but prefer not to
31. not now but probably quite soon
1. wanting to do something or wanting something to happen very much
-> He’s mad keen on planes.
2. enthusiastic about an activity or idea, etc.
-> John was very keen to help.
3. liking somebody/something very much; very interested in somebody/something
-> a keen sportsman/gardener
4. quick to understand
5. strong or deep
6. highly developed
7. involving people competing very hard with each other for something
8. kept low in order to compete with other prices
9. extremely cold
10. having a sharp edge or point
11. wanting very much to do well at something; enthusiastic
12. liking something/somebody very much; very interested in something
sắc sảo
1. to continue to have something and not give it back or throw it away
-> You just have to keep yourself busy and keep going.
2. to put or store something in a particular place
-> He kept all her letters.
3. to save something for somebody
4. to stay in a particular condition or position; to make somebody/something do this
5. to continue doing something; to do something repeatedly
6. to know something and not tell it to anyone
7. to do what you have promised to do; to go where you have agreed to go
8. to write down something as a record
9. to own and care for animals
10. to own and manage a shop or restaurant
11. to provide what is necessary for somebody to live; to support somebody by paying for food, etc.
12. to delay somebody
13. used to ask or talk about somebody’s health
14. to remain in good condition
15. to protect somebody from something
16. to guard or protect the goal or wicket
17. to make an effort to live normally when you are in a difficult situation or when you have experienced great pain and difficulty
18. used to encourage somebody to continue doing something
19. to be enough for somebody until they get what they are waiting for
1. most important; essential
-> the key issue/factor/point
chìa khóa
1. a piece of metal with a special shape used for locking a door, starting a car, etc.
-> We keep our valuables under lock and key.
2. a thing that makes you able to understand or achieve something
-> to put/turn the key in the lock
3. any of the buttons that you press to operate a computer, phone or typewriter
4. any of the wooden or metal parts that you press to play a piano and some other musical instruments
5. a set of related notes, based on a particular note. Pieces of music are usually written mainly using a particular key.
6. a set of answers to exercises or problems
7. an explanation of the symbols used on a map or plan
8. locked up safely somewhere; in prison
chìa khóa
1. a child or young person
-> Do you have any kids?
2. a young goat
3. soft leather made from the skin of a young goat
-> a pair of white kid gloves
4. to deal with somebody in a very careful way so that you do not offend or upset them
5. something that is so easy to do or understand that it is thought to be not very serious or only suitable for children
6. a person who is new to a place, an organization, etc.
đứa trẻ
1. either of the two organs in the body that remove waste products from the blood and produce urine
-> a kidney infection
2. the kidneys of some animals that are cooked and eaten
-> steak and kidney pie
quả thận
1. caring about others; gentle, friendly and generous
-> a very kind and helpful person
2. used to make a polite request or give an order
-> Would you be kind enough to close the window?
1. a group of people or things that are the same in some way; a particular variety or type
-> three kinds of cakes/cake
2. consisting of goods or services, not money
-> She insulted him and he responded in kind.
3. with the same thing
4. used to show that something you are saying is not exact
5. slightly; in some ways
6. used to emphasize that the situation is very different from what has been said
7. not as good as it could be
8. very similar
9. the only one like this
10. something like what has been said
1. a set of tools or equipment that you use for a particular purpose
-> a drum kit
2. a set of parts ready to be made into something
-> a kit for a model plane
3. a set of clothes and equipment that you use for a particular activity
-> sports kit
4. to take your clothes off
5. everything
bộ dụng cụ
1. to hit a door, etc. in order to attract attention
-> Get out or I’ll beat the living daylights out of you!
2. to hit something hard, often by accident
-> He knocked three times and waited.
3. to hit something so that it moves or breaks
-> He’d knocked over a glass of water.
4. to put somebody/something into a particular state by hitting them/it
-> The blow knocked me flat.
5. to make a hole in something by hitting it hard
-> They managed to knock a hole in the wall.
6. if your heart knocks, it beats hard; if your knees knock, they shake, for example from fear
7. to make a regular sound of metal hitting metal, especially because there is something wrong
8. to criticize somebody/something, especially when it happens unfairly
9. to force people to stop arguing and behave in a sensible way
10. to hit somebody very hard several times and hurt them very much
11. to hit somebody/something very hard
12. to surprise or impress somebody very much
13. to train somebody so that they do a particular job, task, etc. well
14. to make something more acceptable, organized or successful
15. to affect somebody very deeply
16. used to threaten somebody that you will hit them
17. to impress somebody very much
18. to be very much better than somebody/something
19. used to tell somebody to stop making a noise, annoying you, etc.
20. to make somebody lose their position as somebody/something successful or admired
21. to stop something from happening; to stop doing something
22. used when talking about your previous good luck or your hopes for the future, to avoid bringing bad luck
23. to surprise or shock somebody so much that they are unable to react immediately
24. to try and persuade somebody to stop behaving in a stupid way, sometimes using rough or violent methods
25. to be very much better than somebody/something
26. to make somebody lose their confidence and enthusiasm
27. used to express surprise
cú đánh
1. to have information in your mind as a result of experience or because you have learned or been told it
-> As far as we knew, there was no cause for concern.
2. to realize, understand or be aware of something
-> No one knows the answer.
3. to feel certain about something
-> He has known both poverty and wealth.
4. to be familiar with a person, place, thing, etc.
5. to have learned a skill or language and be able to use it
6. to think that somebody/something is a particular type of person or thing or has particular characteristics
7. to give somebody/something a particular name or title
8. to be able to recognize somebody/something
9. to understand the difference between one person or thing and another
10. to have seen, heard or experienced something
11. to have personal experience of something
12. used to say that you think you know, remember, understand, etc. something but you cannot be completely sure, especially because you do not know all the facts
13. very quickly or suddenly
14. to have no way of realizing or being aware that you have done something wrong
15. used to say that it is easier and wiser to stay in a bad situation that you know and can deal with rather than change to a new situation that may be much worse
16. used to emphasize that you do not know something and that it is not important to you
17. used to emphasize that you do not know something
18. used to emphasize the truth of what you are saying
19. to be confident that you know something, especially when you actually do not
20. to know something perfectly so that you can repeat it at any time without having to think about it
21. to be in poor condition
22. used to criticize somebody’s behaviour
23. used to tell somebody the true facts about a situation, especially when these are not known by other people
24. used to agree with somebody or to show sympathy
25. used to introduce a new idea or suggestion
26. used to criticize somebody by saying that they should realize or understand something
27. to know somebody/something extremely well
28. to know what should be done, etc. better than other people
29. to be sensible enough not to do something
30. to recognize somebody without knowing them well
31. to have information or evidence that the opposite is true
32. to be very aware of a fact and unable to deny or ignore it
33. to be very familiar with somebody/something
34. to have very clear and definite ideas about what you want to do
35. to know a lot about a particular subject or job
36. to know/tell somebody some useful, interesting or surprising information about somebody/something
37. to know something because of something unpleasant that has happened to you
38. to be familiar with a place, subject, etc.
39. to have knowledge about something from your own experience
40. to know where you can get an advantage for yourself
41. to make sure that people are informed about something, especially by getting somebody else to tell them
42. to tell somebody about something
43. used to emphasize what you are saying
44. used to say that you do not know the answer to something
45. to introduce yourself to somebody
46. to behave badly, usually because you have not been taught the correct way to behave
47. to be very stupid; to have absolutely no skill
48. to know nothing about a subject
49. to know nothing at all about somebody/something
50. to know nothing at all about something/somebody
51. to not know at all who somebody is
52. to be so surprised by something that you do not know how to react
53. to feel very embarrassed and not know how to react
54. to be so excited or confused that you cannot behave or think in a sensible way
55. to have an easy life without realizing how easy it is
56. to take no interest in something because you do not care about it or it is too much trouble
57. old enough to behave in a more sensible way than you actually did
58. to show somebody/know/learn how a particular job should be done
59. used to say that it is impossible to say what might happen
60. used to say that somebody knows nothing about the subject you are talking about
61. used to express surprise
62. (know) what things are useful, important, etc.
63. used when you are thinking of what to say next
64. used to show that what you are referring to is known or understood by the person you are speaking to
65. used to emphasize something that you are saying
66. used to introduce an interesting or surprising opinion, piece of news, etc.
67. used to refer to somebody/something without mentioning a name
68. used to say that you can never be certain about what will happen in the future, especially when you are suggesting that something good might happen
1. the information, understanding and skills that you gain through education or experience
-> scientific/technical knowledge and skills
2. the state of knowing about a particular fact or situation
-> He denied all knowledge of the affair.
3. information, considered as a resource to be used and supplied in industry, rather than producing goods
-> the shift toward a knowledge economy
4. to be something that everyone knows, especially in a particular community or group
5. to become known by somebody
6. as far as you know
7. from the information you have, although you may not know everything
kiến thức
1. a piece of paper, etc. that is attached to something and that gives information about it
-> Always read the label carefully.
2. a word or phrase that is used to describe somebody/something in a way that seems too general, unfair or not correct
-> I hated the label ‘housewife’.
3. the name or trademark of a fashion company
-> today’s major fashion labels
4. a company that produces and sells music, CDs, etc.
-> the Virgin record label
1. to fix a label on something or write information on something
-> Make sure that your luggage is clearly labelled.
2. to describe somebody/something in a particular way, especially unfairly
-> He was labelled (as) a traitor by his former colleagues.
1. after the expected, arranged or usual time
-> I got up late.
2. near the end of a period of time, a person’s life, etc.
-> It happened late last year.
3. near the end of the day
-> There’s a good film on late.
4. used especially when you, or somebody else, arrive/arrives late, or when something such as success happens late, to say that this is better than not coming or happening at all
5. after the time when an action could be successful
6. until recently working or living in the place mentioned
7. recently
8. after the time when it is possible to do something successfully
1. a rule that deals with a particular crime, agreement, etc.
-> Boys of that age are a law unto themselves.
2. the whole system of rules that everyone in a country or society must obey
-> to pass a law (= officially make it part of the system of laws)
3. a particular branch of the law
-> tax/employment law
4. the study of the law as a subject at university, etc.; the profession of being a lawyer
5. used to refer to the police and the legal system
6. the fact that something always happens in the same way in an activity or in nature
7. a scientific rule that somebody has stated to explain a natural process
8. one of the rules that controls an organization or activity
9. a rule for good behaviour or how you should behave in a particular place or situation
10. to behave in an independent way and ignore rules or what other people want you to do
11. to ask a court to settle a problem or disagreement
12. a situation in which people obey the law and behave in a peaceful way
13. the principle that one thing will happen as often as another if you try enough times
14. a situation in which people are prepared to harm other people in order to succeed
15. to tell somebody with force what they should or should not do
16. the exact words of a law or rule rather than its general meaning
17. in trouble with the police
18. if you already have or control something, it is difficult for somebody else to take it away from you, even if they have the legal right to it
19. the condition in which all members of society, including its political leaders, accept the authority of the law
20. to do something illegal in order to punish somebody for doing something wrong, instead of letting the police deal with them
21. used to tell somebody who is criticizing you that you are not doing anything wrong
pháp luật
1. an area of ground covered in short grass in a garden or park, or used for playing a game on
-> In summer we have to mow the lawn twice a week.
2. a type of fine cotton or linen cloth used for making clothes
bãi cỏ
1. to put somebody/something in a particular position, especially when it is done gently or carefully
2. to spread something on something; to cover something with a layer of something
-> He laid a hand on my arm.
3. to put something down, especially on the floor, ready to be used
-> Before they started they laid newspaper on the floor.
4. if a bird, an insect, a fish, etc. lays eggs, it produces them from its body
-> to lay a carpet/cable/pipe
5. to arrange knives, forks, plates, etc. on a table ready for a meal
6. to present a proposal, some information, etc. to somebody for them to think about and decide on
7. to put somebody/something in a particular position or state, especially a difficult or unpleasant one
8. used with a noun to form a phrase that has the same meaning as the verb related to the noun
9. to prepare something in detail
10. to have sex with somebody
11. to prepare a fire by arranging wood, sticks or coal
12. to bet money on something; to place a bet
đặt nằm
1. the position ahead of everyone else in a race or competition
-> Unfortunately, he buried the lede in the last paragraph of the story.
2. the amount or distance that somebody/something is in front of somebody/something else
-> She took the lead in the second lap.
3. an example or action for people to copy
-> a commanding/comfortable lead
4. a piece of information that may help to find out the truth or facts about a situation, especially a crime
5. a person or thing that may be useful to you, especially a possible new customer or business opportunity
6. the main part in a play, film, etc.; the person who plays this part
7. the person in charge of a project, department, etc.
8. the first sentence or paragraph of a news story, giving the most important points of the story
9. a long piece of leather, chain or rope used for holding and controlling a dog
10. a long piece of wire, usually covered in plastic, that is used to connect a piece of electrical equipment to a source of electricity
11. to give the most important point of a news story near the end instead of at the beginning
chỉ huy
1. to go with or in front of a person or an animal to show the way or to make them go in the right direction
-> Jack’s parents thought the other boys might lead him astray.
2. to connect one object or place to another
-> If you lead, I’ll follow.
3. to go in a particular direction or to a particular place
-> What led you to this conclusion?
4. to have something as a result
5. to be the reason why somebody does or thinks something
6. to be in control of something; to be the leader of something
7. to be the best at something; to be in first place
8. to have a particular type of life
9. to cause a process to start
10. to play first; to play something as your first card
11. a situation in which people with almost no experience or knowledge give advice to others who also have no experience or knowledge
12. to make somebody go in the wrong direction or do things that are wrong
13. to make somebody do everything you want; to control somebody completely
14. to be the first to make the effort to do something new
15. to cause somebody a lot of trouble or worry
16. to take an active part in what you are telling or persuading others to do
17. to live a happy and comfortable life with no problems or responsibilities
18. to have no successful result for somebody
19. to make somebody believe something that is not true
20. used to suggest that the way one event or action leads to others is so obvious that it does not need to be stated
21. you can give somebody the opportunity to do something, but you cannot force them to do it if they do not want to
chỉ huy
1. the process of learning something
-> adult learning
2. knowledge that you get from reading and studying
-> a woman of great learning
3. something that you learn, especially from your experience of working on something
-> We will be sharing key learnings from our project.
học hỏi
1. on or to the left side
-> Turn left at the intersection.
2. in all directions; everywhere
bên trái
1. a law or a set of laws passed by a parliament
-> an important piece of legislation
2. the process of making and passing laws
-> Legislation will be difficult and will take time.
pháp luật
1. for which there is a fair and acceptable reason
-> a legitimate grievance
2. allowed and acceptable according to the law
-> the legitimate government of the country
3. born when its parents are legally married to each other
hợp pháp
1. a period of time in which somebody is taught something
-> She gives piano lessons.
2. something that is intended to be learned
-> The coursebook is divided into 30 lessons.
3. an experience, especially an unpleasant one, that somebody can learn from so that it does not happen again in the future
-> The accident taught me a lesson I’ll never forget.
4. a passage from the Bible that is read to people during a church service in the Church of England
-> The first lesson is taken from St John’s Gospel.
5. to learn what to do or not to do in the future because you have had a bad experience in the past
bài học
1. freedom to live as you choose without too many limits from government or authority
-> the fight for justice and liberty
2. the state of not being a prisoner or a slave
-> He had to endure six months’ loss of liberty.
3. the legal right and freedom to do something
-> The right to vote should be a liberty enjoyed by all.
4. an act or a statement that may offend or annoy somebody, especially because it is done without permission or does not show respect
-> He took the liberty of reading my files while I was away.
5. no longer in prison or in a cage
6. having the right or freedom to do something
7. to make important and unreasonable changes to something, especially a book
8. to be too friendly with somebody, especially in a sexual way
tự do
1. an official document that shows that permission has been given to do, own or use something
-> Applicants must hold a valid driving licence.
2. freedom to do or say whatever you want, often something bad or unacceptable
-> Lack of punishment seems to give youngsters licence to break the law.
3. freedom to behave in a way that is not considered sexually moral
4. the freedom of artists or writers to change facts in order to make a story, painting, etc. more interesting or beautiful
5. used to describe a business that makes a lot of money with little effort
6. made with the permission of a company or an organization
giấy phép
1. pale in colour
-> We seem to be light on fuel.
2. full of light; having the natural light of day
-> He’s got light blue eyes.
3. easy to lift or move; not weighing very much
-> light summer clothes
4. of less than average or usual weight
-> The delivery of potatoes was several kilos light.
5. used with a unit of weight to say that something weighs less than it should do
6. gentle and without weight; not using much force
7. easy to do; not making you tired
8. not great in amount, degree, etc.
9. fun rather than serious and not needing much mental effort
10. not serious
11. not severe
12. small in quantity
13. not containing much fat, sugar or other rich ingredients and therefore easy to digest
14. containing a lot of air
15. low in alcohol
16. containing a lot of water
17. carrying only light weapons
18. a person in a light sleep is easy to wake
19. free from worry; cheerful
20. to not have enough of something
21. the ability to deal with something in a sensitive and relaxed way
22. to treat something as not being important and not serious
23. to do something quickly and with little effort
24. used to say that a job is made easier if a lot of people help
ánh sáng
1. the chance of something happening; how likely something is to happen
-> There is very little likelihood of that happening.
khả năng xảy ra
1. having a good chance of happening or being something; probable or expected
-> the most likely explanation/outcome/scenario
2. seeming suitable for a purpose
-> She seems the most likely candidate for the job.
3. used to show that you do not believe what somebody has said
rất có thể
1. to continue to exist for longer than expected
-> The faint smell of her perfume lingered in the room.
2. to stay somewhere for longer because you do not want to leave; to spend a long time doing something
-> She lingered for a few minutes to talk to Nick.
3. to continue to look at somebody/something or think about something for longer than usual
-> His eyes lingered on the diamond ring on her finger.
4. to stay alive but become weaker
-> He lingered on for several months after the heart attack.
nán lại
1. a connection between two or more people or things
-> Police suspect there may be a link between the two murders.
2. a relationship between two or more people, countries or organizations
-> to establish trade links with Asia
3. a means of travelling or communicating between two places
-> a high-speed rail link
4. a place in an electronic document that is connected to another electronic document or to another part of the same document
-> You can find all the details by clicking this link.
5. each ring of a chain
-> The chain was too long so I removed a few of the links.
6. a chain of long thin sausages; an individual long thin sausage
-> You need four Italian sausage links.
7. one of the stages in a process or a line of argument
8. the point at which a system or an organization is most likely to fail
liên kết
1. to make a physical or electronic connection between one object, machine, place, etc. and another
-> The video cameras are linked to a powerful computer.
2. if something links two things, facts or situations, or they are linked, they are connected in some way
-> The two factors are directly linked.
3. to create a link between web pages or electronic documents
-> I only link posts that are food-related.
4. to state or suggest that there is a connection or relationship between two things or people
-> Detectives have linked the break-in to a similar crime in the area last year.
5. to join two things by putting one through the other
-> The two girls linked arms as they strolled down the street.
liên kết
1. a list, especially an official or published list of people or things, often arranged in alphabetical order
-> a comprehensive listing of all airlines
2. information online or in a newspaper or magazine about what films, plays, etc. are being shown in a particular town or city
-> a listings website/magazine
3. a position or an item on a list
-> The company is seeking a stock exchange listing (= for trading shares).
niêm yết
1. not big; small; smaller than others
-> a little house
2. young
-> a little boy/girl
3. short
-> A little while later the phone rang.
4. used after an adjective to show approval, sympathy or dislike, especially in a patronizing way (= one that suggests that you think you are better than somebody)
-> The poor little thing! It’s lost its mother.
5. not important; not serious
-> I can’t remember every little detail.
6. something large and successful often begins in a very small way
7. used to say that somebody told you something but you do not want to say who it was
8. it is not surprising
nhỏ bé
1. to a small degree
-> She seemed a little afraid of going inside.
2. not much; only slightly
-> He is little known as an artist.
nhỏ bé
1. broadcast at the time of an actual event; played or recorded at an actual performance
-> The show is going out live.
2. to start; to become operational (= ready to be used)
1. to have your home in a particular place
-> He’s been living on borrowed time ever since his last heart attack.
2. to remain alive
-> to live in a house/a flat/an apartment
3. to be alive, especially at a particular time
-> When did Handel live?
4. to spend your life in a particular way
5. to continue to exist or be remembered
6. to have a full and exciting life
7. to have enough money to be able to live a very comfortable life
8. if two people are or live in each other’s pockets, they are too close to each other or spend too much time with each other
9. to still be alive after the time when you were expected to die
10. to be doing something that other people are likely to soon stop you from doing
11. the way of life of a different social group, especially one much richer than you
12. to live a happy and comfortable life with no problems or responsibilities
13. to be very enthusiastic about something
14. used to say that you should accept other people’s opinions and behaviour even though they are different from your own
15. to earn money by clever or sometimes dishonest means
16. to have a way of life that seems perfect
17. to spend all the money you earn on basic needs such as food without being able to save any money
18. to behave as though society, etc. has not changed, when in fact it has
19. to live together and have a sexual relationship without being married
20. to enjoy yourself in an exciting way, usually spending a lot of money
21. to keep something important about yourself a secret from other people, so that they do not know what you really think, what you are really like, etc.
22. to have enough money to be able to afford expensive things, food, drink, etc.
23. to eat whatever food you can grow, kill or find yourself
24. to live or sleep outdoors, usually because you have no home and no money
25. used to say that although you have failed or had a bad experience, you will continue
26. to survive a difficult or dangerous experience so that you can tell others what really happened
27. to be unaware of popular culture and important events that are happening in the world
28. used to say that you hope somebody/something will live or last for a long time
29. you should not criticize other people, because they will easily find ways of criticizing you
30. used to tell somebody that if they have not had a particular experience their life is not complete
31. used to express surprise at something new or unexpected you have been told
1. money that an organization such as a bank lends and somebody borrows
-> to take out/repay a loan (= to borrow money/pay it back)
2. the act of lending something; the state of being lent
-> I even gave her the loan of my car.
khoản vay
1. a large area inside the entrance of a public building where people can meet and wait
-> a hotel lobby
2. (in the British Parliament) a large hall that is open to the public and used for people to meet and talk to Members of Parliament
3. a group of people who try to influence politicians on a particular issue
-> The gun lobby is/are against any change in the law.
4. an organized attempt by a group of people to influence politicians on a particular issue
-> a recent lobby of Parliament by nurses
1. to try to influence a politician or the government and, for example, persuade them to support or oppose a change in the law
-> Farmers will lobby Congress for higher subsidies.
1. belonging to or connected with the particular place or area that you are talking about or with the place where you live
-> local people/residents/businesses
2. affecting only one part of the body
-> Her tooth was extracted under local anaesthetic.
địa phương
1. to put information in an official record or write a record of events
-> The police log all phone calls.
2. to travel a particular distance or for a particular length of time
-> The pilot has logged 1 000 hours in the air.
3. to cut down trees in a forest for their wood
nhật ký
1. not securely fixed where it should be; able to become separated from something
-> There was a loud bang and then all hell broke loose.
2. not tied together; not held in position by anything or contained in anything
-> a loose button/tooth
3. free to move around without control; not tied up or shut in somewhere
-> She usually wears her hair loose.
4. not fitting closely
-> The sheep had got out and were loose on the road.
5. not tightly packed together; not solid or hard
6. not strictly organized or managed
7. not exact; not very careful
8. having or involving an attitude to sexual relationships that people consider to be morally wrong
9. not in any player’s control
10. having too much liquid in it
11. suddenly there was a lot of noise, arguing, fighting, etc.
12. to separate yourself or somebody/something from a group of people or their influence, etc.
13. to remain calm; to not worry
14. to talk too much, especially about things that are private
15. to be slightly strange in your behaviour
16. to do something or to happen in a way that no one controls
17. to make a noise or remark, especially in a loud or sudden way
18. to free somebody/something from whatever holds them/it in place
19. to give somebody complete freedom to do what they want in a place or situation
20. to treat somebody/something in a way that shows that you feel no responsibility or respect for them
lỏng lẻo
1. good things that happen to you by chance, not because of your own efforts or abilities
-> With any luck, we’ll be home before dark.
2. chance; the force that causes good or bad things to happen to people
-> to have good/bad luck
3. used to ask somebody if they have been successful with something
4. in the way that chance decides what will happen
5. used to express sympathy for somebody
6. to have no money because of a period of bad luck
7. used to wish somebody success with something
8. used to encourage somebody who has not been successful at something
9. because you believe it will bring you good luck, or because this is a traditional belief
10. for no particular reason
11. used to say that you do not mind what somebody does as it does not affect you, but you hope they will be successful
12. used to tell somebody that you feel sorry for them
13. used to show you are not surprised something bad has happened to you, because you are not often lucky
14. used to say that somebody has been lucky or successful
15. the fact that chance decides something, in a way that you cannot control
16. used to show that you are disappointed because something you were hoping for did not happen
17. when you take pot luck, you choose something or go somewhere without knowing very much about it, but hope that it will be good, pleasant, etc.
18. to take a risk because you have successfully avoided problems in the past
19. used to show sympathy for somebody that something bad that has happened to
20. used to show that you do not feel sorry for somebody who has a problem
21. to do something that involves risk or luck, hoping to succeed
22. used to show that you are disappointed about something
may mắn
1. having good luck
-> His friend was killed and he knows he is lucky to be alive.
2. being the result of good luck
-> It was lucky for us that we were able to go.
3. bringing good luck
-> a lucky charm
4. to have good luck
5. to meet somebody new and have sex with them
6. used to show that you think somebody is lucky to have something, be able to do something, etc.
7. to have good luck
8. to feel very grateful and lucky about something
9. used when you have failed to do something twice and hope that you will succeed the third time
10. used to tell somebody that something that they are expecting probably will not happen
11. used to tell somebody that they will probably not get what they are hoping for, and may not deserve it
may mắn
1. the fact of enjoying special and expensive things, particularly food and drink, clothes and places
-> a life of unimaginable luxury
2. a thing that is expensive and pleasant but not essential
-> small luxuries like chocolate and flowers
3. a pleasure or an advantage that you do not often have
-> We had the luxury of being able to choose from four good candidates for the job.
4. in easy, comfortable conditions, and enjoying the advantages of being rich
sang trọng
1. a piece of equipment with many parts that work together to do a particular task. The power used to work a machine may be electricity, steam, gas, etc. or human power.
-> Machines have replaced human labour in many industries.
2. a computer
-> The new machines will be shipped next month.
3. a particular machine, for example in the home, when you do not refer to it by its full name
-> Just put those clothes in the machine (= the washing machine).
4. an organized system for achieving something and the people who control it
-> the president’s propaganda machine
5. a person who acts without thinking and without allowing their feelings to show or to affect their work
-> In this movie he plays a lean, mean killing machine.
6. a person who is a small part of a large organization
máy móc
1. machines as a group, especially large ones
-> agricultural/industrial machinery
2. the parts of a machine that make it work
-> a clock with all its machinery hanging out
3. the organization or structure of something; the system for doing something
-> the machinery of government
máy móc
1. the official system used for sending and delivering letters, packages, etc.
-> a mail service/train/van
2. letters, packages, etc. that are sent and delivered
-> There isn’t much mail today.
3. messages/a message sent or received on a computer
-> Check regularly for new mail.
4. used in the title of some newspapers
-> the Mail on Sunday
5. armour (= clothing to protect the body when fighting) made of small metal rings linked together
-> a coat of mail
1. to create or prepare something by combining materials or putting parts together
-> He made as if to speak.
2. to write, create or prepare something
-> to make a table/dress/cake
3. to cause something to appear as a result of breaking, tearing, hitting or removing material
-> These regulations were made to protect children.
4. to cause something to exist, happen or be done
-> The news made him very happy.
5. to cause somebody/something to feel, show or have a particular quality; to cause somebody/something to be or become something
-> She always makes me laugh.
6. to cause somebody/something to do something
-> This isn’t very important—I don’t want to make an issue of it.
7. to cause somebody/something to be or become a particular kind of thing or person
8. to arrange a bed so that it is neat and ready for use
9. to decide, guess, etc. something
10. to force somebody to do something
11. to represent somebody/something as being or doing something
12. to elect or choose somebody as something
13. to become or develop into something; to be suitable for something
14. to add up to or equal something
15. to be a total of something
16. to earn or gain money
17. to think or calculate something to be something
18. to manage to reach or go to a place or position
19. to cause something to be a success
20. to make a movement that makes it seem as if you are just going to do something
21. to manage with something that is not really good enough
22. to become rich and successful
23. to pay for, replace or repair something that has been lost or damaged
24. to do something that you have promised, threatened, etc. to do
25. to be successful in your career
26. to succeed in reaching a place in time, especially when this is difficult
27. to be able to be present at a place
28. to survive after a serious illness or accident; to deal successfully with a difficult experience
29. to have sex with somebody
30. to pretend to be, know or have something in order to impress people
31. to gain as much advantage, pleasure, etc. as you can from somebody/something
32. to treat something/somebody as very important
33. to be the thing that makes somebody/something either a success or a failure
34. to be successful in your life
1. being a man or boy
-> a male friend/colleague/partner
2. belonging to the sex that does not lay eggs or give birth to babies
-> a male bird
3. of men; typical of men; affecting men
-> male attitudes to women
4. producing pollen
-> Live oaks produce male flowers called catkins.
5. having a part that sticks out that is designed to fit into a hole, socket, etc.
-> male connectors/adapters
nam giới
1. connected with the sea and the creatures and plants that live there
-> marine life
2. connected with ships or trade at sea
hàng hải
1. a written or printed symbol that is used as a sign of something, for example the quality of something or who made or owns it
-> Such guesses are thought to be close to the mark.
2. a number or letter that is given to show the standard of somebody’s work or performance or is given to somebody for answering something correctly
-> punctuation marks
3. a point given for a correct answer in an exam or competition
-> You get two marks for each correct answer.
4. a small area of dirt, a spot or a cut on a surface that makes it look less good
5. a spot or area of colour on the body of a person or an animal that helps you to recognize them
6. a sign that a quality or feeling exists
7. a level or point that something reaches that is thought to be important
8. a particular type or model of a machine or vehicle
9. a particular level of temperature in a gas oven
10. a cross made on a document instead of a signature by somebody who is not able to write their name
11. a target
12. the former unit of money in Germany (replaced in 2002 by the euro)
13. to be fairly accurate in a guess, statement, etc.
14. not to be accurate in a guess, statement, etc.
15. to be accurate or correct
16. to fail to reach the standard that you expected or need
17. to start scoring in a game or sport
18. to succeed/fail in achieving or guessing something
19. to have an effect on something/somebody, especially a bad one, that lasts for a long time
20. to become famous and successful in a particular area
21. not to feel as well or lively as usual
22. used to tell runners in a race to get ready and then to start
23. to behave in a way that people think is not acceptable
24. fast/slow in reacting to a situation
25. to say or do what somebody in authority tells you to say or do, even if you do not share the same opinions, etc.
26. as good as it/they should be
27. not accurate
đánh dấu
1. an object or a sign that shows the position of something
-> a boundary marker
2. a sign that something exists or that shows what it is like
-> Price is not always an accurate marker of quality.
3. a pen with a thick felt tip
4. a person who marks students’ work or exam papers
5. a player who stays close to a player on the other team in order to stop them getting the ball
6. to do something that sets a standard for your competitors or shows what you intend to do or achieve in the future
đánh dấu
1. to have something as a meaning in the same or another language
-> This restaurant is meant to be excellent.
2. to have something as a meaning; to represent something
-> What does this sentence mean?
3. to intend to say something on a particular occasion
-> What do we mean by democracy?
4. to have something as a purpose or intention
5. to have something as a result or a likely result
6. to be of value or importance to somebody
7. to intend somebody to be or do something
8. to be generally considered to be something
9. used to explain or correct what you have just said
10. to be serious in your intentions
11. to not have any intention of hurting somebody
12. used to emphasize what you are saying or to ask somebody if they really mean what they say
13. to have good intentions, although their effect may not be good
nghĩa là
1. the thing or idea that a sound, word, sign, etc. represents
2. the things or ideas that somebody wishes to communicate to you by what they say or do
-> What’s the meaning of this word?
3. the real importance of a feeling or an experience
4. the ideas that a writer, artist, etc. wishes to communicate through a book, painting, etc.
5. the quality or sense of purpose that makes you feel that your life is valuable
1. serious and important
-> a meaningful relationship/discussion/experience
2. having a meaning that is easy to understand
-> These statistics are not very meaningful.
3. intended to communicate or express something to somebody, without any words being spoken
-> She gave me a meaningful look.
có ý nghĩa
1. connected with illness and injury and their treatment
-> medical care/treatment
2. connected with ways of treating illness that do not involve cutting the body
-> There are also medical and surgical treatment options for the condition.
thuộc về y học
1. an official note from one person to another in the same organization
-> to write/send a memo
bản ghi nhớ
1. an account written by somebody, especially somebody famous, about their life and experiences
-> O’Connor published a childhood memoir.
2. a written account of somebody’s life, a place, or an event, written by somebody who knows it well
-> his brief memoir of his father’s life
hồi ký
1. used when you want to emphasize how small, unimportant, etc. somebody/something is
-> It took her a mere 20 minutes to win.
2. used when you are saying that the fact that a particular thing is present in a situation is enough to have an influence on that situation
-> His mere presence (= just the fact that he was there) made her feel afraid.
chỉ là
1. the part of something that is at an equal distance from all its edges or sides; a point or a period of time between the beginning and the end of something
-> a lake with an island in the middle
2. a person’s waist
-> He grabbed her around the middle.
3. to be involved in an argument or fight between two other people or groups
4. to be busy doing something
5. a place that is a long way from other buildings, towns, etc.
6. to divide something into two equal parts; to divide into two equal parts
ở giữa
1. the white liquid produced by cows, goats and some other animals as food for their young and used as a drink by humans
-> a pint/litre of milk
2. the white liquid that is produced by women and female mammals for feeding their babies
-> breast milk
3. a white liquid produced by or made from plants
4. to waste time worrying about something that has happened that you cannot do anything about
5. a place where life is pleasant and easy and people are very happy
6. kind behaviour, considered to be natural to humans
1. a weapon that is sent through the air and that explodes when it hits the thing that it is aimed at
-> nuclear missiles
2. an object that is thrown at somebody to hurt them
-> Missiles including stones and bottles were thrown at the police.
hỏa tiễn
1. that cannot be found or that is not in its usual place; that has been removed, lost or destroyed
-> I never found the missing piece.
2. not at home; not found
-> a missing four-year-old girl
3. not present after an accident, battle, etc. but not known to have been killed
-> He was reported missing, presumed dead.
4. not included, often when it should have been
-> Fill in the missing words in this text.
mất tích
1. an action or an opinion that is not correct, or that produces a result that you did not want
-> It’s easy to make a mistake.
2. a word, figure, etc. that is not said or written down correctly
-> It’s a common mistake among learners of English.
3. used to show that you are sure about the truth of what you have just said
4. by accident; without intending to
5. thinking that something is something else
6. used to emphasize what you are saying, especially when you want to warn somebody about something
sai lầm
1. the complete control of trade in particular goods or the supply of a particular service; a type of goods or a service that is controlled in this way
-> In the past central government had a monopoly on television broadcasting.
2. the complete control, possession or use of something; a thing that belongs only to one person or group and that other people cannot share
-> Managers do not have a monopoly on stress.
3. a board game in which players have to pretend to buy and sell land and houses, using pieces of paper that look like money
sự độc quyền
1. a person driving a car
-> The accident was reported by a passing motorist.
người lái xe ô tô
1. a series of moving pictures recorded with sound that tells a story, watched at a movie theater or on a television or other device
-> You’ll love this movie.
2. when you go to the movies, you go to a movie theater to see a movie
-> Let’s go to the movies.
3. movies as an art or an industry
-> I’ve always wanted to work in the movies.
bộ phim
1. wet earth that is soft and sticky
-> The car wheels got stuck in the mud.
2. not clear at all; not easy to understand
3. to criticize or say bad things about somebody in public, in a way that is unfair
4. to criticize somebody or accuse somebody of bad things in order to damage their reputation, especially in politics
5. people remember and believe the bad things they hear about other people, even if they are later shown to be false
6. used to say that somebody is not liked or popular because of something they have done
1. many in number; involving many different people or things
-> The shape appears multiple times within each painting.
2. complex in its nature or effects; affecting several parts of the body
-> She suffered multiple injuries in the crash.