Part 2 - The role of standards and the anatomy of basic web pages Flashcards
describe the html attribute
an attribute that can be used by many items on a html page
describe the world wide web consortium (W3C)
one web mission
this mission aims to have all online services and data accessible to all devices and all people with the vision of richer interaction and security
what is
well formed XML
XML has strict rules when all rules are followed then this term describes that
describe the following html metadata
<.title>This is a XHTML1.0 Valid Strict Template</title.>
This gives the html document a title and will be displayed in the browser tab. Titles should be helpful for usability
used prior to html5 and mimics a HTTP respons header and can contain information:value such as:
* content-type
* content-security-policy
describe the
HTML <meta></meta> http-equiv Attribute
what is a
markup language
this combines text with markup (instructions)
html is formed of text and encloses markup in <> </> (tags)
these include:
* web for all
* web on everything
* web of trust
* web of data and services
* web for rich interaction
what 5 goals make up the world wide web consortium (W3C) one web
this mission aims to have all online services and data accessible to all devices and all people with the vision of richer interaction and security
describe the world wide web consortium (W3C)
one web mission
describe an adventageous use of the following HTML metadata
<.meta name=”keywords” content=””/>
<.meta name=”description” content=””/>
these two HTML metadata tags can be used to aid search engines when users search for content
these include
<.hr> - horizontal rule. Often used to separte content or a change in subject
<.br> - line break
name three
html empty elements
what is a
HTML element
this is a component of a html document and is typically made up of
* start tag
* content
* end tag
in html5 how do we specify in the metadata the character set used in the document
in html 5 this is achieved by typing in the head
**<.meta charset=”utf-8”> **
name three
html empty elements
these include
<.hr> - horizontal rule. Often used to separte content or a change in subject
<.br> - line break
this is a component of a html document and is typically made up of
* start tag
* content
* end tag
what is a
HTML element
what was important about the 1999 publishing of HTML 4.01 by The world wide web consortium (W3C)
when this was published it was acknowledged as the most stable version by establishing solid implementation models for consistency across browsers and user platforms
XML has strict rules when all rules are followed then this term describes that
what is
well formed XML
this combines text with markup (instructions)
html is formed of text and encloses markup in <> </> (tags)
what is a
markup language
how does the
Document-type definition (DTD)
typically begin
this will begin with
an attribute that can be used by many items on a html page
describe the html attribute
what is a
HTML tag
this is HTML markup (instruction) and describes what an element is
can be used to organise code especially where parts of the page are self contained
describe the following html tags
<.section> <./section>
these include:
Web for all - meaning that the web is a place for all and is open and accessible without barriers such as language or demographic or location or ability dependence.
Web on everything - this highlights device independents and that content should be expected to be viewed mobile not just from a desktop pc
describe the two principles from the world wide web consortium (W3C) one web
how do you specify the
document-type declaration (DTD) in html5
this is acheived by typing at the start of the html document
<!doctype html>
why was the Extensible Markup Language (XML) created
this was created by the world wide web consortium (W3C) to overcome the demands from the web community that HTML could not deliver such as:
* representing chemical and mathematical notation
when this was published it was acknowledged as the most stable version by establishing solid implementation models for consistency across browsers and user platforms
what was important about the 1999 publishing of HTML 4.01 by The world wide web consortium (W3C)
an attribute that is used to uniquely identify an item in a html document
describe the html attribute
what 5 goals make up the world wide web consortium (W3C) one web
these include:
* web for all
* web on everything
* web of trust
* web of data and services
* web for rich interaction
this will create a hyperlink to the given website or page using the text inserted between the anchor tags
describe the following html element
<.a href=”website/page”>hyperlink_text</.a>
is a separate document that may be linked to a html document and provides style rules for the associated HTML document
describe what
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
this identifies the part of your HTML document to which the style is applied.
describe the
from the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) syntax
what is given in the head of a HTML document
within this part of a html document you will typically place metadata describing the document such as the character set used
This gives the html document a title and will be displayed in the browser tab. Titles should be helpful for usability
describe the following html metadata
<.title>This is a XHTML1.0 Valid Strict Template</title.>
this is a statement at the beggining of the HTML document and informs the browser of what standard it is coded to. this in turn aids the browser so that it knows how to correctly render the document
what is the
Document-type definition (DTD)
within this part of a html document you will typically place metadata describing the document such as the character set used
what is given in the head of a HTML document
this is a a property given to an html element and will hold a value
what is a html attribute
the syntax for this is
selector {declaration}
p {font-size: 12pt; color: red; font-family: “Courier New”;}
what is the syntax for
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
what does the following html metadata describe
meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8”/>
this metadata informs the browser that the HTML document contains text that is written in html and uses the charcter set utf-8
describe what
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
is a separate document that may be linked to a html document and provides style rules for the associated HTML document
what is the
Document-type definition (DTD)
this is a statement at the beggining of the HTML document and informs the browser of what standard it is coded to. this in turn aids the browser so that it knows how to correctly render the document
describe the following html tags
<.section> <./section>
can be used to organise code especially where parts of the page are self contained
is contained within braces {} and will comprise of one or more property: value each terminated by a colon (;)
describe the
from the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) syntax
what is a html attribute
this is a a property given to an html element and will hold a value
what was important about the 1998 publishing of HTML 4.0 by The world wide web consortium (W3C)
this absorbed many of the featires from netscape and internet exporer and helped to narrow the divergence of the HTML standard that had occured during the browser wars
describe the three visions of the world wide web consortium (W3C) one web
these include
Web for rich interaction - this highlights that websites should not be static but personalised
Web of data and services - this is the promotion that the web is a repository for data and a place of services and that these shall be promoted through robust xml technologies
Web of trust - the promotion of openness, security, stability and accountability.
this is HTML markup (instruction) and describes what an element is
what is a
HTML tag
these two HTML metadata tags can be used to aid search engines when users search for content
describe an adventageous use of the following HTML metadata
<.meta name=”keywords” content=””/>
<.meta name=”description” content=””/>
describe the html attribute
an attribute that is used to uniquely identify an item in a html document
this was created by the world wide web consortium (W3C) to overcome the demands from the web community that HTML could not deliver such as:
* representing chemical and mathematical notation
why was the Extensible Markup Language (XML) created
this will begin with
how does the
Document-type definition (DTD)
typically begin
what is the syntax for
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
the syntax for this is
selector {declaration}
p {font-size: 12pt; color: red; font-family: “Courier New”;}
1. creates a hyperlink to the file style.css
2. tells the browser that its relationship is a stylesheet
3. informs the browser that the type of data it contains is text written in css
describe the following html metadata
<.link href=”styles.css” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css”>
this absorbed many of the featires from netscape and internet exporer and helped to narrow the divergence of the HTML standard that had occured during the browser wars
what was important about the 1998 publishing of HTML 4.0 by The world wide web consortium (W3C)
this is acheived by typing at the start of the html document
<!doctype html>
how do you specify the
document-type declaration (DTD) in html5
Empty elements in html are elements that cannot contain any nested elements or text. Within xhtml these are self closing
Within html5 closing is not required
what are html
empty elements
and the rules regarding
xhtml vs html5
describe the following html metadata
<.link href=”styles.css” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css”>
1. creates a hyperlink to the file style.css
2. tells the browser that its relationship is a stylesheet
3. informs the browser that the type of data it contains is text written in css
describe the
HTML <meta></meta> http-equiv Attribute
used prior to html5 and mimics a HTTP respons header and can contain information:value such as:
* content-type
* content-security-policy
describe the following html element
<.img src=”value” alt=”value”>
this will embed an image into the html document using the source file given and will use alternative text when the image cannot be rendered or when a screen reader is in use
what are html
empty elements
and the rules regarding
xhtml vs html5
Empty elements in html are elements that cannot contain any nested elements or text. Within xhtml these are self closing
Within html5 closing is not required
describe the
from the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) syntax
this identifies the part of your HTML document to which the style is applied.
in html 5 this is achieved by typing in the head
**<.meta charset=”utf-8”> **
in html5 how do we specify in the metadata the character set used in the document
this will embed an image into the html document using the source file given and will use alternative text when the image cannot be rendered or when a screen reader is in use
describe the following html element
<.img src=”value” alt=”value”>
this metadata informs the browser that the HTML document contains text that is written in html and uses the charcter set utf-8
what does the following html metadata describe
meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8”/>
describe the following html element
<.a href=”website/page”>hyperlink_text</.a>
this will create a hyperlink to the given website or page using the text inserted between the anchor tags
these include
Web for rich interaction - this highlights that websites should not be static but personalised
Web of data and services - this is the promotion that the web is a repository for data and a place of services and that these shall be promoted through robust xml technologies
Web of trust - the promotion of openness, security, stability and accountability.
describe the three visions of the world wide web consortium (W3C) one web
describe the two principles from the world wide web consortium (W3C) one web
these include:
Web for all - meaning that the web is a place for all and is open and accessible without barriers such as language or demographic or location or ability dependence.
Web on everything - this highlights device independents and that content should be expected to be viewed mobile not just from a desktop pc
describe the
from the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) syntax
is contained within braces {} and will comprise of one or more property: value each terminated by a colon (;)