Part 2 - Tariffs barriers to trade Flashcards
Tariffs are
the simplest trade policy –on average quite low nowadays (between developed countries), but their effects important to understand other trade policies.
Is the non-tariffs barriers more important or less important nowadays?
Non-tariff barriers to international trade have become more important over the last two decades.
examples of non-tariff barriers to trade
Non-tariff barriers to trade include inter alia import quotas (limitations on the quantity of imports), export restraints (limitations on the quantity of exports), technical regulations and product standards.
Partial equilibrium analysis of trade policy means …
focusing on a single market (here: specific industry directly affected by a trade policy instrument).
Tariff definition:
Tariff is a tax levied when a good is imported (when crossing the board and there is a tariff, the good becomes more expensive)
A specific tariff is charged:
give an example
as a fixed charge for each unit of imported goods.
For example, $3 per barrel of oil.
An ad valorem tariff is charged:
give an example
as a fraction of the value of imported goods.
For example, 25% tariff on the value of imported trucks.
An import demand curve (MD) is downward sloping or upward sloping?
downward sloping and defined as the difference between the quantity that Home consumers demand (D) minus the quantity that Home producers supply (S), at each price.
Import demand curve (MD) formula
MD = D (home consumers demand) – S (home producers supply)
derive home’s import demand curve
An export supply curve (XS) is downward sloping or upward sloping? define it.
An export supply curve (XS) is upward sloping and defined as the difference between the quantity that Foreign producers supply (S) minus the quantity that Foreign consumers demand (D), at each price.
Export supply curve (XS) formula
XS* = S* (quantity that Foreign producers supply) – D* (quantity that Foreign consumers demand)
ou seja depende no quanto os produtores no exterior vão produzir e o quanto os consumidores vão demandar. Se a demanda for maior que a produção a exportação aumentará.
World equilibrium:
at intersection between Home import demand (MD) and Foreign export supply (XS):
1. Home demand –Home supply = Foreign supply –Foreign demand OR
2. Home demand + Foreign demand = Home supply + Foreign supply, THAT MEANS
World demand = World supply.
derive foreign export supply curve
World equilibrium graph
How to express: “A tariff drives a wedge between the prices in the two markets”
PT–t = P*T