The Miami-Dade Police Department (MDPD) endeavors to provide a working environment free from sexual harassment and _____, and is committed to investigate all reported complaints fairly and impartially to determine whether the allegations are founded.
The occurrence of verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature and the victim has sent signals communicatin g that the conduct is unwelcome.
Unwelcome conduct:
Unsolicited, offensive behavior involving sexual overtures or conduct, either verbal or physical, based on sex.
Sexual harassment:
To be considered ____, the following actions must occur: a. The employee engages in a legally-protected activity, such as filing an EEOC complaint, or opposes illegal activity.
b. There is an adverse employment action.
c. There is a causal connection between the pr otected activity and the a dverse employment action.
Sexual harassment complaint:
For a complaint to be classified as ____________, the following two -part test must be met:
a. The conduct must be unwelcome.
b. There is a subsequent occurrence of the unwelcome conduct (unless there is a sufficiently severe single incident).
sexual harassment
Complaints that are not classified as sexual harassment will be investigated accordingly; e.g., as
discourtesy or __________.
unprofessional conduct
Supervisory Responsibility:
Each departmental supervisor is responsible for maintaining his or her workplace free of sexual harassment and discrimination, which includes the following:
- Reviewing the Department’s Sexual Harassment and Discrimination policy with employees.
- Assuring employees they need not endure insulting, degrading, or exploitative treatment of any nature.
- Notifying ___ of personnel actions taken relating to the complaint.
Personnel Management Bureau
Complaint Procedure:
Employees must file a complaint directly with one or more of the following entities, as the employee deems appropriate:
- Any MDPD supervisor in the victim’s chain-of command:
- Complaints will be forwarded to (PCB) by the supervisor within 24 hours of receipt.
- PCB: Within ___ hours after receiving the initial complaint, will update the element of on the status of the investigation.
Corrective actions taken shall be in accordance with _____ guidelines, Miami-Dade County policy, and current case law.