Part 2 Flashcards
Plane joints
Carpals, tarsals, vertebral
Hinge joints
Elbow, Knee, phalangeal
Pivot Hinge
Atlas & Axis, proximal radioulnar joints
Radiocarpal & metacarpophalangel (knuckles)
Carpometacarpals joints of thumbs
Ball and Socket
Shoulder and hip
O: Occipital protuberance and ligament niche and C7-T12
I: Lateral 1/3 clavicle, acromium and spine of scapula
A: Elevates the scapula and depresses the scapula
Lattissimus Dorsi
O: Indirect via lumbosacral fascia into T7-L5, and the upper 2-3 segments
I: Intertuberular groove of humerus
A: PM: Extends the arm/Adducts the arm
Levator Scapulae
A: Elevates the adducts the scapula, flexes the neck laterally
Rhomboid Major
Adducts scapula as action
Rhomboid Minor
Adducts scapula as actions
A: Stabilzies shoulder; assistance in abducting the scapula
PM: lateral rotation of the humerus
PM: Medial rotation of the humerus
Teres Minor
PM: Assists in the adduction of humerus