Part 2 Flashcards
Why should we be interested in analyzing unit root/nonstationary processes?
What happens when lambda = 1?
What is a unit root process?
An I(1) process
How can a random walk be rewritten?
Why is a random walk non-stationary?
Why is the sample mean of a random walk diverging?
What does superconsistency imply?
When is a process a linear process? (Give the definition)
What is the Beverage-Nelson decomposition? (definition)
What is the permanent-transitory decomposition (or trend-cycle decomposition)?
What is the concept of Brownian motion?
Show the following:
What is Standard Brownian motion?
Give the definition of Standard Brownian motion?
What is the definition of Multivariate Brownian motion (or a standard Wiener process)?
How can a Wiener process be transformed with matrix P?
What is the Functional Central Limit Theorem?
What is the multivariate central limit theorem?
What is the continuous mapping theorem?
What do the O_p and o_p notation mean?
What are the six rules of the O_p and o_p notation?
What are the two representations for a multivariate root process (of the following process)?
What are the three variances of the multivariate unit root process?
What is the distribution of?
[NOTE: Misschien derivation toevoegen, maar kan me niet voorstellen dat echt boeit]