Part 1 Flashcards
What is the conditional mean of a VAR(1) process?
What is the usual representation of a VAR(1) process?
What are the four properties of the innovations epsilon from a VAR(1) process?
What is the conditional variance of epsilon_t of a VAR(1) process?
What is the reduced form and structural form of a VAR model? How can one be written as the other?
First, structural, then reduced
What do we need to ensure that E[x_t] and Var[X_t] behave nicely?
How is the stability condition of a VAR process derived? (Specifically what specific condition do we need to hold for the process to be stable)
What is the scalar equation of a matrix A?
Which condition needs to hold for a VAR(1) model to be stable?
What is the closed form solution of the unconditional expectation of x_t? When does this hold? (Of a VAR model)
Derive the unconditional variance of a VAR model (until the sum of Lambda Omega Lambda)
Derive the autocovariance of a VAR model
What does the following thm imply?
A linear combination of Gaussian variables is also Gaussian
What is the companion form of a VAR(p) process?
What is the characteristic equation of a VAR(p) process?
What is the stability condition of a VAR(p) process?
What is the definition of stationarity in the wide sence and stationarity in the strict sence?
What are the three conditions for stationarity of a VAR process?
Why is the mixing property useful?
What does ergodic mean?
What is the ergodic theorem?
What is the definition of the DGP of the entire economy? What could be said about this theoretical DGP?
What are the three types of variables in the DGP of the entire economy?