part 2 Flashcards
methodologies for small groups
learn to find answers to problems through their “shared” learning styles
methodologies for small groups
promotes development of skills in “democratic procedures” as they solve problems in a collaborative manner
cooperative learning approach
recognizes and rewards collective effort
cooperative learning approach
smooth interpersonal interaction occurs
cooperative learning approach
use of group dynamics and group investigations in learning and solving problems together
cooperative learning approach
enactment of learning situation through which they depict real life responses and behavior
express their intimate feelings, problems, and approved solutions
consists of major, minor, observers, analysts
focus their attention on the emotional responses generated among performers
appropriateness of words used, effectiveness of the action and soundness of conclusions
excellent device to make students “gain emphatic awareness” of situations involving conflict
“group problem-solving of real-life situations through spontaneous enactment followed by guided discussion”
emphasizes spontaneity and unknown solution to the problem
coach, teach, or instruct
types of tutoring
instructional peer tutoring
monitorial tutoring
pair tutoring
structural peer tutoring
one-on-one or one-to-a group arrangement
instructional peer tutoring
monitors are assigned to lead ach 4-5 member group
monitorial tutoring
children of same age, interact and help each other
pair tutoring
required in following instructions or definite procedures
structural peer tutoring
resorted during student-teachers practicum before going out for off campus teaching
helps students master basic knowledge and skills in a step-by-step procedure
direct instruction
straightforward and can be mastered in a short time
direct instruction
best employed in teaching performance-oriented subjects
direct instruction
sometimes termed discovery, scientific thinking, heuristic and problem solving
inquiry approach
kuslan and stone (1985) - “modeled after the investigate processes of scientist”
inquiry approach
study scientific phenomena through the “approach and the spirit of scientists”
inquiry approach
aims to help students seek answers to their questions, gather pieces of evidences and draw own conclusions
inquiry approach
puts premium on self-directed learning activities patterned after scientific procedures and processes
inquiry approach
search for information from printed and illustrated learning materials
findings from rich sources will then be organized and presented to class
aims to teach “organized bodies of knowledge”
integrative approach
collection of systematically arranged knowledge
integrative approach
teacher assists the learners to analyze, synthesize and evaluate said information in order to gain deep understandings and develop critical thinking and ability to scientifically process information
integrative approach
prepared by teacher take the center stage in this teaching methodology
using instructional devices
provide a concrete experience about the lesson
using instructional devices
student investigates a problem by manipulating a variable
condition or factor which affects the results of an experiment
investigate processes
condition being tested or changed is the manipulated variable and kept same
constant variable
integrated skills
controlling variables
formulating hypothesis
analyzing and interpreting data
formulating conclusions
scientific method steps
identification of problem
collecting data
formulating hypothesis
testing likely hypothesis
analysis and interpretation of data
formulating conclusions