Part 2 Flashcards
How did the Wall Street Crash affect businessmen?
A falling demand for businessmen decreased their wages.
Businesses begun to introduce wage cuts and work force cuts.
This increased unemployment rates.
How many banks closed between 1929 and 1932?
Spending down by 25B$
People lost trust in banks and withdrew money
How did the Wall Street Crash/Economic depression affect farmers?
Farmers had a low income, but the cost of running a farm did not change.
Farmers increased the amount of crops for a sustainable income.
Due to wage/work force cuts across the country, nobody could afford the crops.
Farmers could not pay debts and mortgages, and lost homes and fields.
Poor farming turned the soil to dust, causing the Dust Bowl
How did the Wall Street Crash happen?
Companies made too much stock that nobody was buying.
A decrease in income forced wage/work force cuts.
Rugged individualism limited exports due to high tarrifs, exacerbating the excess stock issues.
How did unemployment change between 1929-23?
2% unemployment in 1929 25% unemployment in 1933
AAs were 4-6 times greater unemployment
People failed to pay mortgages, losing homes.
How did the Wall Street Crash affect the car and road industries?
car production down 80%
road and building down 92%
What were the 3 R’s of Roosevelt’s overall approach?
Relief, Recovery, Reform
What were fireside chats?
Roosevelt conducted radio addresses to address fears and to inform the American people.
How many Americans tuned into the fire side chats?
60 million
What did Roosevelt pass to save the banking sector?
Emergency Banking Relief Act
What did the Emergency Banking Relief Act do?
4 day bank holiday in 1933 Forced banks to close for inspection, eliminating fradulous practice and regaining public trust in banking systems. Redeposited 1b dollars.
Why did Roosevelt end Prohibition in 1933?
Prohibition was causing organised crime, and deaths from poor quality alcohol.
Introduced an income stream, as alcohol can be taxed by government
Easy win - Made the general public cheerful and amicable of Roosevelt, gaining him support.
Name all the alphabet agencies.
TVA - Tennesee Valley Authority
AAA - Agricultural Adjustment Agency
CCC - Civilian Conversation Corps
NRA - National Recovery Administration
What was the purpose of the TVA and what did it do?
Purpose: Improve soil quality.
Actions: - Built 33 dams to control Tennessee River.
- Built power stations to attract light engineering. - Built a 650 mile waterway linking major river systems
How effective was the TVA?
Entirely revived industry and agriculture.
- Created thousands of jobs as companies moved there for new opportunity
- Land conserved and improved - Highest production of electricity in the US
- Local health, economy and welfare improved
Little opportunity for AA + women - Only 7 states = Not widespread
What was the TVA focused on out of Roosevelt’s RRR?
Relief and recovery
What was the AAA’s purpose and actions?
Purpose: Increase farmers’ wages
Actions taken: - Farmers paid to produce less food and livestock
-> Less produce increased prices
e.g. 1933-39: Farmers’ wages doubled
- Cotton farmers paid to plough up 10m acres of already planted cotton
- Government bought and killed 6m piglets
How effective was the AAA?
- Some of the wasted piglet was given to the poor in tins, but 90% was destroyed
-> Ethical concerns - Ruled a matter for State govt. and not Federal, ruled unconstitutional at Supreme Court 6:3 in favour of State govt.
- Many farmers were evicted anyway, as machinery replaced their jobs
Which of Roosevelt’s RRR was the AAA focused on?
Relief and Reform
What was the CCC’s purpose and actions taken?
CCC aimed to strengthen the male population and conserve the land.
- Gave jobs to single men under 25
-> Men given skills and fit, healthy men could get jobs later
- Cleared land and planted trees
-> Strengthened river banks and prevented flooding - 3m men paid $1 a day
-> Wages sent home to parents, strengthened economy
How effective was the CCC?
- Strengthened economy and natural environment
- Provided men with useful skills to get jobs
- Only white men. Not a widespread change
What was the purpose and actions of the NRA?
Purpose: Increase workers’ wages and price of factory goods
Actions: Created codes of fair practices and gave registered businesses a badge.
-> Better working conditions, limited hours, minimum wage, fixed prices on goods
-> Made more people want to work there
Out of Roosevelt’s RRR, what were the focuses of the CCC?
How effective was the NRA?
- The codes did little to help recover
- By raising prices, they actually made the economic situation worse.
- NRA did not last long enough to fully implement its policies
Why did State and Federal govt. disagree with the New Deal?
- State Government wanted more control over actions in individual states.
-> Roosevelt was viewed as a dictator equivalent to Hitler and Stalin. - Federal wanted lasting governmental control.
During Roosevelt’s presidency, what was the popular culture?
28m homes had a radio during the 1930s
Escapism films helped Americans forget everyday struggles
It was free for women to attend baseball games
Cars made leisure activities open to the public
Why did WASPS disagree with The New Deal?
- The Court gave into peoples’ requests, but WASPS did not benefit from some changes implemented
-> Rich people did not want to pay high taxes - Thought the new laws went too far.
-> Relief and welfare cost too much
-> Americans would become lazy and dependent on governmental help.
-> Undermined integral American values (Rugged individualism)
How were women affected by WW2?
- Married women entered the workplace
- Earned less than men
- Women joined the Armed Forces
- Fair Employment Practices Commission reduced workplace inequality
How many women entered the workplace during WW2?
6 million
What percentage of women entering the workforce were married?
Women earned what percentage of male wages?
How many women joined the armed forces?
What was created to try and reduce workplace inequality?
Fair Employment Practices Commission
How were AAs affected by WW2?
- More AAs were employed by Federal government
- Businesses were more willing to employ AAs
- In Britain, AAs experienced an unsegregated society
- The NAACP increased 10x in membership
By what percentage did the number of African Americans employed by federal government increase?
What fraction of businesses refused to employ African Americans?
In which country did African Americans soldiers experience an unsegregated society during WW2?
What was the name of the campaign which fought for victory in the War and for racial equality?
Double V
Membership of the NAACP increased from 50,000 to what by the end of WW2?
What were the economic impacts of WW2?
- Lending money to other countries compounded large amounts of interest, making large profits.
-> Lend lease - Wages increased - Unemployment decreased
What organisation controlled the price of goods?
Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply
Prices rose 28%, in comparison how much did wages rise by?
How much higher was the average income compared to Britain?
How much did the government earn from lend lease?
$50 billion
Which of these drinks companies gained popularity during WW2?
How much did farm income grow by?
What percentage of homes still lacked running water?
What percentage of Americans owned their own home by 1950?
What were unemployment levels during WW2?