PART 2 Flashcards
Before conducting any research project
We must go through knowledge of previous research findings.
A review of the past will help the researchers to clarify the idea and design study.
What is a literature review?
A literature review is a survey of scholarly sources on a specific topic.
It provides an OVERVIEW of current KNOWLEDGE, allowing you to identify relevant theories and methods.
Steps for a good literature review
- Define the object (What do I want to find?)
- Define the search statement (Keyword)
- Select where you are going to conduct your search (Google Scholar)
- Define the search of strategy (Desctriports (terms)
- Execution of the search and review of the results
The literature review
Searching scientific articles with keyword
> Regoctioton of emotion
(Key word connectors) = aka: Boolean operators
(Key word truncators ?*”..)
What would you look for…
Find an empirical article or review about..
The literature review
(Keep in mind..)
The scientifically relevant literature in a source consists of the last studies in the field, established schools of thought, scholarly articles, and scientific journals.
The literature review
(Keep in mind..)
This is about reading a lot…
Science can be thought of as the combination of three essential things:
- A communal collection of KNOWLEDGE (both fact/data theories)
- A METHOD of evaluating the efficacy of scientific theories by comparing the predictions of those theories to observation/experiment.
- An attitude of skeptical inquiry and the belief that all scientific knowledge is provisional and subject to revision when confronted with new evidence.
Þetta snýst um að lesa mikið…
Líta má á vísindi sem samsetningu þriggja mikilvægra hluta:
- Sameiginlegt safn ÞEKKINGAR (bæði staðreyndir/gagnakenningar)
- AÐFERÐ til að meta virkni vísindakenninga með því að bera saman spár þessara kenninga við athuganir/tilraunir.
- Afstaða efasemdaleitar og þeirrar trúar að öll vísindaleg þekking sé bráðabirgðaþekking og háð endurskoðun þegar ný sönnunargögn blasa við.
Asking Scientific Questions (Bae)
Basic Lvl: (Problem) = Do bad people tell lies?
Advanced Lvl (Any Problem) = Do people with antisocial personalities tell more lies than those without personalities?
Expert Lvl = Is the Dark Tetrad of personality related to telling lies in a trial?
Asking Scientific Questions
> Choose question research that no one has ever done before
>The knowledge obtained will be of importance for science
> For a question to be scientifically relevant, it must be answered by empirical study (Carry out experiment > Not just thinking about something and writing it down)
The scientific question
A question that may lead to a hypothesis and allow the answering through observation and examination
Good Scientific = have an answer and be testable
Flexible = generate hypothesis can be shown to fail
Topic Selection, Identify the problem. Respecting ethical principles:
Principle A) Beneficiene and Nonmaleficieence: Benefit of whom they work and take care to do no harm.
Principle B) Fidelity and Responsability: Relationship of trust who they work with
Principle C) Integrity: Promote accuracy, honesty, truthfulness in science.
Principle D) Justice: Fairness and justice entitle all person to access to.
Principle E) Respect for people’s right and dignity
The importance of Ethical Principle!
> Little Albert experament
> Milgram experament 1963
> Stanford Prison experament (Zimbardo 1971)