PART 1 Flashcards
(also known as the theory of knowledge)
Perception: Can be perceived through experiences of the sense.
-> The view that experience is the primary source of knowledge is called EMPIRICISM.
Reason: It can be considered a source of knowledge either by deciding truth from existing knowledge or by learning. things a prior.
Introspection: Knowledge of oneself - from internal self-evaluation.
Human Memory: Memory storage of knowledge from the past.
Authority / Testamony: Testamony relies on others to acquires knowledge and communicates it to us.
Empirical Method
(systematic and standardise)
> Procedure for conducting an investigation that relies on experimentation and systematic observation rather than theoretical speculation.
What is experimental psychology?
The approach to adopt is essentially SCIENTIFIC. A psychological theory HAS to fit the fact of behavior as derived from systematic observation taken in carefully controlled conditions.
If it does not fit it is decarded.
Nálgunin sem notuð er er í meginatriðum vísindaleg. sálfræðileg kenning þarf að passa við staðreyndir hegðunar eins og þær eru fengnar úr kerfisbundnum athugunum sem teknar eru í vandlega stjórnuðu ástandi
Why experimental psychology?
- To describe the behavior
- to predict behavior
- to understand or explain behavior
- to apply the principles of the behavior learned
- Að lýsa hegðuninni
- að spá fyrir um hegðun
- að skilja eða útskýra hegðun
- að beita meginreglum hegðunar sem lærð er
Inferring general principle or rule from specific fact.
You begin with data.
For example, most humans are right-handed. Monica is a human.
Therefore, Monica is probably right-handed
Deductive reasoning applies the general principle to reach specific conclusions. You begin with a statement.
For example, All men are mortal. John is a man.
Therefore, John is mortal.
Invalid deductive reasoning
Even with two solid and true premises, deductive reasoning can go wrong
For example, all swans are white, jane is white, therefore jane is a swan.
Formulating hypotheses that can be either proved or disproved through experimentation and observation.
The GOLD standard of scientific research, often only “true” scientific research method.
EXAMPLE OF: Inductive and deductive
Inductive > Every time you eat peanuts, you start to cough. You are allergic to peanuts.
Deductive: Elephants have cells in their bodies, and all cells have DNA. Therefore, elephants have DNA
Research process > General Struct (OAFHEAI)
Make observation
Ask Question
Formulate Hypothesis
Analyze the result
Interpret the result
It must originate from a question or problem that the scientific community has not given an answer t or the answer is incomplete.
(In documentation: reviewing the published scientific literature, they are carried out in order to verify the existence of research)
(Í skjölum: að skoða útgefnar vísindarit, þær eru gerðar til að sannreyna tilvist rannsókna)
A prediction (or hypothesis) is a statement that
A change in one thing (the independent variable or IV)
Will producer a change in another thing (The dependent variable or DV)
Formulate Hypothesis and objectives
What we expect to check (objective) and what we think will happen (hypothesis).
A change in one thing (the independent variable or IV)
Will producer a change in another thing (The dependent variable or DV)
(Task complexity (the IV) influences the frequency of daydreaming (DV)
Variations in alcohol level (IV) causes a change in driving skill (DV)
Example of independent and Dependent variable (PHOTO)