Part 141 Appendix D Flashcards
- Applicability
(a) airplane single-engine
(b) airplane multi-engine
(c) rotorcraft helicapter
(d) rotorcraft gyroplane
(e) power-lift
(f) glider
(g) lighter-than-air airship
(h) lighter-than-air ballon
- Eligibility for Enrollment
(a) at least a PVT pilot certificate; and
(b) if the course if for a rating in a airplane or a powered-lift category, then the person must:
(1) hold an INS rating in the aircraft that is appropriate to the aircraft category rating for which the course applies; or
(2) be concurrently enrolled in an INS rating course that is appropriate to the aircraft category rating for which the course applies, and pass the INS practical prior to completing the commercial course
- Aeronautical Knowledge Training
(a) each course must include at least the following ground training on the aeronautical knowledge areas:
(1) 35 hours of training if the course is for an airplane category rating or a powered-lift category rating
- Aeronautical Knowledge Training
(b) ground training must include the following aeronautical knowledge areas:
(1) FAR’s that apply to commercial pilot privileges, limitations, and flight operations;
(2) reporting requirements of the NTSB;
(3) basic aerodynamics and the priciples of flight;
(4) meteorology;
(5) safe and efficient operation of aircraft;
(6) weight & balance;
(7) use of performace charts;
(8) significance and effects of exceeding aircraft limitations;
(9) use of charts and mag compass for pilotage and dead reckoning;
(10) use of nav facilities;
(11) ADM;
(12) aircraft systems;
(13) maneuvers, procedures, and emergency ops appropriate to the aircraft;
(14) night and high altitude ops;
(15) procedures for ops within the National Airspace System;
- Flight Training
(1) airplane single-engine course:
(a) 120 hrs of training in course
(b) (1) 55 hts of flight training from a CFI
(i) 10 hrs of instrument training using a view limiting device. 5 of the 10 hours must be in a single-engine airplane;
(ii) 10 hrs in a single complex aircraft, or is turbine-powered;
(iii) one 2-hr day xc in a single-engine with a total straight line distance > 100nm from starting airport;
(iv) one 2-hr night xc in a single-engine with a total straight line distance > 100nm from starting airport;
(v) 3 hrs is a single-engine within 60 days preceding the practical test
- Flight Training
(2) airplane multi-engine course:
(a) 120 hrs of training in course
(b) (1) 55 hts of flight training from a CFI
(i) 10 hrs of instrument training using a view limiting device. 5 of the 10 hours must be in a multi-engine airplane;
(ii) 10 hrs in a multi complex aircraft, or is turbine-powered;
(iii) one 2-hr day xc in a multi-engine with a total straight line distance > 100nm from starting airport;
(iv) one 2-hr night xc in a multi-engine with a total straight line distance > 100nm from starting airport;
(v) 3 hrs is a multi-engine within 60 days preceding the practical test
- Flight Training
(c) for the use of flight simulators or FTD’s
(1) a course may use it provided it is representitive of the aircraft for which the course is approved
(2) flight simulator that meets 141.41(a) max is 30%
(3) FTD that meets 141.41(b) max is 20%
(4) if used in combination, max is 30% but use of an FTD cannot exceed 20%
- Flight Training
d) each approved course must include the following training (for a single and or multi aircraft
(1) and (2) single and multi
(i) preflight preperation;
(ii) preflight procedures;
(iii) airport ops;
(iv) t/o’s, lnds, go-arounds;
(v) performace maneuvers;
(vi) navigation;
(vii) slow flight/stalls;
(viii) emergency ops;
(ix) multi-engine ops;
(x) high altitude ops; and
(xi) postflight precedures
- Solo Training
(a) airplane single-engine course in category and class
(a) 10 hrs of solo flight or 10 hrs duties of PIC
(2) 1 xc with lnds at a min of 3 points and one segment consists of at least 250nm
(3) 5 hrs night VFR with 10 t/o’s and lnds at a controlled tower
- Solo Training
(b) airplane multi-engine course in category and class
(b) 10 hrs of solo flight or 10 hrs duties of PIC
(2) 1 xc with lnds at a min of 3 points and one segment consists of at least 250nm
(3) 5 hrs night VFR with 10 t/o’s and lnds at a controlled tower
- Stage Checks and End-of-Course Tests
(a) each student must satisfactorily accomplish the stage checks and end-of-course tests, consisting of the approved areas listed in paragraph (d) of section (4) that are appropriate to the category and class
(b) each student must demonstrate satisfactory proficiency prior to receiving an endorsement to operate an aircraft in solo flight