Part 117 Flashcards
Split Duty Rules
(a) The rest opportunity is provided between the hours of 22:00 and 05:00 local time.
(b) The time spent in the suitable accommodation is at least 3 hours, measured from the time that the flightcrew member reaches the suitable accommodation.
(c) The rest opportunity is scheduled before the beginning of the flight duty period in which that rest opportunity is taken.
(d) The rest opportunity that the flightcrew member is actually provided may not be less than the rest opportunity that was scheduled.
(e) The rest opportunity is not provided until the first segment of the flight duty period has been completed.
(f) The combined time of the flight duty period and the rest opportunity provided in this section does not exceed 14 hours.
Flight Duty Period Extensions
(a) For augmented and unaugmented operations, if unforeseen operational circumstances arise prior to takeoff:
(1) The pilot in command and the certificate holder may extend the maximum flight duty period permitted in Tables B or C of this part up to 2 hours. The pilot in command and the certificate holder may also extend the maximum combined flight duty period and reserve availability period limits specified in §117.21(c)(3) and (4) of this part up to 2 hours.
(2) An extension in the flight duty period under paragraph (a)(1) of this section of more than 30 minutes may occur only once prior to receiving a rest period described in §117.25(b).
(3) A flight duty period cannot be extended under paragraph (a)(1) of this section if it causes a flightcrew member to exceed the cumulative flight duty period limits specified in 117.23(c).
Flight Time Cumulative Limitations
(b) No certificate holder may schedule and no flightcrew member may accept an assignment if the flightcrew member’s total flight time will exceed the following:
(1) 100 hours in any 672 consecutive hours or
(2) 1,000 hours in any 365 consecutive calendar day period.
Flight Duty Period Cumulative Limitations
(c) No certificate holder may schedule and no flightcrew member may accept an assignment if the flightcrew member’s total Flight Duty Period will exceed:
(1) 60 flight duty period hours in any 168 consecutive hours or
(2) 190 flight duty period hours in any 672 consecutive hours.
Rest Period
(a) No certificate holder may assign and no flightcrew member may accept assignment to any reserve or duty with the certificate holder during any required rest period.
(b) Before beginning any reserve or flight duty period a flightcrew member must be given at least 30 consecutive hours free from all duty within the past 168 consecutive hour period.
(c) If a flightcrew member operating in a new theater has received 36 consecutive hours of rest, that flightcrew member is acclimated and the rest period meets the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section.
(d) A flightcrew member must be given a minimum of 56 consecutive hours rest upon return to home base if the flightcrew member: (1) Travels more than 60° longitude during a flight duty period or a series of flight duty period, and (2) is away from home base for more than 168 consecutive hours during this travel. The 56 hours of rest specified in this section must encompass three physiological nights’ rest based on local time.
(e) No certificate holder may schedule and no flightcrew member may accept an assignment for any reserve or flight duty period unless the flightcrew member is given a rest period of at least 10 consecutive hours immediately before beginning the reserve or flight duty period measured from the time the flightcrew member is released from duty. The 10 hour rest period must provide the flightcrew member with a minimum of 8 uninterrupted hours of sleep opportunity.
Where to check for up to date manuals
Revision List on…
- Dispatch or
Pilot Flight Kit Includes
1) Flashlight
2) EFB
3) EFB Battery Backup
4) Pilot Documents - Pilot Certificate, Medical, Passport, FCC Certificate,
5) Weight & Balance LM4
6) Headset
7) TOLD Card
8) Digital Thermometer
9) Spare Lenses
10) Pen
What to do if EFB Fails
Contact Dispatch
Submit Incident Report
What are the PIC High MInimums
Add 100 feet to min ceiling and 1/2 mile to in visibility.
No 17347 Exemptions
Documents for the Flight
1) Signed Dispatch Release
2) Flight Plan
3) Weather
4) LM-4
5) Cargo Load Report
How to Brief Flight Attendant in emergency Event
- Nature of Emergency
- Time & Type of Preparation
- Special Instructions
- Brace Signal
- Report Back
When do we need an Alternate
1) 1,2,3 2) 17347 Exemption
3) Marginal 4) Takeoff Alternate
5) Wind Alternate 6) Known ATC Delay
1) Brake Alternate 2) 60/60 Rule
3) Visibility 115%
Special Circumstances
1) Method 2 2) International
3) Supplemental 4) Uncontrolled Airport
5) PIC Discretion
What Considerations for Takeoff Alternate
1) MTOW 2) FL150
3) ISA +20 4) Engine Bleed On
5) Deice On
Retention Rules
90 Days - Dispatch Release, Load Manifest (LM4)
30 Days - Security Search Form
24 Hours - Cargo Load Report (CLR)
Taxi Fuel
to Takeoff Roll