part 1 Elizabeth's court & parliament Flashcards
between what years did Elizabeth reign
1558 - 1603
Why did no one expect Elizabeth to become monarch?
-Her mother Anne Boleyn was executed for treason on the orders of her father Henry VIII.
where was Elizabeth in Henry VIII family tree
- She was the middle child, mum was Anne Boleyn.
- First child was Mary I, mum was Catherine of Aragon.
- Third child was Edward, mum was Jane Seymour.
What did Elizabeth need to do when she was crowned Queen?
- She was only 25 when she was crowned.
- She needed to establish her authority quickly.
- She could not do as she pleased as her government had a clear structure of advisors and powerful figures.
- Most of the power was held by a few trusted individuals.
-> Many of these were Privy councillors and the Queen could ensure support through patronage.
What was patronage?
- An important way of ensuring loyalty from courtiers.
- Elizabeth could award titles, land, monopolies and other powerful positions and money making opportunities in exchange for obedience and support.
What was Elizabeth’s court life like?
- The royal court and government were not the same thing.
- The court was made up of all the officials, servants and advisors that surrounded Elizabeth.
- The Court was the centre of power but also the source of the latest trends and fashion.
- It included the privy council, but JOP (Justices Of Peace) and parliament was not part of it.
- The government was made up of the Queen and her closest advisors, usually Privy Councillors, but always men whom she trusted.
Who held power in Elizabethan England?
- Lord Lieutenants
- Parliament
- Justices of Peace (JOP)
- Privy council
Who were the Lord Lieutenants?
- Appointed by the Queen.
- Responsible for running a particular area of the country.
- Responsible for raising a Militia to fight for the Queen if necessary.
- Many also served on the Privy council.
Who were the Justices of Peace (JOP)?
- Several in every county.
- Responsible for maintaining order and enforcing the law.
Who were the Parliament?
- Made up of the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
- Had influence over tax and was responsible for passing laws.
- The Queen could choose when to call Parliament and was free to ignore their advise.
Who were the Privy council?
- Responsible for the day to day running of the country, dealing with all policy areas.
- Although the Queen could technically appoint whoever she wished, in reality she had to appoint the most powerful landowners in the country to prevent rebellion.
- If the council was united, it was impossible for Elizabeth to go against it , however this was very rare.
- Led by the Secretary of State.
- William Cecil and Francis Walsingham were two significant and powerful figures who each served as Secretary of State -> Both had huge influence over Elizabeth.
when Elizabeth came to the throne what 6 issues did she face
- Succession
- Religion
- Foreign policy
- Taxation
- Mary queen of Scots
- Ireland
Describe how succession was an issue that Elizabeth faced when she came to the throne.
- Elizabeth was the last living child of Henry VIII and she had no children of her own.
- It was unclear who would succeed her if she died before producing an heir.
- In past situations this had led to violent struggles for power.
- In 1562, she nearly died of smallpox.
- This drew uncertainty towards England’s future.
- Senior figures were eager that she marry as soon as possible.
Describe how Religion was an issue that Elizabeth faced when she came to the Throne.
- The Tudor period had seen England’s official religion change multiple times, this created instability and violence.
- Many Catholics did not trust Elizabeth and some claimed that she had no right to the throne ( they did not recognise Henry’s marriage to Anne Boleyn).
- Puritanism was also seen as a threat.
- There were a number of Puritans who had hoped to take control of Elizabeth’s church and make it more extreme
- > this could have damaged the whole religious settlement.
Describe how foreign policy was an issue that Elizabeth faced when she came to the throne.
- Catholic countries like Spain and France wanted influence over England and had the support of the pope in this aim
-> the threat of invasion was very real. - One key area of tension was the Netherlands, where the protestant population was in conflict with its Spanish rulers
- Elizabeth had to decide whether or not to become involved