Part 1- DNA Structure Flashcards
DNA, RNA and Proteins
DNA- Stores Information
RNA- Filter and transmit information
Proteins- Execute information
Types of Nucleic Acid
- Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
- store of genetic information in some viruses
- Intermediary between DNA and protein
synthesis - messenger and structural for translation
- Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
- store of genetic information (blue print) in all
cellular forms of life and in some viruses
Exampoles of Half Lives
mRNA half-life in Salmonella enterica – less than 1 min
mRNA half-life in Humans – around 10 hours
DNA half-life = 521 years
Building Blocks
Sugar + nitrogenous base = nucleoside
Sugar + nitrogenous base + phosphate = nucleotide
The two structural forms of 2’-deoxyribose
- Fischer Structure (linear)
-Haworth Structure (Ring)
Nitrogenous Bases
Purines: two carbon-nitrogen
rings (A and G)
Pyrimidines: a single carbon-
nitrogen ring (C, T and U)
Hydrogen Bonding
hydrogen bond is an
interaction in which a
hydrogen atom bridges
two electronegative
atoms (in biological
systems, usually
nitrogen or oxygen).
Hydrogen Bonds is an intermolecular force (IMF) that forms a special type of dipole-dipole attraction when a hydrogen atom bonded to a strongly electronegative atom
exists in the vicinity of another
electronegative atom with a lone pair
of electrons
*Purine to pyrimidine base pair
width is the same
* Keeps DNA molecule width
* G - C H bonds stronger
* 3 H bonds between G and C
* 2 H bonds between A and T
Joining Nucleotides Together
Phosphodiester Bond
Unit length = base pair (bp)
1000 bp = 1 kilobase pair (1 kb)
1 000 000 bp = 1 megabase pair (1Mb)
DNA molecules > 1 Mb
Chromosome 1 = 247 Mb
DNA Double Helix
- Ordered and regular
structure externally - Base pairing central to the
Because the two glycosidic bonds are not diametrically opposite each
other, each base pair has a larger side that defines the major groove
and a smaller side that defines the minor groove. The grooves are lined
by potential hydrogen-bond donors (blue) and acceptors (red)
Complimentary base pairing and replication
Complementary base pairing
provides a means for making
two copies of a double helix
Histones = core of
DNA winds around octamer
of histones
DNA held in place by
another histone (H1) – a
group of proteins
Histone packaging reduces
~ 4cm DNA to ~ 0.67 cm
Higher Level Packaging
- Nucleosomes packed further together
- Structures are proposed
- Final level of structure
= chromosome
seen during cell division
1)Circular Chromosomal DNA
2)Formation of looped chromosomal DNA with associated proteins (has looped domains)
3)Supercoiled and looped DNA