Parrot CIS 2 Flashcards
What did the First Lady have?
Some kind of hypothyroidism
Differential for First Lady
- Hashimotos
- multinodular goiter
- neoplasm
- thyroid adenoma
- iodine deficiency
- diet high in goitrogens
What labs should we order for First Lady?
- TSH, CBC, FT4, CMP, TPO, TGB abs,
- discussion about checking urine?… Can screen urine for iodine
- rads: sono at minimum
On a radioactive iodine screen, is cold good or back?
Cold is bad
Hot is good
Is RAI uptake scan useful for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis?
What complication can come from a thyroidectomy?
Don’t bag the recurrent laryngeal nerve!
Second case: lady that lives alone, seems like she’s a little high strung…. Differential?
- Graves disease
- toxic multinodular goiter
- thyroiditis
- stress
- pheochromocytoma
- afib
- toxic follicular adenoma
The lady also had pretibial myxedema and proptosis and a lot of things having to do with hyperthyroidism…. What stays on our differential dx?
- pheochromocytoma (prob can exclude based on vitals)
- can’t really rule out a lot of the heart or thyroid things because we don’t have a TSH or EKG
What labs should we get?
- serum metanephrines
- FT4
- ultrasound
Normal range for Ft4?
Normal range for TSH
Normal for TSI
Not present
What will Graves’ disease look like on ultrasound
Diffusely enlarged
Case 3, 45 y/o Native American male…. He had a tender to palpation thyroid nodule and had a bad viral cold for a couple of weeks… DDx?
- dequervains
- remember that this is transient and we don’t really do anything for it
Labs for this guy?
-CRP would be high