Newman CIS Flashcards
Baby girl has dry mucous membranes, had an episode of vomiting, and appears uncomfortable…. What enzyme is deficient?
21 hydroxylase
- you see virilization especially in girls
- this is why you really need to look at the genitals in a nursery
What do you do for the baby? What is going on?
- adrenal crisis
- so treat that first with…… Hydrocortisone!.. You can’t deal with any kind of stress without cortisol
- fluids and steroids
What labs will the baby have?
- high K+
- low sodium… Due to low secretion of aldosterone
- along with the K+ you keep acid…. Acidosis (metabolic)
- BUN is high
- glucose is low because of the decrease in cortisol!
What do you order to confirm the diagnosis of CAH 21 hydroxylase deficiency?
17-OH progesterone level see
-that will build up because 21 usually breaks that down
What was in red on the primary adrenal insufficiency (Addison disease)?
- result in decreased production of mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, and adrenal androgens, despite an increased concentration of ACTH***
- decrease in everything that the cortex makes
What is the most common cause of Addison disease in the US?
80% autoimmune***
- in the world, it’s TB infection
- the X-linked recessive disorder of long chain FA metabolism (adrenaluekodystrophy and adrenomyeloneuropathy)…. The neuro deterioration may mimic multiple sclerosis
- Bilateral adrenal hemorrhage:: Waterhouse Fredericson syndrome
Adrenal dysgenesis … What was in red on that?
-familial glucose iconic deficiency (autosomal recessive)
What is familial glucocorticoid deficiency
- isolated cortisol deficiency
- ACTH resistance due to mutations in the adrenal ACTH receptors…. Increased ACTH causes skin pigmentation (alpha-MSH is excreted along with ACTH)
- autosomal recessive
- 21 deficiency is the most common
- deficiency of aldosterone(salt wasting)
- deficiency of cortisol
- excessive androgens (virilization of females)
What will femal infants with 21 deficiency have?
Virilization genitalia
Why do ppl who have adrenal insufficiency crave salt?
-because they keep losing all of it!
Lab findings in primary adrenal insufficiency
- low Na+
- high serum K
- fasting hypoglycemia
- hypercalcemia may be present
- low 8AM plasma cortisol accompanied by simultaneous significant elevation of the plasma ACTH
What is the confirmatory test for primary adrenal insufficiency?
Cosyntropin (synthetic ACTH) stimulation test
What is required for a diagnosis of 21-hydroxylase deficiency?
Elevated serum levels of 17-OH progesterone are required for diagnosis
Tx of primary adrenal insufficiency
- glucocorticoid replacement therapy: hydrocortisone, prednisone, prednisolone
- mineralocorticoid replacement therapy: fluorocarbons one