Parliament - The Legislative Process Flashcards
What is the Salisbury Convention 1945-51?
Agreement between the Lords and Commons - if the legislation is in the government’s manifesto, then the Lords will not block it on the 2nd or 3rd reading.
- What is the Green Paper?
vague and primarily consultative document encouraging discussion and debate on legislation.
- What happens after the Green Paper?
Parliament will consult citizens and public bodies most affected by the legislation - a White Paper is issued which is a more concrete policy proposal list, often including a draft Bill.
- What is the First Reading?
the Bill is read to the Commons
- What is the Second Reading?
the MPs have a debate on the Bill and then vote against or for the Bill.
- What happens after the Bill gets approval in the Second Reading?
This is the Public Bill Committee Stage where one of the temporary committees in Parliament take a closer look at the proposed Bill - Chairman can decide which amendments to discuss, then the committee votes.
- Report Stage?
the Commons can suggest amendments to the Bill
- Final stage in the Commons?
Third Reading –> little debate, another vote on the Bill. If it is successful, it will move onto the House of Lords where the process is repeated.
Pingponging = Lords decided on change? Sent back to the Commons. Commons make alterations? Sent back to the Lords.
What if the Commons give the Bill a majority vote - what happens then?
It moves on to the Lords for a similar process.
What happens if the Lords want to amend the Bill?
They send the bill back to the proposed amendments back to the Commons.
What is the name for the process when the Bill keeps being passed back and forwards between the Commons and Lords?
… And if both Houses agree to pass the Bill?
it MUST receive Royal Assent, when this is done, and it almost certainly is, then the Bill becomes an Act of Parliament.
… But what if they cannot come to an agreement?
If the Houses cannot come to an agreement, then they will ping-pong the bill back and forth until a desired outcome is achieved.
What are Public Bills?
They are presented by the government and have a really good chance of achieving royal assent! This is because the government often has a majority in the Commons.
Backbenchers can also introduce Bills, these are called Private Members Bills PMBs. These have little chance into becoming law but raise awareness on certain issues. The PMB’s that receive royal assent is shocking – only 6%.
Some argue that Parliament ‘rubber-stamps’ the government by simply doing whatever it wants –> other agree that the government has a mandate to pass legislation and Parliament does not have the right to get in the way.
Successful examples of Private Members Bills!
Abortion Act 1967
Sunbeds Regulations Act 2010 - banned the use of commercial tanning equipment by under 18s.
Unsuccessful examples of Private Members Bills!
2016-2017 –> only 8/23 PMBs were successful in comparison to the 25/28 Government Bills.
They are rarely given time to pass through all stages.
Phillip Hollobone PMB calling for a ban on the burka in 2010.
Allocation of Parliamentary time -
Commons - 170 days in a year.
government bills take up 1/3 of the Commons time. PMBs take up less than 5%. Much time is given to scrutinising the government.
A PMB that became a LAW
The Homelessness Reduction Act 2018, introduced by a backbench MP, which requires local councils to provide more support for people threatened with homelesses.
What does the House of Lords Reform Act 2014 do?
What kind of Bill was it?
It was a PMB
It made it possible for members of the Lords to resign or retire as well as providing a mechanism for the expulsion of peers from the Lords because of criminal activity or non-attendance.
Consequently, old or lazy members can be replaced with newer members.