Parkinson's Disease: Eval and Intervention Flashcards
Evaluation for Pakinson’s disease includes
Interview for info on how symptoms such as rigidity, bradykinesia, tremors, and postural instability impair
areas of occupational performance.
Assessment of occupations or preferred activities that have been altered or eliminated.
Clients with PD may experience ____ during the day; symptoms tend to increase just before the next medication dose.
fluctuating energy levels
Evaluating a person with PD at only one time of day may not provide an accurate picture of ____
strengths and deficits.
Best form of cuing for clients with PD
Single auditory cue can help the person produce quicker and smoother movements. The
rhythm of counting out loud and singing also helps clients fine-tune movements (Forwell et al.,
2008, p. 1093). Active music therapy can enhance motor skills (specifically bradykinesia), emo-
tional health, ADL performance, and quality of life
Give two strategies for helping clients with PD fine-tune movements
Have them count out loud or sing
What strategies are beneficial for clients with PD in managing freezing?
voiding crowds, tight spaces, and turns or
corners; reducing distractions and avoiding multitasking; eliminating clutter in pathways; and
avoiding rushing to answer the phone or door.
Mealtime strategies for clients with P.D
Encourage the client to modify meals for smaller portions, remove distractions, eat more slowly,
and use adaptive equipment such as built-up or weighted utensils, cups with lids, plate guards,
and nonslip surfaces.
Instruct the client to work on self-care activities as close to the ___ as possible and, when appropriate, with upper-extremity support on a table.
Using proximal muscles can help stabilize
distal joints and muscles, which may reduce ____ .
Using a ____ can help clients with P.D become more aware of facial expressions
When addressing communication in clients with P.D instruct the client in ___, ____, and _____ ; advise the family to phrase questions in a way that elicits
articulation, speech volume, and breaking up sentences
Shorter responses
Educate the client with P.D to engage in sex after ____ and _____ and when symptoms are best ______
b. Screen for depression if passivity, lack of interest, or general apathy is a factor
resting and voiding bowel and bladder
controlled with medications.
Screen for ____ in clients with P.D if passivity, lack of interest, or general apathy is a factor
What modality is best to address rigidity and associated pain in clients with P.D? .
a. Use moist heat, (Cooper, 2007,
p. 477).
b. (Cooper, 2007, p.
477). Advise the client on a wearing schedule and skin integrity checks to prevent breakdown.
c. Help the client advocate for better control over the environment; family or coworkers may prefer
a cool home or work environment, but colder temperatures increase muscle stiffness
Moist heat.
What type of stretching is best for clients with P.D
stretching, and gentle ROM.
The masklike facial expression of people with PD
makes it imperative to
diligently monitor pain during all exercise and stretching
For clients with contractures, an _____ splint or a dynamic or static progressive splint gives a low-intensity stretch against the contraction of the antagonist muscles
A job that _____ requires minimal ____is a better fit for a person with PD over the long term.
b. Encourage clients to take rest periods and stretch.
c. Advise clients on streamlining the workload to perform difficult tasks when medication is at
optimal effect
verbal communication
Jobs to be avoided are those that require _________, and entail high stress levels.
extensive gross motor movements