Parathyroid Hormone, Calcium Regulation Flashcards
Calcium in plasma
- total Ca: 9-10.6 mg/dl
- ionized Ca2+: 4.5-5.2 mg/dl (-50%)= the tightly regulated portion (like PTH)
- total Ca is typically measured
- Acidosis: blocks Ca2+ binding to albumin and increases free ionized Ca
- there is 1 kg Ca in body; 99% in skeleton, 1% in the ECF and muscles, 0.1% resides in the plasma, half of which is ionized
- when albumen is higher than normal, a high total Ca may be a false positive for hypercalcemia as the ionized portion may be perfectly normal. A correction factor is commonly applied to correct for these effects
- also under acidic (acidemia) conditions, albumen in plasma can bind less Ca2+ leading to a true increase in ionized Ca
High Calcium
- greater than 12 mg/dl
- fatigue, apathy, anorexia, delirium, coma
- headache, intracranial pressure, muscle weakness
- high Ca2+ increases membrane polarization and reduced neural responses
- bradycardia: short Q-T interval
- polydipsia, polyuria, hypertension, calculi
- Ca2+ can be high in hyperparathyroidism
- an exception is for people with familial hypercalcemic hypocalcuria (FHH) where the Ca2+ is normally high without any symptoms
Low Calcium
- less than 7 mg/dl
- learning retardation, apnea (children)
- tetany (spasms, seizures, numbness, muscle cramps)
- low Ca2+ reduced membrane polarization and increases hypersensitivity
- Long QT interval; cardiac output reduced
- Ca/PO4 defiency leads to weak bone development (rickets or osteomalacia)
- can be due to several primary and secondary causes (poor diet, malabsorption in the intestine, during lactation)
Calcium Economy
- 3 organ systems: the digestive system (small intestines particularly), where calcium enters the system, the kidneys (renal tubules) and the bone (skeleton)
- over 80% of the ingested daily calcium is excreted into the feces
- the enormous role of the kidneys is in filtering 10X the average daily intake and recapturing all but about 175 mg or so
- the role of bone as a repositiory and buffer of calcium is an active one with a daily turnover under normal conditions of about 280 mg in adults
- if dietary intake of calcium is low the kidneys can compensate by increasing re-absorption of filtered Ca2+. In the long run, however (or when the kidneys aren’t functioning well) the bone reservoir will bear the brunt by increasing bone resorption causing loss of bone mass and density and in more extreme osteoporosis
- normal calcium homeostasis revolve around parathyroid hormone (PTH) and vitamin D, in addition we can list phosphate as well as the binding of PO4 to calcium will reduce the ionized calcium level and tends to buffer the calcium concentration
- produced by the thyroid gland and apparently has a stronger role in early development
- it is a potent inhibitor of bone resorption and salmon derived calcitonin was previously used as a treatment for osteoporosis
- its role in adult bone remodeling and Ca homeostasis remains unclear
PTH Parathyroid Hormone
- peptide hormone secreted from parathyroid cells: PTH output high when Ca2+ is low
- target 1: kidney (rapid): increase Ca2+ by increasing re-absorption- distal tubule
- decrease PO4 by reducing re-absorption- proximal tubules
- increase 1,25 (OH)2 D3 (synthesis)
- target 2: bone cells (slow)
- increase osteoclastic resorption via receptors on osteoblasts
- increase Ca2+ and PO4 in ECF and plasma
- increase osteocytic osteolysis (rapid)
PTH secretion
- the release of PTH by the chief cells of the parathyroid glands is stimulated by a reduction of Ca2+ in the extra-cellular fluids and plasma
- the calcium sensing receptors is a G protein coupled receptor with a signaling cascade involving intracellular Ca binding/release from the ER that controls the release and synthesis of PTH
Familial hypercalcemic hypocalcuria (FHH)
- plasma (Ca2+) is stabilized at a high concentration (11.5 mg/dl) in a rare, curious condition
- urine excretion is low and the individuals are otherwise generally healthy and symptom free
- increased tubular re-absorption of Ca
Ca Transport in Kidney
-PTH increases Ca2+ reabsorption by kidney distal tubules into the extracellular fluid and plasma
-60% of daily calcium reabsroption occurs in the proximal tubule (active transport) and 9% in the distal tubule (active transport, controlled by PTH concentration) and the rest is by passive diffusion
-an increase in PTH will recapture more calcium ions to bring up the Ca2+ in the plasma
-if Ca2+ in the plasma becomes too high, then PTH release is reduced below ambient and kidney reabsorption is reduced allowing more Ca to enter the urine
-PO4 reabsorption in the proximal tubule is reduced when plasma PTH is increased.
-The action of PTH on the renal proximal
tubule begins at the basolateral membrane, where the
hormone binds to its receptor. The receptor is coupled,
via a Gs protein, to adenylyl cyclase (Step 1). When
activated, adenylyl cyclase catalyzes the conversion of
ATP to cAMP (Step 2), which activates a series of
protein kinases (Step 3). Activated protein kinases
phosphorylate intracellular proteins (Step 4), leading to
the final physiologic action at the luminal membrane,
inhibition of Na+-phosphate cotransport (Step 5). Inhibition
of Na+-phosphate cotransport results in decreased
phosphate reabsorption and phosphaturia (increased
phosphate excretion)
Vitamin D
- second major player in calcium homeostasis. The concentration of the active form of vitamin D is increased when plasma calcium drops. Its production is stimulated by increased plasma PTH releases through several mechanisms
- the two major targets of vitamin D are the small intestine and the skeleton. In the intestine, active vitamin D increases the transport of both Ca2+ and PO4 from the lumen into the plasma
- in bone, vitamin D primarily activates receptors on the osteoblast which in turn cause the cell to produce signaling molecules that promote the maturation and activation of osteoclasts. The stimulated osteoclasts actively resorb bone, liberating Ca2+ and PO4 from the mineral
- also vitamin D assists the transport of Ca2+ during the reabsorption process in the distal convoluted tubules of the kidney
- finally it tends to reduce the production of PTH in the parathyroid gland, acting as a buffer to the effect of low Ca (negative feedback)
Vitamin D synthesis
- primary source of vitamin D precursors are cholesterol derivatives generated in the skin and are converted by sunlight to cholicalciferol (D3) which migrates into the bloodstream
- cholicalciferol is converted in the liver to 25-OH-cholicaliferal where it can be stored for a while and released slowly. This precursor is not active in the intestine and bone. It is also the molecule that is typically measured in the plasma to indicate the adequacy of vitamin D level
- finally the active form of vitamin D (1-25 dihydroxy vitamin D3) or calcitriol, is formed in the kidney by the action of the enzyme-1-alpha-hydroxylase on the circulating 25-OH-vitamin D3 and is enhanced by the action of PTH. Thus a low Ca2+ would lead to increased PTH and then to more conversion of vitamin D into its active form
- it is noteworthy that there are extra-renal sources of 1-alpha-hydroxylase that can produce some calcitriol too. Redundancy
Calcium- Intestine
-increases active and passive transport of Ca and PO4 into the blood in the small intestine largely by increasing the synthesis of the transporter (calbindin)
- a chronic deficency of vitamin D and/or the dietary deficency of calcium or phosphorus during early development leads to disturbances in developing bone formation
- these disturbances are a result of poor mineralization due to a lack of sufficient calcium and results in weakened and mechanically distorted (bowed) long bones and is also typified by large and abnormal growth plates (epiphyses) on xray. This is nutritional rickets in children
-in adults, a similar problem with mineralization leads to poor bone formed during remodeling and is called osteomalacia
Primary Hyperparathyroidism
- a parathyroid gland nodule (adenoma) was out of control, secreting excess PTH, causing kidneys to increase Ca re-absorption, increasing serum Ca, and excrete more PO4
- high PTH also increases bone resoption liberating even more Ca into the ECF and increasing the alkaline phosphatase, a marker for bone turnover
- urinary Ca2+ excretion is high because the chronically high serum Ca will eventually increase Ca excretion despite the PTH effect
- the treatment is surgical removal of the offending nodule, leaving the 3 normal nodules
Normal response to a simple hypocalcemic challenge
- increase PTH secretion
- increase bone resorption
- decrease phosphate reabsorption
- increase Ca2+ reabsorption
- increase urinary cAMP
- increase Ca2+ absorption (indirect via 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol)
- increase plasma Ca2+ toward normal