Parathyroid, Calcitonin, Calcium, Phosphate, Vit D Flashcards
Normal ECF calcium concentration
9.4 mg/dl
True or false: Calcium is important in blood clotting process
Effect of hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia on nervous system.
Hypercalcemia makes sodium channels more resistant to opening potassium channels making it harder to initiate action potentials
Hypocalcemia makes cells more permeable to sodium, causing excess stimulation
Percentages of phosphate versus calcium in different reservoirs
Bone is largest calcium reservoir (98.9%)
1% Calcium goes to cells, 0.1% in ECF
Bone is also largest phosphate reservoir (85%)
15% in cells and less than 1% in ECF
Forms in which calcium exists in blood.
Complexed to anions
Bound to plasma proteins
Which forms of calcium are diffusable?
Ionized form and the one complexed to anions
Greatest percent of calcium exists in which form?
Ionized (50%)
relative concentrations of calcium in ICF and Intersitial fluid to plasma
1/2 that of total plasma
in ICF and insterstitial fluid it is 1.2mmol, but in plasma it’s about 2.4 since this calcium remains bound to plasma proteins and cannot diffuse
Forms phosphate found in blood
H2PO4- and HPO4(with charge of 2-)
Which form of phosphate found in greater quantity?
HPO4 (with charge of 2-) since body’s pH is slightly basic (7.4)
Compare absorption and secretion of calcium and phosphate by GIT
90% of calcium is lost in feces only 10% is absorbed by GIT
Phosphate on the other hand is easily absorbed and most of it is not lost
Amount of calcium excreted in feces? urine?
90% in feces, 10% in urine
Renal tubules reabsorb how much calcium?
99% of the 10% Calcium lost in urine
Part of kidney where most calcium reabsorption occurs
Glomerular filtrate
Early portion of collecting tubules
Loops of Henle
Proximal tubules
Control of calcium secretion is by
PTH (Parathyroid hormone)